and what do you mean by a fresh install of 1.5.1
You do the same steps you did to install 1.6 starting from clean copy of your Live EFT, but instead you install 1.5.1
and what do you mean by a fresh install of 1.5.1
You do the same steps you did to install 1.6 starting from clean copy of your Live EFT, but instead you install 1.5.1
1) I would recommend to use 1.5.1 as 1.6 has a lot of issue as stated in the red box above - they both require the same EFT version, but if you'll go that way it is recommended to make a clean install of 1.5.1
2) For Client log files you've uploaded ***traces.log while ***errors.log is needed, could you re-upload correct client logs? I do not see anything suspicious in Server logs, so it probably some issue with the client
any ideas on how to fix?
First of all- create your own support thread and provide logs. Game crashes on any map is definitely not similar problem to infinite loading screen on only one specific map
right-click file, open properties and remove read-only checkbox if it is there
Does issue reproduce without mods?
1) Attached logs do not contain error from screenshot.
2) Error itself says that someone locked profile file - for example it has read-only flag set or opened by some kind of editor which locks it for editing exclusively
If your Production section is not empty - you probably should replace it with an empty one like listed above. is not compatible with 1.5.1 - you need to downgrade first using AKI PATCHER
How much RAM do you have? can you check how much is used by EFT when you raid without NPCs?
applying AKI 1.6 first, and then overwrite it with 1.5.1
It is generally better to not do such things. If you can afford - keep clean copy of Live files elsewhere in case you'll need to re-install or install a different version
Just go to and look for AKI PATCHER under Official releases
Not sure if any such mod exists, but BLEEDINGEDGE does not support mods loading and no support is provided for BLEEDINGEDGE builds.
You may consider using 1.5 or 1.6 AKI and check mods like BREAD AND BUTTER for implementation of "Fix for Insurance-> More online like price" maybe that will give idea how to modify configs or create your own mod with insurance prices you want
Quote2021-07-31 17:25:29.104 +07:00||Error|Default|Item presets is already contains key: 606dae0ab0e443224b421bb7
Try to run without mods that add any new weapons/items
SPT-AKI Versions 1.5.0- 1.6.0 requires Escape From Tarkov
If you have the latest EFT - you need to downgrade it first using AKI PATCHER
also: my bsg launcher and eft are installed on my second SSD (D:)
My BSG Launcher is on D: (HDD) while EFT Live and AKI both on C: but I doubt it is a problem.
Sorry I cannot provide any solid suggestion besides ones you've already tried.
In that situation I would probably tried to uninstall all including Live version and re-install again(you can keep copy of Live files in a backup folder just to make sure BSG will not drop unexpected update while re-installing), then try to use 1.5.* AKI (it have the same target EFT version requirement but is more stable). I know this is a hustle and does not guarantee anything, but I do not have any better suggestion at a moment...
I'm aware of that, although seems like a common issue
For common issue solution would be the same as already answered above: change corrupted quest from "Started" to "Completed" in your profile. If that does not help - use stable build or wait for stable 2.0. BE builds are bound to have issues, but looking into them is a waste of time until 2.0 will reach at least Beta
I do no wish to get my account banned, so how does it all work?
Unless you let BSG know yourself you are using mods, there is no way for them to know.
1) Do not install AKI on EFL Live folder - make copy of Live to a different folder
2) Do not run AKI and Live EFT at the same time
For AKI you do not need EFET Live account - a dummy local account will be created, so not connection to you Live account
running BE 2.0.A7
What is not clear in description for Bleeding Edge builds?
QuoteUnstable dev builds. Please use normal builds unless you know what you're doing.
Problem with submitting quests is a known issue, it happens when you have quest in your profile which is not in a correct state. Usually happens to "Polikhim hobo" but may also happen to some others. Fix for that - find quest in your profile which is in "Started" state and change it to "Success" - you do not need to do this for all Started quests, just for corrupted ones, but it would usually take trial and error approach to identify which are corrupt (at least I do not know easy way to do it). Do not forget to backup your profile before doing any editing