Posts by Reis

    Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.10.0
    - new and better AS-Val

    Reis added a new version:

    Reis added a new version:



    - Fix incompatibility with TimmyGG Edition. Now you can have both.

    - New MDR 556 (maybe the most balanced weapon in Tarkov)

    - New AUG A3

    Reis added a new version:

    Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.9

    Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.7.2

    - Update Priscilliu's trader enum (thanks to @Pettan who kindly did it)

    Reis added a new version:



    - Rise in the majority of ammo price to solve dumping issue;

    - Added EOTech Vudu 1-6x24 30mm riflescope ready to use as it is already assembled on Nightforce Magmount 30mm ring scope mount;

    - Added EOTech Vudu 1-6x24 30mm riflescope ready to use as it is already assembled on Burris AR-P.E.P.R. 30mm ring scope mount.

    I'm playing with Realism Tarkov and it messes with lots of the trader settings which I think breaks Priscilu to some kind of level 1 state. He sells PAB-9 bullets as the only noteworthy bullet and he only sells one gun, the VPO-209

    Is there some kind of fix / compatibility I'm unaware of?

    Hi Aori,

    Players are indeed reporting compatibility issue between Priscilu Trader and SPT-Realism.

    The player @davide has suggested this solution for this issue:

    In SPT-Realism config, just disable "trader rep" and "offers changes".

    Unfortunately, I don't play with SPT-Realism, so I can not guarantee it will work, but I think it worth a try.

    Hope it helps. :):thumbup:

    Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.5.8

    - Added equipped ACMX (Accuarancy International AXMC .338 LM bolt-action sniper rifle

    - Added individual M203 40 mm underbarrel grenade launcher

    - Added individual GP-25 "Kostyor" 40 mm underbarrel grenade launcher

    Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.5.7

    - Fix Priscilu Trader not working properly with Developer Profiles. Credits to Pettan for the fix and to jittleyang for reporting.