Posts by harmony

    harmony added a new version:

    harmony added a new version:


    This update includes SAIN Preset changes. It will be automatically updated/installed once you update the mod to this version.
    What's New

    🚀 Fixed mod errors upon file creation. No more pesky errors on start-up!

    🛠️ Fixed custom names file and its functionality - now it is properly included in all the names upon personalities file generation
    SAIN Preset

    Bots no longer go prone. This affect every bot type, excluding - Shturman and his Guards, Partisan, Kaban Snipers, Gluhar Guard Snipers, Gluhar Guard Security.

    harmony added a new version:


    What's New

    - Added junklessLogging option in configuration file. Turned on by default. Will minimize logging to SPT console on server start up.

    harmony added a new version:

    harmony added a new version:

    harmony added a new version:

    harmony added a new version:


    It is required for you to update if you used, or wish using SAIN Progressive Difficulty Scaling.

    This hotfix possibly resolves in-raid game crash, preventing mod to overwrite files while you're in game. Instead, this will only be ran once once you login in your profile or logging in a new one (or when you just open SPT launcher)

    Handles profile registration and runs any time before you start playing. Thanks for feedback!

    harmony added a new version:


    With 1.6.0 version now introducing Progressive SAIN Difficulty Scaling.
    It has 7 tiers tied to a range of your PMC level and every profile login settings will be set accordingly. Easy early wipe, fair play, tough end-game. For built-in preset only (Death Wish [Twitch Players])

    To enable this, set SAINProgressiveDifficulty to true.

    Your existing custom SAIN preset will be automatically installed/updated. Have fun!

    viewmodel added a new version:


    Minor Update

    - Added profile wipe handling
    - Check for profiles if they were deleted manually from /user/profiles/. This is not critical as once you log-in through SPT launcher, the restriction would be removed or set anyways, it just might get spammy in the console on the server start.
    - Restriction by actual playtime, can be switched between restricting by account creation time (default is 14 days) or just playtime (until you've played x hours in raids)

    viewmodel added a new version:

    viewmodel added a new version:


    - Now handling profile registration and restricting freshly made profiles on the go
    - Small code tweaks, now even if temporary restriction is disabled the flea market level cap would still be set

    viewmodel added a new version:


    - Minor mod bug fixes

    - Added more TTV names (from BotCallsigns) as well as removed older ones - thanks S3NN0M0!

    viewmodel added a new version:


    This update was possible with bushtail and S3NN0M0 help and suggestions! Thanks a lot!
    - Added more names related to EFT streaming - S3NN0M0

    - Added addExtraNames option which would prevent every mod update from overwriting your own names you've added. The usec/bear_extra_names files will be located at /config once you have ran the SPT server once and stay with you throughout updates. Now you're safe! - bushtail

    harmony added a new file:

    viewmodel added a new version:

    harmony added a new version:



    - Fixed auto updater failing to install custom SAIN preset when detecting first mod setup.

    harmony added a new version:

    harmony added a new version:


    Thanks to paincoast88 for making this update possible!

    What's new

    - Added Cyrillic BEAR and English USEC names. They're separated from usual ones, if you wanna use them, enable useBEARCyrillicNames or

    useUSECEnglishNames in the config file!
    - Again,
    more, and even more names. This time resulting in whopping 5857 names!

    - Some logging changes for Live Mode

    harmony added a new version:


    Preset Update
    - Doors are disabled. But you can still enable them back if map surroundings feel a little bit off.
    - Enabled vanilla AI for the following - SCAVs, Rogues, Bosses, Followers. Only Goons, Cultists and PMCs are up for a challenge against you. This is done for more live-like feel and a bit of game-relief when fighting against SCAVs as it's now not a big deal (because they're dumb as hell).
    - All AIvsAI are set back.
    - GigaChad personality no longer can be randomly assigned. Only if it exists in ttv_names.json or

    harmony added a new version: