Your log is full of SAIN mod errors
But even without them on clean install in getting those long loads and stuff.. Dunno :? maybe it's pc related? Previous version 3.5.8 was working everything fine and when i upgraded to 3.6 this thing started./
Your log is full of SAIN mod errors
But even without them on clean install in getting those long loads and stuff.. Dunno :? maybe it's pc related? Previous version 3.5.8 was working everything fine and when i upgraded to 3.6 this thing started./
Your log files look fine, no errors, I'd need to see the logs of when it fails to load.
I did started to play with modded version and now i have error. Dunno if it helps or now it's messed up…2CYwWbCTyPFsXkJqKaGVA5TKw
When i start game it takes like 3-5minutes to load sometimes it just freezes. If i shut game down through task manager i manage to launch it after 3 or 4 attempts and it loads fast.
Sorry if Client log is different. I have only traces or application log
Case closed and solved. Gold medals to Kikirio
I really miss this mod. My pretty much highest rated feature on this is that you can make PMCs talk. Is there any other mod that can do this?
By default all AI talk. Scavs, raiders, bosses, Pmc's.
give us your mod.ts files
I'm using version 3.2.3. It works partially, as I said before, If there is a bot generation error... just put it on the FAIT blacklist on the GEAR tab, and it will work
Dunno what magic are you using but even with Gear changes disabled and Spawns disable it doesnt work for me.
probs u're on older SPT version or you did config smth.
Thanks for the report.
Not all bots have every difficulty defined in the client, very few have impossible. Most only have 'normal'.
I have an idea for a workaround that should force bots to use the difficulty you choose on the pre-raid screen.
Thank you for respond!
I just want to know if it indicates correctly. Like if im putting impossible difficulty if it's correct that it says Normal in console
Someone updated the mod.ts file if you check the mod's page, I think it was in the reviews. Though it doesn't fix the fact AI spawning is broken, because BSG has to update the game for that.
how is it broken?
You mean it's not SPT problem but whole EFT? didnt feel broken spawning on 3.2.1 version
Also on the review comment the link is takened down by CWX by some kind of problem
Is there any new on how updating is going on? should we expect something soon or its no use of waiting?
cant play spt witout FINS AI mod.. its too easy
Any way to fix Bossknight spawning in every raid with 10% chance set?
Now he spawns every raid even tho escort is turned off he spawns with them.
Do you get Bosses spawned?
Dont know. I'm note getting any bosses even tho chances are 100%
"chance":100, ?
Yeah but if i have like 30% chance.
is the config set ok?
I just want to know if i did set it like it has to be so he spawns.
Can anyone give example of how to make BossKnight spawn on customs?
This is mine. In many raids i havent seen him. Maybe i'm doing smth wrong?
"difficulty":"normal, hard",
"random_time_spawn": false
Is progressive gear fixed? before PMC were using good gear on first levels. Like high tear weapons/ armors with max durability.