Posts by Fin

    Fin added a new file:


    Sooo wait - if i'm only level 27, this mod will reduce all my skills to just 27??

    If that is what it does [i'm gonna check your code out after this last raid] then how about trying to do a true balancing. On EFT i was lvl 32 and some of my skills were higher than 32 and some were lower. I think using that information we can [or you can if you wanna take my suggestion{and do it alone - i wouldn't mind having a coding buddy to work together with}] then simply look at all the images of people's skills that you can find [using google, bing, other search engines etc] and get the [math's mean-number] of what gets upgraded higher than others the most and what the slowest one is etc.

    This way if you hypothetically make a new character and make him lvl 60 then he will have adequate skills to go off of.

    I've added new config options that allow every individual skill to be assigned its own scaling value. This isn't quite the same thing, as you'd have to decide for yourself what should level faster than what, but in principle it should allow you to set up what you're looking for.

    Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.1.0 for AKI 2.1.X

    • Expanded the config options to allow multipliers to be set individually for all skills
      • This stacks multiplicatively with the config's overall multiplier

    While most of these things are possible, FAIT's spawning UI is already more cramped and confusing than I'd prefer it to be, so something like this is better suited to being its own mod.

    That said, all of these things save the configurable distance are more or less doable via FAIT's advanced spawn config, though you'd have to set it up to your preference on each individual map.

    Fin added a new version:


    Added a config file to control exactly when this mod will run.

    The options are "Always", and a oneshot toggle.

    Fin added a new file:


    This mod is intended to make removing mods a little easier. When you remove a mod, if you still have any of the mod's items in your inventory you'll experience inventory errors. This mod will automatically remove any mod-added items from your inventory and weapon presets when you remove their parent mod.

    Please note, there is no way to restore these removed items unless you've backed up your profile, so be careful when temporarily removing item-adding mods, as even a temporary removal would delete their items from your inventory and presets.

    Fin added a new file:


    I'd write more of a description, but that pretty much says it all.

    You can change the multiplier in the config if you want to speed things up or slow them down. A multiplier of 2 will set all your skills to 2x your PMC's level. Decimals are fine too.

    This does not affect weapon mastering.

    That looks like there's a bad item being added. -Try removing all mods except FAIT. If the error continues to occur, then it's a FAIT problem, and you'll need to do the thing I've put in the spoiler below. If the error doesn't occur, however, then you'll need to figure out which mod it's not playing nicely with through trial and error. You can still do the thing in the spoiler below, but I may not be able to do much with it if it's due to a mod conflict.

    Fin added a new file:


    Fin added a new file:


    This mod should respect insurance. However, it will also restore your secure container's contents to the way it was when you first entered the raid. In all other inventory-related respects, however, this should be identical to having been killed in a raid.

    Fin added a new version:


    Ok, I understand what you're trying to do now, and the problem seems to be the default values have a very low minimum value, especially in the case of scavs. The way your logic works is that final durability can be very low:

    The problem is even worse when progressive gear is enabled - almost everyone ends up with weapons in single digit durabilities. So I guess this goes back to the default configuration isn't great.

    That's correct, when using progressive gear AI loadouts improve with the player level, so scav weapons will start with ~6% current durability and ~20% maximum, and by the time you're level 20 scav weapons will be around 32 current durability and 50 maximum, with raiders and PMCs gaining durability significantly faster.

    Fin added a new file:


    That's working as intended. The first time it runs it reduces maximum durability, the second time it runs it reduces current durability, and is why there are two durability settings in the gear tab.

    Hello, i've been using this mod and i wanted to ask if there are some better settings for killa / ai in general. I use 2.1.0 spt-aki.

    Killa is like a machine, i can't even see him and get absolutely beamed across the world. I wanted to ask if there's something wrong with my settings or if killa got updated and buffed this much.

    I used to play EFT live and almost finished the 100 killa kills, but i don't remember him being like this, at all.

    Can anyone help me out? Perhaps there are some settings i can tweak so i can make ai match live?

    I also replied to this in the main comments thread, but I'll add it in here too just for clarify's sake : )

    Unfortunately, FAIT doesn't make any boss-specific changes at the moment, and by default they're left completely unmodified. You could add bosses to the low, mid or high tier AI lists if you wanted to give them the same AI as the other bots on that list, but there's currently no way to alter individual bosses (Except, I suppose, making them the only bot in one of those lists).

    Fin added a new version:


    Compatibility update for AKI 2.1.X