Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • Hello, apologies for the potential stupid question. I've tried to fix this on my own following the instructions as closely as possible and yet knowing me there's still a big possibility I'm just being dumb here.

    I just updated SPT to the newest version, as well as making sure Tarkov itself has been updated. After making sure my mods are up to date, to which I only use 4 counting this one, I received the following error in the Server AKI:

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'min')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'min')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (C:\Users\My Name\Desktop\SPT\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:422:31)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'min')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'min')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (C:\Users\My Name\Desktop\SPT\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:422:31)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    At first I thought the issue to be my preset, maybe I broke something while updating everything. So I took pictures of the setting values and remade my entire preset from scratch. The issue was still present.

    I figured I'd try the pre-made presets that come with the mod to see if the issue is still present and that's where I found something odd. The same error prints out when I load GhostFennixx's preset and FireHawk's preset...but NOT Oraceon's preset. Loading that preset, or just using the SVM Default, results in the game booting up as normal.

    The only other mods I use are Clear Thermals, Lock Picking Attorney vendor, and Amanda's Graphics (which is installed properly in the main folder and not the mod folder as that mod instructs).

    My conclusion is that I'm simply messing something up, or some setting(s) that was in my preset and is also in GhostFennixx's and FireHawk's presets are no longer acceptable in the newest version of SPT as Oraceon's preset still works. But for the life of me I can't figure out what's causing the other presets to break even after fiddling with the settings seeing if I can find the one that's causing the issue.

    Again, apologies if this is something that is the result of me just being dumb.

    EDIT: Well I'm sorry to say that I was mistaken, Oraceon's preset doesn't seem to work either. The first two presets cause the before mentioned error preventing the game from even starting, but as Oraceon's didn't give any errors I just assumed it worked. I just attempted to load up SPT using Oraceon's and while the game does launch, it gets stuck in an infinite loading screen before I even get to the main menu.

    Also I apologize, I just noticed this area for a support thread. I initially posted this in the comment section, moving this over here now.

  • Disable Fleamarket section, i've mentioned that in comment section that Flea, Bots and Bots loadouts causing issues on 3.7.0

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hm, then sorry, i don't know how to help you. Maybe it's a mod or an older mod.

    Try this: go to SPTFolder/user and delete the cache folder. it will be restored at the start of the server.

    still no luck.

    this quest doesn't lead to anywhere interesting, but it's just out of curiosity, can I manually restart the quest?

    it's obviously bugged, because I imported my 3.6.1 profile

  • still no luck.

    this quest doesn't lead to anywhere interesting, but it's just out of curiosity, can I manually restart the quest?

    it's obviously bugged, because I imported my 3.6.1 profile

    for restart a quest you have to "delete" it from your profile. you have to do it manually. open your profile, go looking for quests with notepad++ and when you found the quest (check the id of the quest online) delete the code. i'll post and exemple here

    "Quests": [


    "qid": "5936d90786f7742b1420ba5b",

    "startTime": 1697270777,

    "status": 2,

    "statusTimers": {

    "2": 1697270777


    "completedConditions": [



    "availableAfter": 0



    "qid": "VCQM_11",

    "startTime": 1697270779,

    "status": 2,

    "statusTimers": {

    "2": 1697270779


    "completedConditions": [],

    "availableAfter": 0


    this is and extract from my profile. if i want remove the first quest, i have to remove from { to }, of the first quest as the result the code will become like this

    "Quests": [


    "qid": "VCQM_11",

    "startTime": 1697270779,

    "status": 2,

    "statusTimers": {

    "2": 1697270779


    "completedConditions": [],

    "availableAfter": 0


    before the modify, copy in another folder your profile because if you do a bad movement you have to wipe the account

  • still no luck.

    this quest doesn't lead to anywhere interesting, but it's just out of curiosity, can I manually restart the quest?

    it's obviously bugged, because I imported my 3.6.1 profile

    Or just use Profile editor
    Why are you even discussing it here? It has nothing to do with SVM anyway >_>

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hello, Can you help me to solve this problem ||

    I already updated both of them to the latest version.

    Given the fact that new version is coming soon - i'd follow vampucio suggestion, wait for update.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • I've done a preset for 1.7.0, is practically "Fair and balanced preset" but with some modification, now you have a little big stash each lvl and some change at quests. if someone want try it it's here. extract the file in "presets" folder. remember to load and APPLY. remember APPLY. if you have problems, pls tell me. this is my first preset and honestly all the credits goes to Oraceon

    i forgot. in my mod, prapor insurance and therapist are inverted so prapor cost more and has high change, therapist opposite. The time of the insurance is drastically reduced. 0-1 hour for therapist, and 1-2 hours for prapor and security cases are bigger. alpha is like gamma live and kappa is huge

    EDIT: removed

    The_Katto i have a problem with "change individual item property" have you change something? every change i do result in a crash

    this is my custom value





    and this is the error

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (C:\Games\Tarkov\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:1359:25)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:65:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:25:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:39:26)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (C:\Games\Tarkov\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:1359:25)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:65:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:25:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:39:26)

    Edited 7 times, last by vampucio ().

  • Reupload of my custom preset. I've done a preset for 1.7.0, is practically "Fair and balanced preset" but with some modification.

    - Removed almost any restriction in raid, every level stash is bigger, from 50 for level 1 to 100 for level 4.

    - In the hideout everything is faster but the fuel usage is increase.

    - You can store 10 bitcoins now in your farm

    - In raids now you can exit from coop extracts paid 7500 (can be reduced with fence rep)
    - From cars you extract in 20 second but the price si now 5500 (can be reduced with fence rep)
    - More exp if you survive in a raid, less if you die

    - Insurance is a bit different now.
    - Prapor price is 25% but the stuff return chance is 85% and the return time is from 1 to 2 hours
    - Therapist price is 16% but the stuff return chance is 75% and the return time is from 0 to 1 hour

    - Tuned quests. Now you have only 2 daily quests but 3 weekly (we are offline we can avoid daily farm)
    - Secure containers are bigger Alpha 3x3 (like EOD), Beta 3x4, Epsilon 3x5, Gamma 4x5, Kappa 5x5

    Other stuff is untouched for compatibility with many mods (i play with realism).

    If you have problems tell me and thx to Oraceon for the original preset

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