Posts by Waggles

    I'd like to report that the latest version of this (1.7.1) still causes the issue for me on 3.5.5 mentioned by PhantomInTime way back.

    No errors, just no stash, equipment slots or equipment showing at all on the character screen and items on hideout crafting screens are also not showing.

    Old 3.5.0 profile gets the issue, but new Standard and Zero to Hero profiles also encounter the issue.

    Coming to report that I'm encountering the same issue amethyst and MrBlu1911 mentioned above.

    Examining ammo shows the "blablabla" label, data shows as "5/90" and game seizes up trying to close the screen.

    When I'm trying to open the profile editor (either through the start menu, or double-clicking the .exe in the install folder), nothing happens. Am I missing something?

    After downloading from the link for the latest version (that supposedly support AKI 3.2.0), I am still getting incompatibility/out-of-date message in the server logging.

    Is the latest link still pointing to an old download/version?

    I was still on the 1.24.0e version, but I just came out of a raid where the Goon Squad (I confirmed a kill on Knight) and a team of 3 BEARs were seemingly teaming up on me, without firing on each other despite ample opportunity.

    Is there any knowledge about issues where the Goon Squad and BEAR PMCs are assigned the same faction or something?

    I only have AI changes turned on.

    PS: Is there any way to balance the Goon Squad or Tagilla with the mod? (If not, are there any plans to?)