Posts by Tuhjay
So I have done ~20 runs on customs checking a few key locations. So far I have not found a Factory key in either location. I did find a 114 key in the jacket in the car where it should be and one of the first five scavs I killed had a 206 key on him.
So I have done another 8 runs and still no key(Factory) I'm going to go out on a limb and say offline mode spawns either less loot overall than Live or some loot items just do not spawn in offline such as keys.
There seems to be a lot of posts around September of 2021 on the subreddit about a change made to offline loot not matching Live loot.
I'm testing the spawns on live offline raids. I'll take a minute since not all are 100% chance to spawn.
I'm confused where you say the 214 key spawns tho, when I looked it up it's near the storage/garage area?I meant to say 204 and edited my post, I have not been able to find the 214 key in the garage either.
I am having the same behavior in 3.5.0.
I turned the loot multiplier up to 10x and then 20x to check customs for keys.
The factory key never seems to spawn in either location. The desk in dorms is always empty and the locker in the dead scav building has keys for dorms such as 214, 218, 220, 315.
Key 203 never seems to spawn in the cup in room 214.
The 204** key has never spawned in the "wallet" jacket near old gas station.
Key 114 never seems to spawn in the jacket near the checkpoint.
Key 110 and the checkpoint key don't seem to spawn unless I crank the loot to at least 6x then they spawn almost every raid.
I have done over 100 raids and have found one 206 dorm key on a scav, zero dorm 303 keys for the skier quest, and zero director customs office keys.
I have found a ton of register keys for interchange and random keys for Streets in drawers, jackets, and scavs.
I have to agree with R@S the amount of keys I find Streets>Lighthouse>Interchange>Reserve>Shoreline>Customs
I changed my file to the below picture and the next two rounds in a row he spawned with the Golden TT. The items in order of the file if you did not search the ID's on the sptarkov database are:
113:Golden TT
114:HK USP
115: PL-15
This json file is from 3.5.0(not current 3.5.3) and if you use a mod that changes AI this could also change the loadouts.
You can change the spawn chance yourself in the bossbully.json file in SPtarkov/AKI_data/Server/database/bots/types.
The Golden TT looks like its has a spawn chance of 1/7 if these values correlate to exact spawn chance: value/total values.
This is the holster section at line 112. I am not sure if other mods change the equipment of bots.
Tuhjay added a new version:
QuoteUpdated package.js to reflect 3.5.0
No changes necessary to my knowledge regarding database interaction,(class, properties, etc) has not changed.
I am getting an error when trying to run your mod in 3.5.0
I have changed the imports and initialization portions of the code to match the new util for database importing that came with update 3.5.0 but every time I try to run EFT I get an error when loading profile.
Tuhjay added a new version:
QuoteUpdate to AKI 3.1.0
Is there supposed to be an additional syntax regarding the weightChanger command? Because the PDF suggests there's supposed to be a weightOption listing in the config, but it's not there. Do we need to manually add that in? I'm currently trying to review an older version of your mod to see if it was just removed and needs to be manually added.
It looks like from the code that you just type a number in to multiply by.
// Weight Change, only Multiple possible
if (typeof this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges !== "boolean" && typeof this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges === "number" && this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges >= 0)
//Exclude nodes, inventory and pockets from the weight changer
if (base._type !== "Node" && base._parent !== BaseClasses.POCKETS && base._parent !== BaseClasses.INVENTORY)
this.editSimpleItemData(id, "Weight", (base._props.Weight * <number> this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges));
}I have "weightChanges": 0.1, and everything appears to be 90% lighter.
Tuhjay added a new file:
QuoteThis is a re-factor of GhostSignals' mod: Yim's Recoil Tweaks found here.
This mod is presented as is from GhostSignals' version 1.0.2 now working in the Typescript language. It should work with mods that add additional weapons such as SAMSWAT's mods as long they are correctly added to the database items table and have the correct "weaponclass" flag. This mod does need to be loaded after any new weapon mods in order to change the values on that weapon.
Please be sure to read the README provided by GhostSignals so that you do not break your game.
Original mod description below
A mod that allows players to increase/decrease recoil on the weapons of Tarkov on a class basis.
This mod is now fully compatible with Fin's AI Tweaks and other mods!
(Below is a more in-depth description of what each setting does. 1.0 = Vanilla multiplier.)
"assaultRifleRecoil": {
"ARCameraRecoil": 0.4, | This controls the camera recoil. Generally, I set both camera snap and camera recoil to the same number.
"ARCameraSnap": 0.4,
"ARVertRec": 0.75, | Vertical Recoil. With the default config, the majority of weapons have a 25% reduction in vertical recoil.
"ARHoriRec": 0.15, | Horizontal Recoil. Keep in mind that when adjusting both horizontal and vertical, that the former tends to be much higher than the latter.
"ARConvergence": 3.5, | How quickly a weapon returns to its original POA. If this is too high, it will result in COD-recoil, so be sparing if that isn't your thing.
"ARDispersion": 0.25 | Connected to horizontal recoil in a lot of ways. Lower numbers = less horizontal recoil, stats and otherwise.
},A mod aimed at the recoil system of Tarkov, that allows you to tweak the way it works via a multiplier system in the config file.
With it, you can emulate different FPS game experiences at your leisure, free to shoot at Scavs and other PMCs how you please. Gone are the days of holding the trigger and having your PMC slowly lull his head back as the muzzle flash gives him an epileptic fit. No more at the days of having to tolerate excessively high horizontal recoil values.
The included config is simply what I prefer, but all you have to do after installation is open the config file and start increasing/decreasing values yourself.
To fix the issue with inraid item restrictions such as max number of bitcoins, SICC cases, etc.
Line 83 change "removeInRaidsRestrictions" to "removeInRaidRestrictions"
The extra 's' is the problem
Line 92 change"removeInRaidsRestrictions" to "removeInRaidRestrictions"
same problem there is an extra 's'
The config variable needs the extra 's'
Change "removeInRaidRestrictions" to "removeInRaidsRestrictions" on line 73
I had this same problem, and then i saw what CWX said and i tried to put the files in SPTINSTALL/user/mods/ereshkigal-allinone/files
But now my Server just shuts down right after i start it.. anyone know why?This is what the log says:
[2022-07-01T18:31:52.325Z] info: Importing configs...
[2022-07-01T18:31:52.434Z] info: ModLoader: loading mods...
[2022-07-01T18:31:52.449Z] debug: Mod ereshkigal-allinone hash stored in ./user/cache/modCache.json
[2022-07-01T18:32:00.855Z] info: Importing configs...
[2022-07-01T18:32:00.954Z] info: ModLoader: loading mods...
Is your file structure correct? You should have a normal folder in the "mods" folder not a zipped one, nor should the files be in the "mods" folder itself they need to be a folder titled "$modname$".
The option to remove found in raid restrictions(i.e. max cash on player) is not working currently.
I am having the exact same issue as Dwimmerlike.
The server application for 2.3.0 is complaining about the "Weight Options" not being correct despite using the correct syntax from the README.
It appears the code in the warnings.js does not contain a case for the "Mult" option, I do not know if the option actually works.
Can you try 2.0.1 for me and see if it fixes your issue. Is live installed to the same drive as AKI?
of note "[SUCCESS] Started websocket at wss://" is the last thing the server will say until you boot the launcher, just want to check you have tried booting into the game after this step right?I have resolved this issue. I'm not sure how I tried everything sort of re-formatting my hard drive and now it is up and running.
I have marked this as resolved.
When I start the server for the first time it hangs after creating the x509 certificate. Closing and launching after this makes it hang after:
"[SUCCESS] Started websocket at wss://"
- I have re-downloaded the game and launcher from EFT website.
- I have re-downloaded the three files from SP-tarkov website.
- I have validated files using BSG launcher.
- I have made sure the original game runs and can start raids.
NET framework is installed through windows features, I have installed NET 4.7.2, and runtime 5.0 cannot be installed because I have Runtime 5.0.1 installed.
I am running Windows 10.
The SinglePlayer instance is on a separate drive than my windows 10 installation.
Both the server and launcher .exe have admin privileges
Both server and launcher .exe are added to allowed programs in windows defender
I have tried launching with windows defender turned off
The website did not take raw text on first attempt here is another
Server Log:…NfdxPi1UeCBwgBLbf7Cp3mAUM
Error Log:…yB8GbywWN63Cq5wFjRzvjHEJq