Posts by tusyok

    Its not a bug, cause in the actual game players your fraction are hostile too, they can choose to be friendly but its never an answer. So i guess spt aki devs decided to make them hostile. But as i remember you can wiggle wiggle and they might team with ya

    The value that sets the percentage of hostile PMC was present even in earlier builds. And it was possible to set the percent of PMC of your own faction that is hostile to you. And it worked as a charm in prior builds.

    Since 3.1.1. this setting is not working. That is why I hope this will be recognized as a bug and will be fixed someday. Or, at least devs will take a glance at this issue, as it worked in previous builds of SPT.

    I have reported this issue in 3.1.1 here: PMC of my faction are hostile to me
    The issue still persists in 3.2.0.

    It is easy to reproduce:

    1) USEC outfit can be set in configs/usec, with 100 chance, so that bot of this faction will be recognizable to avoid friendly fire

    2) Load any map, preferably Factory (close quaters+quick encounter time)

    3) ....profit.

    Things tried:
    1) Tweaking configs/bot.json.

    "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent": 0,

    2) Tweaking value "Rules" in \Server\database\locations\mapname\base.json

    to "Rules": "Normal" (default is "AvoidAllPMC", which means skirmish if I'm not mistaken)

    3) disabling all mods, reinstalling anew, and installing to another machine.

    The issue still persists after trying all of those.

    I will be very grateful for any suggestions since this issue is reoccurring again in the newest build.

    Thank you.

    I've not seen any issue reports for PMCs of same side always being hostile, no.

    I'm afraid that I'm reporting it now. I checked this a lot of times....
    There is a setting "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent": 50, in bots.json (....\Aki_Data\Server\configs)

    Even setting the value to "0" does not take any effect - therefore it does not work.

    I have tried clean reinstalling and installing on another machine.

    This issue is easy to reproduce.
    I assume it is caused by changing bot behavior to "exusec".

    I will be really grateful if you could take a glance at it, if possible.

    After 3.1.1 I noticed that the PMC of my own faction are hostile to me, even without mods, and despite I have changed "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent": 0, in bots.json, but PMC are still hostile.

    When using SVM I set "hostility to own faction", to 0. Same result.

    Is this a known issue? Thank you for any information or suggestions.

    I will be grateful for any suggestions.

    I'm using FAIT alongside with SVM (which has settings for PMC hostility, so PMC of my own faction won't shoot at me), however, despite the settings I'm using, both USEC and BEAR are attacking me, here is my config.json file.

    I just want my PMC faction not to shoot me on sight
    Thanks in advance for all the suggestions.