Posts by Andrudis

    Andrudis added a new version:

    Andrudis added a new version:

    Seems like it's worked itself out when I extract everything is marked FIR but still marked non-FIR when I enter.

    That is something I've noticed too with PMCs: if you kill and loot AI PMC you see his gear as non-FiR, but if you extract with this gear alive - that gear will get FiR checkmark too.

    This makes me believe this is not mod-related? but needs additional investigation.

    kikirio Could you join discussion please?

    Keeping both live EFT and AKI (separate copied folder) makes it run like a charm, if i uninstall live it won't run.

    You do not need to uninstall fully: just delete Live EFT folder but keep BSG Launcher - it still should work. You can try this by moving Live EFT files to a different folder temporary and validate that SPT still works. That way you can save some space if absolutely needed, but just remember that if BSG will drop a new update and you'll want to update SPT also - you'll need to download whole EFT Live again

    all the bosses spawn on there normal maps with a 50%

    \Aki_Data\Server\database\locations\<location name>\base.json

    look for :

    "BossLocationSpawn": [


    "BossName": "sectantPriest",

    "BossChance": 20,

    "BossZone": "ZoneScavBase",

    "BossPlayer": false,

    "BossDifficult": "normal",

    "BossEscortType": "sectantWarrior",

    "BossEscortDifficult": "normal",

    "BossEscortAmount": "3",

    "Time": -1



    Set "BossChance" to 50

    1. 2021-09-22 22:48:41.581 +02:00||Error|Default|OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory
    2. System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith (System.Action`1[T] continuationAction, System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler scheduler, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions continuationOptions, System.Threading.StackCrawlMark& stackMark) (at <e1319b7195c343e79b385cd3aa43f5dc>:0)

    Sorry, but crash is due to memory. Not sure what can be done, maybe someone will come with ideas.

    What is our memory usage before starting SPT?