Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • I have a quick question. I popped in the AKiconfigure mod specifically to extend raids quit a bit so i can just chill. My question is I think the akiconfigure mod is conflicting with the FAIT mod and bots are going back to how they were without modding. I tested this in the FAIT system because I put such huge debuffs on the bots they barely hit me when I was point blank and when aki goes in it seems they get over written.

    ***side note it is pretty hilarious giving the AI shot spread and recoil values over 5. they get so jacked up they shoot everywhere but straight ahead***

  • I have a quick question. I popped in the AKiconfigure mod specifically to extend raids quit a bit so i can just chill. My question is I think the akiconfigure mod is conflicting with the FAIT mod and bots are going back to how they were without modding. I tested this in the FAIT system because I put such huge debuffs on the bots they barely hit me when I was point blank and when aki goes in it seems they get over written.

    ***side note it is pretty hilarious giving the AI shot spread and recoil values over 5. they get so jacked up they shoot everywhere but straight ahead***

    you can change the raid length manually without mods. Go to


    each folder is a map. Edit base.json and find "escape_time_limit". That's the raid duration in minutes.

    Hope it helps.

  • Apologies in advance if this is old information, but I'm quite sure raiders are being replaced as scavs. I did a few runs on Reserve attempting raider-kill tasks & eventually saw in my post-raid kill list that there were quite a few names present which indicated they were raiders (according to EFT wiki) but the list categorized them as scavs, & resulted in no task progress. The other mod I'm using is AIO which has the "Chomp-RaiderSpawnFix" option enabled, unsure if that's interfering with it.

    I also haven't encountered a single rogue after 7 runs on Lighthouse, exploring the water treatment & cottage areas, whether that's relevant.

    Lastly a side question, sometimes I've noticed regular scav names tagged as "Boss" in the kill list instead of the regular "Scav", does that mean something specific?


    Edited 2 times, last by Lebra: Found 2 rogues at southern cottage on 9th raid, disregard that. ().

  • you can change the raid length manually without mods. Go to


    each folder is a map. Edit base.json and find "escape_time_limit". That's the raid duration in minutes.

    Hope it helps.

    good to know appreciate it! I wont need the configure mod anymore

  • I'll try and reproduce this problem, though the second part is a known issue, unfortunately, due to how AKI classifies certain bot types.

    I BELIEVE toggling behaviour changes off will fix the second issue, and may also fix the first one as well.

  • running into a new issues I am currently trying to track down. I am now not getting any bots to spawn on factory. I am going to attempt a factory night raid and see if just the day one is messed up.

    i think i figured it out unsure what caused what happened though still.

    I had to change the spawn delay timer from 300 down to 200 and now they are spawning again.

    Edited once, last by grade247 ().

  • Fin added a new version:

  • running into a new issue. I have turned on progressive gear and the AI seems to have reverted and I am getting immediately snapped onto from way off and two tapped with well ammo they shouldnt have (lvl 16 and getting hit with 993 and SSA AP) before the settings I put on the AI seemed to be taking effect but I turn on progressive and they revert back to aim botty irritating.

    also when running the progression option all equipment seems to be at 35% and below durability and cant be repaired. Even after adjust so nothing could be under 60% still getting basically junk gear on scavs raiders or PMCs

    Edited once, last by grade247 ().

  • Hi Fin, i found, that something wrong with helmet's generation in latest FAIT. Even if i set headwear = 100 in advanced inventory config and armored headwear in Fait configurator, i still get a lot of PMCs with hats.

  • Hi Fin, i found, that something wrong with helmet's generation in latest FAIT. Even if i set headwear = 100 in advanced inventory config and armored headwear in Fait configurator, i still get a lot of PMCs with hats.

    In my own testing I've already found some problems that occur when those values are set to 100%, so I'll be putting out a fix for that hopefully this weekend.

    running into a new issue. I have turned on progressive gear and the AI seems to have reverted and I am getting immediately snapped onto from way off and two tapped with well ammo they shouldnt have (lvl 16 and getting hit with 993 and SSA AP) before the settings I put on the AI seemed to be taking effect but I turn on progressive and they revert back to aim botty irritating.

    also when running the progression option all equipment seems to be at 35% and below durability and cant be repaired. Even after adjust so nothing could be under 60% still getting basically junk gear on scavs raiders or PMCs

    Progressive gear shouldn't be affecting the AI at all, but I'll take another look just to be sure. As for the durability, that's part of progressive gear, it will override your durability settings to give you very low durability at lower levels, gradually increasing ad your level improves (PMCs and raiders will also have higher-durability weapons at all levels)

  • i tested some AI settings, when i tried to make friend between Bear bots and Usec bots (still cant, default_enemy isnt working at all), well, i found, that All pmcs are Usec didnt convert all pmc into Usec bots.

    All PMC bears = false and ALL PMC are Usecs = true. I guess this option can work only if DisableAllAIchanges false?
    P.S. I made DisableAllAIchanges = false and i still have Bear spawns, btw botmonitor says, that i have test and bosstest bots, but i think its not an Aki fault, just wrong nametype

    Btw, Fin) How to make Bear and Usec work together?
    I must change Bear Mind Default_enemy_bear\Usec to false for each pmc? And how Enemy_by_pmc_players (player_savages) affect on Usec and bear behaviour?

    Edited once, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • Character freezing when die, no way to exit raid only full game.

    DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:


    ===============================End Debug Hash===============================

  • Character freezing when die, no way to exit raid only full game.

    DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:


    ===============================End Debug Hash===============================

    Unfortunately this is a known bug that I'm still trying to hammer out. I appreciate your debug hash, though, it's good to see another sample of settings the error can happen with. I don't have any ETA for a fix for the issue, however, since it's proven to be frustratingly elusive so far.

    i tested some AI settings, when i tried to make friend between Bear bots and Usec bots (still cant, default_enemy isnt working at all), well, i found, that All pmcs are Usec didnt convert all pmc into Usec bots.

    All PMC bears = false and ALL PMC are Usecs = true. I guess this option can work only if DisableAllAIchanges false?
    P.S. I made DisableAllAIchanges = false and i still have Bear spawns, btw botmonitor says, that i have test and bosstest bots, but i think its not an Aki fault, just wrong nametype

    Btw, Fin) How to make Bear and Usec work together?
    I must change Bear Mind Default_enemy_bear\Usec to false for each pmc? And how Enemy_by_pmc_players (player_savages) affect on Usec and bear behaviour?

    There's a weird error going on in your debug hash that I've never seen before. -I'm sorry to ask, but would you mind pasting your config file in a spoiler tag?

    As to making USEC and BEAR PMCs work together, I don't believe that's possible while using FAIT, though I'll try and look into that.

  • My latest mods, some of them modified for better compatibility between them, some mods have been rewritten with certain things, but overall I don't think they have much impact on FAIT


    Edited 2 times, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • I think it will be better to upload all my configs here. I hope, its not forbidden)…anEHHHWCvcvUz?usp=sharing

    Looking at your config, you have both "All PMCs are BEARs" and "All PMCs are USECs" set to false, which would mean you'd get a mix of both BEARs and USECs.

    Popping your config into my version, and changing "All PMCs are BEARs" to true had the expected result, at least in my server test, since I don't have time to hop into the game just yet: No bots were spawned on the Usec side, and both test and bosstest bots were set to the Bear side.

    (Which was done by modifying this line in mod.js, if you want to double-check on your end:

    //Simulates bot generation. Options are, in order: Print weapon info, print armor info, print bot info, bots to generate per bot type

    true ? AITweaks.simulateBotGeneration(false, false, true, 100) : null)

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.21.8 for AKI 2.3.x

    1.21.8 - (April 8, 2022)

    • Haven't fully tested this one, but while checking out a help request I had reason to check this release for preliminary bugs and.. Surprisingly, there were none that popped up. So it's out a day early.
    • Config editor update
      • This is a behind-the-scenes update, but it's the main reason this is getting a whole new release number instead of just incrementing the letter version
        • The process by which it updated out-of-date configs has been dramatically improved
          • Old and unused entries are now removed, and can no longer cause problems
          • New entries are added in the correct order every time, and can no longer cause problems
    • Difficulty adjustments
      • Default AI should be less accurate for the first few seconds of a given engagement
      • Spotting time for the AI has been increased at longer distances
    • A new difficulty config option has been added
      • "AI aim spread multiplier" affects the AI's general accuracy
        • This value affects the AI's accuracy. Higher values make the AI's aim worse, while lower values make it better
        • This value is distinct from "AI shot spread multiplier" because the AI's accuracy will improve with time, while random shot spread is a relatively static effect
    • If both "All PMCs are BEARs" and "All PMCs are USECs" options have been set to true, FAIT will randomly decide which side to spawn at the start of every raid. You'll still only get all BEARs or all USECs, but it will be randomized every raid.
      • This has been made the new default setting
    • Changes to bot loadouts when using progressive gear
      • Their chance to be armored no longer increases linearly with the player's level, but now rises logarithmically to a preset 'cap' for each class of bot
    • General bugfixes
      • Backpack stuff
      • Armor ratio stuff
      • Stuff
    • License update

    Known issues:

    • When using progressive gear, the game can go to a black screen when extracting
      • When this happens, your loot is still saved as if you'd extracted normally
    • When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
  • Fin, In Aki 2.3.1 cultists can spawn at day time) So technically if i add cultists into advanced spawn config, they'll spawn on each map even in day raids? And second question is - if i want to add cultists only on night factory, i must change src and factory settings?

    Edited once, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • 187469713ă49115,14ă68428ē53981,822672Ă9ĚĤ52,5580Čģ330IJ0ĢďIJ3Ġč4ĺ592Ŀ,Ĺ890ĮĤ75ĀČĞĤ0ĩ6Ġœč6Ď79Ĭą6čĤćą3,2ěij9Ē37ij5ũŃ60ŏŋěāğņ,|0,ŸźŶassaultŶpmcboƃfollowergluharŽſƁƊƌƎƐƒƔƖrscouƜƍƏƑƓƕƗsecurity,ƋƩƟƬƢsnipeƷƝƪrkojaƾƶƸƞƑſƾtƗǂƹƑbƁlƶ||ƙƀƂgrƦp,beǒuƯcŶ-4ŹŹ.Ī0.ǬĝĝǬǶ,ǬǰǯǮšǬDZĝDZŁď0Ÿĝ2ȅǭŻȊǭ|ƈtnameshƑǁƯǀƘtetȕmwƴhƥmmŽŶǴďȩȨȫȩȋȬȆŃȪȭȌǜƛŶ|ƅƇƉǓǍƠƭƘžǝƨȽƻƮƥƧȼDŽɅƣưƲƴNjǃƺơƮƾǀȷǤǦǨ,ȵǞǠuǢ|ȬDZ6ȱ5ŸȂŷŃŸǚȅɫɡǸȷĝšǚɲɰĪȨɡŸ3Ďǚ4Ď8ɼ|4ŸĮȷɽɿʁʃĞɮ|ɻŢʁŸǬǚĪɳ|-ǴɤɯȀŶȷȧȲĝ7Ǯ8,ʡɦīɫ1ʑɮɺɮšʁǽɱȲǹȩ|ʦʦǚĬ,ŵʸĎʻǚʵʽɮʹʾ|ȇǸɮĪʒ˅ŢȷʗŢʨȳ|ʝʚʟȈʩʧĞɼǬʙʂ,˜ȯȲʵŸŊȷŖȃɮˤČʌ|˦ʩ˨Ď˪ʆˆʷ˅Ÿ˴ŸŮȷʮȷĪĪǚˎ2ʒɷȌpumǢƈƂ˓ɢǭɸ5dĩcc5ba4bĦĢʃʀȄĶĪ5cdebĠ9d7fȄc̝e7ce1ĂŶɫȥpȐȒȔȖ,ȘƑațȝeȟȡȣȥs̳ȳ̌ȋ˶ȉʴDZʣȫǻ1͑ȭ.ɼĝʶȩʔǭš̃ǰ̍ǭ˽˘̟ī͠ɪ͊ȲɧȄ͟ź5:Ĭ:ͪĪaƍɛʹͳl͵͸ͷ͹ȳ

    I am getting a weird bug now. It seems like FAIT isnt even loading in. I changed NOTHING in my config files and now the AI went back to super aimbotty (I have the settings all on the far end of "easy" average difficulty are negative 4 and spread shot aim time view distance are all heavily loaded to negativity to the bot) it was working before now without any config changes no server reload the bots are again "head,eyes" from across the map or double tapping my class 6 slick from across the map with ammo they shouldn't have with the progressive gear selected. I edited because i copied over my settings from a slightly older FAIT.

    Only mods I am running (which didnt interfere before) are:

    Basuro - Zerotimes

    Faupi - Munitions Expert/Hideout Architect

    Kiki - Remove Tedious Quest Conditions

    ThatGuyXIV - LootConfig

    Edited 3 times, last by grade247 ().

  • First of all i think you didnt read Readme.txt for this mod, even if something wrong with FAIT, most of settings can glitch with extra Hight or Low values. Test it with proper settings again, while Fin will check your hash etc

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