Posts by grade247

    Its not extreme settings, read again REAMDE.txt from Fin Ai tweaks folder, its mostly wrong settings for everything, except Difficulty. But still Fin can help with your problems, i just gave some tips. My settings on AKI 2.3.1 and latest FAIT works fine, i only remade all configs with fresh install without restoring backup config, just typed everything from old fait into Fait UI

    I have run these settings and they have been working flawlessly for over 3 days and randomly stopped working. I have tried using the "recommended" settings and I was still running into aim bot head shots from across them map so I pushed far beyond to stop that from happening and it was working perfectly fine. I was just curious if there is something in the hash or a mod conflict that stopped it from working one raid to the next. keep in mind these vastly broken setting have been working for over 70 raids

    First of all i think you didnt read Readme.txt for this mod, even if something wrong with FAIT, most of settings can glitch with extra Hight or Low values. Test it with proper settings again, while Fin will check your hash etc

    I have tried with numerous settings and these setting were working fine before. I was using extreme settings like this to be sure it was working which it was at first now without any changes to the config and no server reset the bots went to hard or impossible levels without warning. I did read the read me and these worked before but now it is running as if no setting have been applied.


    I am getting a weird bug now. It seems like FAIT isnt even loading in. I changed NOTHING in my config files and now the AI went back to super aimbotty (I have the settings all on the far end of "easy" average difficulty are negative 4 and spread shot aim time view distance are all heavily loaded to negativity to the bot) it was working before now without any config changes no server reload the bots are again "head,eyes" from across the map or double tapping my class 6 slick from across the map with ammo they shouldn't have with the progressive gear selected. I edited because i copied over my settings from a slightly older FAIT.

    Only mods I am running (which didnt interfere before) are:

    Basuro - Zerotimes

    Faupi - Munitions Expert/Hideout Architect

    Kiki - Remove Tedious Quest Conditions

    ThatGuyXIV - LootConfig

    running into a new issue. I have turned on progressive gear and the AI seems to have reverted and I am getting immediately snapped onto from way off and two tapped with well ammo they shouldnt have (lvl 16 and getting hit with 993 and SSA AP) before the settings I put on the AI seemed to be taking effect but I turn on progressive and they revert back to aim botty irritating.

    also when running the progression option all equipment seems to be at 35% and below durability and cant be repaired. Even after adjust so nothing could be under 60% still getting basically junk gear on scavs raiders or PMCs

    running into a new issues I am currently trying to track down. I am now not getting any bots to spawn on factory. I am going to attempt a factory night raid and see if just the day one is messed up.

    i think i figured it out unsure what caused what happened though still.

    I had to change the spawn delay timer from 300 down to 200 and now they are spawning again.

    you can change the raid length manually without mods. Go to


    each folder is a map. Edit base.json and find "escape_time_limit". That's the raid duration in minutes.

    Hope it helps.

    good to know appreciate it! I wont need the configure mod anymore

    I have a quick question. I popped in the AKiconfigure mod specifically to extend raids quit a bit so i can just chill. My question is I think the akiconfigure mod is conflicting with the FAIT mod and bots are going back to how they were without modding. I tested this in the FAIT system because I put such huge debuffs on the bots they barely hit me when I was point blank and when aki goes in it seems they get over written.

    ***side note it is pretty hilarious giving the AI shot spread and recoil values over 5. they get so jacked up they shoot everywhere but straight ahead***

    SO I have been using this mod for about a day now and it seems ok (was honestly going for easier not harder so i turned the difficulty down A LOT) So i was using an old outdated spt from 12.10 which idk if the game audio files changed but after going to 12.12 and using the mod my audio is WAY off the mark. Guys sould like they are just on the other side of the wall but are well over 75m away.

    my primary question and it has happened to me a few times now and it frustrating me to no end. I keep having bots spawn within 15m of me and ill be looting or chilling in a bush and no sound no diologue just instant aggro and i get 1-2 tapped in seconds regardless of how i tweak the difficulty? Is there somewhere in the mod that sets a spawn boundary i missed?