Posts by jd_00

    Not an error, however it might be related to your max bot cap and AI amount settings you did.

    i redid my saved settings preset and went easier on the number of bot spawns and things are currently running smoothly.

    chalk this one up to good 'ole user error. lmao :D:D

    any idea what might be causing this? i have the bots and bots loadout options turned off.

    bots (in factory for example) spawns in continuous massive waves causing lags and stuff (game crash on bigger maps). Imma use the default SVM profile and see if this happens still. :/

    on my end, im getting an absurd amount of Client request to generate bots. then tarkov exe ram usage balloons to 8+ gb ram usage and the game dies. lmao imma do some tinkering and see what happens.

    Edit: looks like it has something to do with the SVM mod. i may have cranked the bot spawns too much + 100% boss spawn chance. lmao

    Upon further shenanigans, seems that the thorax armor zone is now called chest. to any future user, just change the armor zones in the mod.js to something like this in the image.

    I tried adding other armor zones in the mod.js but for whatever reason, when i run the game, it automatically becomes HEAD instead of THORAX. I also tried just adding whatever like LEFTARM but in game, it also becomes HEAD. lmao

    bot shoots me in a protected zone of the armor, i die and the armor stays at 100% durability.

    maaan this game hates me. lmao

    also in game the slick dont protect the thorax which is where i got shot from and i checked the mod.js file, it says that thorax is protected. am i doing something wrong here?