Posts by noxxid3

    Yeh the standard raiders on labs should still work, the extra waves option is just that, extra. I made some progress, I just did 3 scav raids without being targeted, had to start a new profile though, are you trying to make it work with an existing profile or a new one? Try starting a fresh profile see if that helps. I'll test a bit more later and if all's well I'll send you the configs.

    Yeah started a new one, that was the issue what you mention before. That fixed it. I have two, one old one used as testing now and new one that is vanilla and progressing. I wish there was CO-OP to get those Ghost recon vibes as that would be amazing without the sweaty online parts. (i know they dont want any COOP aspect). But yeah all that said fixed it thanks :D, i just have some glitches with the quests, some are showing up even when i didnt complete them lol.

    I've not tested labs yet, but I have been playing with the configs to try and iron out the gremlins, I'll have to do some more testing tomorrow but if it works I'll upload my configs for you. I'm just too tired to hit it now, been a long day.

    Fin said to go to the extra waves tab in the config and set radiers waves to zero, and glukar waves to 0 and that should reset it to vanilla, not sure if that includes the max and min values.

    I think Fin's AI comes with ALL PMC are BEAR enabled. Open the Config editor in the latest version and on the Spawns Tab it's the top middle option, both should be set to false.

    You may be thinking the Raiders are USEC without Dogtags, check if you have raider waves enabled on the Extra Waves column on same page as above.

    Yeah that was it, i missunderstood what it meant. Ah so his mod adds raiders to factory and what not. I just dont want raiders in factory only on where they actually are like reserves and labs.

    I changed the raider wave size to zero, and have the standard gluhar raider waves set at its default. i hope it doesnt affect labs in anyway, im guessing it affects where they are spawned on maps that dont usually have them.

    I too am having spawn issues with PMC's now, no longer are on factory when testing.

    Yeah i dont think pmc's are spawning for me, i have very aggressive scavs instead it seems like. The ones that i have been killing that has pretty high tier loot are scavs and i dont see any tags. Maybe i need to bump up the pmc numbers.

    Ill try that fix_scav timer, i did increase it back to its normal settings so i could get that vanilla feel, so im going to try the game now. Here's my config

    B&B config.txt

    B&B config.txtFIN.txt

    When playing as a scav im immediately targeted by other scav AI and they shoot on site. I dont harm, or shoot any scav, they just instantly shoot/kill me if im close, they arent Boss scavs/boss guards. Literally every single scav will shoot on sight when playing as a scav

    Ah thanks that helped, i see the values, yeah they're set high like to 750 which i wanted a vanilla exerience so i set it back down to the normal. Also, does your mod mess with scav runs? I havent killed any scavs and im being hunted by them. Not sure if its yours or if its ereshkigal configurator, or bread and butter.

    Is that just normal part of aki for scavs to hunt you during a scav run?

    When you say 75, what exactly do you mean? -Did you put '75' into one of the config options? If so, that, ah.. Would have given them 75x their normal health.

    And I'm afraid I don't know exactly what the post-raid screen considers to be 'damage dealt'. I know it counts things like fragmentations as extra hits, and other strange things, however, so it can at times be misleading.

    I gave the scav 75 damage lol, no worries i should of worded it better.

    Both vanilla AKI and my mod buff PMC health, but other bots are left alone. Check the "Healing" section of the config (Difficulty tab) for options related to that.

    Tried it, and gave 75 to a scav, swear i hit him all in the face. Does the SP show ammo delt to armor?

    Both vanilla AKI and my mod buff PMC health, but other bots are left alone. Check the "Healing" section of the config (Difficulty tab) for options related to that.

    I have it set to one, ill see if that will help. It was a regular scav from my knowledge. I do have Ereshkigal aki configurator installed as well, but not sure if that does change the health of the pmcbots.

    Not sure where to post this, but in general bot health is insane. I literally dumped 22 rounds into one just for them to one shot me, they took 727 damage no armor. Not sure if its a bug or part of your mod. not sure why it would tank 727 damage without dying