Posts by sheepy

    sheepy added a new version:


    New Function: Save Christmas

    When set to true, extends both Winter and Christmas to the 31st of December. Enjoy it until the 1st of January, when it's actually meant to end.

    To not use the fix, set "SaveChristmas" to false in the config.

    SPT 3.10 has a bug where it doesn't cover that date with any season nor event, giving 1 day of Summer and cutting Christmas short.

    sheepy added a new file:


    Made redundant with 3.10.5 pog Go update.

    Thanks to BSG "Getting Acquainted" is impossible to complete. This mod fixes that quest (and "Make Amends") by removing the always-triggering fail condition.

    sheepy added a new version:


    Update to 3.10

    Added code that checks if another mod overrode the season
    Redid the config file

    sheepy added a new version:


    Good news! Summer works again. You no longer have to put up with Spring to not have snow on the ground.

    sheepy added a new version:


    Mod repackaged into a .zip instead of .7z due to a false-positive detection blocking the download for some users.

    Fixes a code error. Thank you Hooshu for spotting it.

    sheepy added a new version:


    Near total code rewrite. No new features, but at least the code isn't a complete mess.

    sheepy added a new file:

    sheepy added a new file:

    sheepy added a new version:


    you can have a little Disk 2, as a treat

    After some critical listening, I've picked some tracks from the second part of the OST. Per Spotify's numbering, it's tracks 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, and 26. I've spent less time spend with than the tracks from Disk 1, so if they aren't your vibe, use version 1.0.0 of this mod.

    sheepy added a new file:

    I have the same issue as OP. All logs are equally empty. Happens extremely randomly, sometimes 2 minutes into the raid, sometimes it doesn't happen for hours. RAM is okay, with the ingame and an external RAM cleaner on. Started happening on 3.5.6, 3.5.5 didn't seem to have that issue. Is there a deeper log level I can enable to try to pin it down?