Posts by kikirio

    Out of interest, did you change your notification channel type to default after this report was sent? As it is unusual for it to be spamming a notification message to you.
    On another note i am noticing this.

    Have you removed a mod recently that added items? (i am not finding any of these keys is Aki_data) If so, re-enable the mod, and delete all items from it from your profile, before removing the mod.
    Alternatively you can search your profile (user/profiles) for each of the above keys, and manually delete each data block from your profile. (use Notepad++, VSCodium etc.) Edit, just to say make a backup of your profile first ;)

    You are running the wrong game version. you need to use this tool first.

    Edit, I have received a few messages saying that this link is dead. This is not the case, but you will need to join the guilded server to be able to see threads posted.
    Edit 2. There are mirrors in the comment section if you are still having problems.

    kikirio added a new file:

    kikirio added a new file:

    kikirio added a new file:

    kikirio added a new file:

    kikirio added a new file: