Posts by pitAlex

    pitAlex added a new version:


    The Goons come out to play (see main description for what's new).

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed issue with a squad not spawning in Labs.
    Fixed an exploit with items return where if you gave a squad member an item and then asked him to loot a body, and he ended up swapping his backpack, at the raid end you would still get the item you gave him back even though it was no longer in his inventory.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Your mules are ready. Followers will now return what you gave them at raid end.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Some new bug fixes on detecting enemies and added something that seems to help with Swag+Donuts. You have 2 options : Alternative Spawn and Squad Spawn Delay.
    With this bots spawn with Donuts, but it won't work with FIKA I believe. Also, I don't know if they will spawn in consecutive raids.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Tested on Fika system and normal. 6 raids tested in total, mixing it with clone equipment and scav run. They followers spawn every time. I don't see how it wouldn't work now unless we are dealing with conflicts.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    More bug fixes on spawn setup, issuing commands, and looting bodies.
    Also exposed some parameters to play with in terms of how bots move from cover to cover during combat. They are under "Miscellaneous".
    "Regroup" is becoming the key command to get followers back on track in most situations.

    You will notice also a new command added under "Enemy", that is "Contact". It is still a work in progress but the goal is to have a command to give them whatever enemies you are seeing yet they didn't see them yet.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    More bug fixes in the code that handles commands and squad spawning. Improvements on where bots look while they are moving.
    And see the description for what's new in terms of features.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed issue with AI boss followers not being active as well as raiders. Tested in reserve map.
    Like the previous one, those who already have the mod can get just the DLL :…fz6sS8Ej/view?usp=sharing

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed issue with hideout and new places where it might crash during raid end. For those who already have the mod you only need the DLL in your {aki-dir}\BepInEx\plugins. So here it is directly :…fz6sS8Ej/view?usp=sharing

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed issue with a crash during raid end, be it by death or extract.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fix the issue where the Squad Spawn flag was ignored.

    pitAlex added a new file:


    This is a re-upload of SamSWAT's Duty Exoskeleton mod, seeing that he stopped updating it, with some extra customization.
    You will find a config.json in SamSWAT-DolgExoS2 where you have 3 options:

    weightReduction - how much to reduce weight, default is 10 kg

    exoskeletonArmor - the armor level of the exoskeleton, default is 3.

    vestsBlockArmor - do not allow armors to be worn with vests (default behavior of EFT). This a convenient way to allow the exoskeleton (since it's an armor) to be worn with vests. Default false, meaning do not block.

    How to Install: Extract to your aki installation folder, under user/mods.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    In this I update I managed to fix the issue where the bots would randomly turn hostile. Seems it was related to aggro-level settings that get triggered regardless of which type of bot you kill. After changing those BEARs I encountered during fights and even killing in front of them made no impact, they still remained friendly. Not sure if this also helps with the USEC and ex-USEC situation, test and see.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Update for Aki 3.8.0
    In this version, I have also removed all the wave spawn configuration as that has always been something more of personal use and people like to use specific mods for that. Thus this mod will focus on just one thing - making same-side bots friendly. There are 2 parameters now, sameSideHostile and armband. Armband makes the usec bots have blue armbands and bears red. You can disable it in case you want to use the armband mod that offers more option.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    This is an update where I tweaked a bit some of the code and also changed things regarding the rogue faction to always be hostile towards USEC and have no "revenge" setting. I've played Customs, Lighthouse three times, Factory, and USEC did not turn hostile for me. Hopefully, now things are stable in terms of friendly USEC.

    Install accurate radar as it has colors per faction. Else try armband mod that also makes all bots have arm band per faction

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Added handling for the new flags related to commanding friendly bots: BotApplySilenceChance, BotGetInCoverChance, BotHelpChance, and BotSpreadoutChance.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Updated for 3.7 and now it seems that SAIN no longer conflicts with the "follow me" command making it fully compatible with this mod. Now, what would be cool is if Leonana69 updated his radar so that the color green is for friendly instead of for scavs.