Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • that's what i have, is not working if i click on apply

    start from the beginning. you have the 1.7.0 H3 right? you load a preset with the button "load preset" then "apply", right? after that you start the server?

    if it's all yes, do a test. load the default preset, change just 1 parameter manually and apply, then try. probably the preset is obsolete

  • that's what i have, is not working if i click on apply

    Then this is an issue you've made yourself, check flea/fence blacklist, and individual property changer - check that they don't have quotes or commas, they are not required anymore

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • start from the beginning. you have the 1.7.0 H3 right? you load a preset with the button "load preset" then "apply", right? after that you start the server?

    if it's all yes, do a test. load the default preset, change just 1 parameter manually and apply, then try. probably the preset is obsolete

    yes think new preset is def needed because of the changes

  • I don't know if it's a bug or problem, but here's what happened.

    I set bots to 48/48 on all maps, walked on shoreline (I have a quest to kill 10 PMC's with a scav vest ) I only saw scavs, but no PMC's

    in previous version I had a similar problem. on woods (map) it was ALL EMPTY and bots (PMC and scavs) spawned after 5-10 minutes.

    any suggestions?

  • PMC section > Force PMC waves, that did work for me, idk why they don't work by default even tho they have 35% to spawn.
    For more PMC - use converter with higher values as well.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Nope, only PMC

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • one little "problem"

    Force PMC waves function disabled scavs to spawn. it spawns ONLY PMC's

    Huh, I'll need to look for that albeit I'll be questioning AKI's decision on handling it that way. Thanks for info

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Not sure if it's a bug, but the random containers always spawn, everywhere. Instead of zero or one in a given area, I'll see 3 weapon a boxes side-by-side and then three more, etc. In the tech loot area above D3, there were about 12 tool boxes.

    No dynamic loot is spawning at all, only the containers with seeming 100% rate.

    Under the "Loot" section I do not have the "disable random containers" option checked, and I have Dynamic Loot rates all set to 1.0. The dynamic loot rates were much higher by default (some as high as 4 or so). The 100% container spawning and the lack of dynamic loot items remains unchanged whether at 1.0 or the higher default.

    Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, but it seems weird to me.

  • Not sure if it's a bug, but the random containers always spawn, everywhere. Instead of zero or one in a given area, I'll see 3 weapon a boxes side-by-side and then three more, etc. In the tech loot area above D3, there were about 12 tool boxes.

    No dynamic loot is spawning at all, only the containers with seeming 100% rate.

    Under the "Loot" section I do not have the "disable random containers" option checked, and I have Dynamic Loot rates all set to 1.0. The dynamic loot rates were much higher by default (some as high as 4 or so). The 100% container spawning and the lack of dynamic loot items remains unchanged whether at 1.0 or the higher default.

    Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, but it seems weird to me.

    Disable random containers is quite a new feature made by AKI, I haven't tested myself much, and I did notice it extra weapon boxes on my factory runs as well.
    Point is - I can't really tell how of many containers spawns in live to understand much of a difference, but I won't be surprised if that option just set them up to 100%.
    Speaking of multipliers - Intended, those are default AKI values now, why you may ask? No clue, in certain maps those are understandable, usual Factory dynamic list is 3/6 items on location, on others, haven't looked, but might be a similar story.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • one little "problem"

    Force PMC waves function disabled scavs to spawn. it spawns ONLY PMC's

    Unfortunately - can't reproduce, got 5 PMC and around 20 SCAVs in Day Factory.
    I'll keep looking for that function tho, along with converter since it was also reported faulty.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Well, my health parameters do not change, I don’t know why this is connected. I set 100 units of health and 10 for each part of the body, the parameters in the game are the same as on the off-client

    I just hope you restarted the game AND server after you applied those, there were no changes in the code related to health since its implementation.
    Otherwise - there is a different error you haven't noticed that disabled SVM, or you have another mod that also tinkers with health.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • I just hope you restarted the game AND server after you applied those, there were no changes in the code related to health since its implementation.
    Otherwise - there is a different error you haven't noticed that disabled SVM, or you have another mod that also tinkers with health.

    Yes, there is a Fontaine Realism mod, it previously had no effect on changing the parameters of health points. I’ll try to demolish the Realism mod and if it has an effect, I’ll look at which of the parameters the mod does not allow to change health points.

  • Hi, if I set 0 hours in insurance tab, it doesn't work. Is it a bug or a limitation of the game?

    Limitation of the game, or better say `never intended to be less than a hour`.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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