Posts by Breezy2G

    How long do you wait? Cause I know my game loads for a while on this screen and you can watch the server load up various files and after about 3-5 minutes it finally gets into the game.

    EDIT: I timed it to see how long it took from starting the server/clicking start game (in the launcher) and into the main screen, total time waited was 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Not sure if helps or not but maybe wait a little longer and your game will load.

    any mod made for 2.2.x should work with 2.2.3 unless otherwise stated on the mods page, im currently using Luas spawn rework to make it so only PMCs spawn on Customs, and set so that USEC PMCs will not shoot me or other USEC PMCs, have managed to get 50 PMCs on Customs at one time, its crazy and only get about 60-70FPS but its hella fun having PMC wars.

    Interesting, I will look at some more mods then. I figured once on a newer launcher/etc it would be void. That PMC war does sound like a lot of fun, definitely going to look at that mod. Appreciate the feedback :)

    Best thing you can do from my point of view is to change the AI count in raid settings to a higher level, or use a mod like Zicoman's ai configuration to make more bots spawn at the start, though that mod changes the behavior too.

    I appreciate the information, I will have to look at that mod once it is updated to 2.2.3, but after some testing, it seems that bots are on a wave generation IE kill 4 and 4-6 more spawn randomly from USEC/BEAR to Scav VS a set number of bots per map/location/area of interest. I will have to look in the JSON files a little more and see if I can't tweak it. Overall the vanilla settings aren't bad for 16909 it just takes some getting used to.

    I start the server, and successful starts, then i open the aki-laucher and when i try to launch the game it start for a second and closes without any message.

    i try deleting all the files and do the installation again and i get the same result.

    Did you do a fresh install after deleting? I had that issue and had to copy my EFT (live) over to a new folder then the SPT into it. Seems theres a hiccup when updating the client.

    EDIT: I have tried both vanilla SPT and modded and it seems to be the same on both for bot generation.

    So I just updated from SPT 16584 to 16909 last night, upon entering a factory raid (day) to do some warm up raids/quests. I noticed that bots are not generating as much. When I was on 16584 they would spawn at the start (More PMCs) and now its generating 4-6 scavs and maybe 2 PMCs every couple of minutes. I have stayed in a raid till roughly 8 minutes and it had generated more bots, but noticeably less PMCs overall. Is this normal for 16909 or is there something in the code that needs to be fixed? Any help/suggestions would be appreciated! :)

    I had this also, to resolve I used 7zip to extract the SPT-AKI archive, then pasted it into my chosen copy of the install.

    In hindsight it was probably windows defender blocking one of the extracted files whilst it was in temp, I didn't check but worth exploring.

    Just curious, have you run into very little bots generating on factory/etc? Seems like after this update to 16909 that it only spawns in 4 or so at a time vs before it was all-out war at the start of each raid.

    EDIT: Seems that it is working now, only generating around 4-6 bots (on factory) at a time and frames are much better. Could be that I switched to an M2 drive vs SSD but "backend" seems smoother.

    I am having the same issue, looking into the DLL file. Will update if I can figure it out.

    UPDATE: So I have got my version to work with the latest SPT AKI, I went ahead and cleaned my windows temp files just in case. But what seemed to work for me is to not use windows extract tool but used 9zip instead, open the file in 9zip, click all and extract to your SPT location, click start and it should work. If you need anymore help let me know.

    Hi there, so I had this issue this morning, my (LIVE) EFT updated and so I had to patch to 16778, you need to copy your profile and mods to a separate folder and then delete your SPT AKI folder. After that make a new folder, copy over (LIVE) EFT, Patch, Copy over SPT AKI, launch server/close server, then copy over your profile and mods and enjoy!

    I agree with OP, BEARs will attack and kill too quick. Thought it was maybe me just being tired and the first couple of games, but I have tried 6 raids back to back and BEARs shoot from crazy distances on factory and kill with one or two shots. Going to look in the files to see if I can't find detection. Will update if I find anything out.

    Apparently, this mod will work with the latest update zicoman's AI Configuration