Go into package.json and change
"akiVersion": "3.7.x",
"akiVersion": "3.8.x",
Go into package.json and change
"akiVersion": "3.7.x",
"akiVersion": "3.8.x",
MNSTR added a new version:
Quote--- NEW FEATURE ---
- Added option to split config file into SCAV and PMC values for those that want different health amounts for each
- If this is set to FALSE then the mod will automatically use the PMC values for everything.
--- BUG FIXES --
- Changed the default Stomach config value to be the same as default EFT instead of whatever number I randomly put there.
MNSTR added a new version:
MNSTR added a new version:
QuoteDisplay More
"Did you read the FAQ?: Yes"
No you didnt
FAQ: Will Arena be coming to SPT?We have no plans to work on Arena.
MNSTR added a new version:
QuoteNow able to configure how many levels it takes to increment health. The math might not check out but eh, I changed literally 3 lines of code lol
If there's any issues let me know in the comments
Default is 5 levels so it's a wee bit less OP in the mid to late game.
Streets has what I call a bug currently. In the small camp in the center of the map there is a massive boss and guard spawn happening min. into the raid [10-20 guards as far as I could count] which adds to the rest of the AI. That kills performance. Basically until this boss/guard spawn is removed Streets will be impossible to play. If you want to play that map there are only 2 things you can do - 1. use Donuts and edit the config and cut the other AI spawns to 50% and that will allow for playable fps or go to the center and kill the guards and that will instantly declutter the map of useless AI but it's not easy to do. If anybody knows how to remove the guard spawn there then that will 100% fix the performance on Streets. It's not an optimization issue it's a massive AI spawn issue [separate from the normal pmc/scav spawns]
As for disabling the boss you can go into the SWAG config and set his spawn rate to 0. Though you'd have to go back, change it and then restart the server for him to ever spawn again
MNSTR added a new version:
QuoteAdded option to change mag loading/unloading speeds for all you that don't use SVM.
Tried to fix some garbage code (I don't know what I'm doing lol)
Hopefully didn't break something new
nitermania added a new version:
QuoteFixed the package.json not correctly on some versions?
IDK why it wasn't working for some as in testing mine ran fine, but should be fixed now
nitermania added a new version:
QuoteReformatted the config to be a little less obtuse
MNSTR added a new file:
QuoteDisplay More
- If you are having issues post pictures of your load order and config file or you will be ignored.
- No support will be given for older versions of SPT
Original mod by CAPATAINA can be found here
If they decide they want to continue development on the mod and want mine removed I will but until then I will be taking it over and iterating on it.
Config has since been split into two parts which all hinges on the first line of "split_PMC_and_Scav"; if it is set to FALSE then the mod will only use the _PMC values for everything.
Pretty simple, it increases your maximum health depending on the level of the player. The base amount is as follows:
Chest: 2Head: 2
Left Arm: 3
Left Leg: 3
Right Arm: 3
Right Leg: 3
Stomach: 2
Total: 18 health per
levelincrement since now it can be configured (the default is every 5 levels)
To change health values go to config/config.json
-Whether or not the health values for PlayerScav and PMC should be split/independent of each other.
-How many levels until health increase (default is 5)
-How much to increase each body part by per increment
-The base health of the PMC/Scav as well
Unzip HealthPerLevel-mainREBOOT1.4.0.7z into your user/mods folder
Will work on increasing health per level of certain soft skills such as Health and Vitality.
Doesn't change bot health, only player. (For now...
If you have anything you want to see in any of my mods feel free to leave a comment and I will gladly explain why it's not feasible (I'm only kidding, I do actually like suggestions; some of them are just... not good lmao)
nitermania added a new version:
QuoteLicense update, don't bother downloading again
nitermania added a new version:
QuoteDisplay More
Ammo weighing you down? No more! Now with config!
Ammo weights crippling you? Are you like me and always try to bring 1,000+ rounds into every raid? Well this sets all ammunition to be completely weightless!
Also changes stack size for all ammunition to be 2,500 because that bugged me.
Currently no config file, you'll have to change the code itself; will probably add it later.
Also automagically works with all mod ammo.
New for Version 1.1: Allows user to configure or outright disable stamina damage for all bullet types. No more getting shot and having to waddle away!
Unzip WeightlessAmmo.7z into your user/mods directory.
This is my first mod and I didn't know which license agreement to set it to; feel free to modify the code as you see fit. If I make more I will actually research the license agreements better.
MNSTR added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreVersion 1.3: Updated for SPT 3.8.0; nothing else changed
- If you are having issues post pictures of your load order and config file or you will be ignored.
- No support will be given for older versions of SPT
Ammo weights crippling you? Are you like me and always try to bring 1,000+ rounds into every raid? Well this sets all ammunition to be completely weightless!
Stack size for all ammunition is set to 2,500 by default; this can be configured or disabled for vanilla values.
Automagically works with all mod ammo.
Mag loading/unloading speeds are 50% faster by default. This can be configured or outright disabled for the vanilla values.
Stamina damage for all ammunition is disabled by default. You can configure this to be any number you want or outright disable it to be vanilla values.
Go to config/config.json
Config file allows you to change the following:
-Is ammo weightless? (TRUE / FALSE)
-Change ammo stack size? (TRUE / FALSE)
-If TRUE then what is the new stack size?
-Change mag load speed? (TRUE / FALSE)
-If TRUE how much as a percent? (Has to be above 0) lower number = faster
-Does ammunition do stamina damage? (TRUE / FALSE)
-If TRUE how much as a percent? (This can theoretically be any number but I only tested it from 0-100) lower number = less stamina damage
Load Order:
If a specific mods ammo is not working make sure that this mod loads AFTER any other mods that add in new ammunition types.
Unzip WeightlessAmmo.7z into your user/mods directory.
If you have anything you want to see in any of my mods feel free to leave a comment and I will gladly explain why it's not feasible (I'm only kidding, I do actually like suggestions; some of them are just... not good lmao)
Yes, as the AI in SPT is simulating a live person coming into the raid with something ... thus making it all not found in raid.
The problem with SPT, is that NONE of the randomly generated loot/gear is FIR. Meaning the game doesn't differentiate between A PMCs kit they came into the raid with and loot they found.
I mean, unless you have the looting bots mod none of the stuff on them will be FIR because it's all stuff they spawned with. PMC's wont loot stuff by default in SPT
Follow the downgrade patcher at AKI Patcher. I ran into the same error and it was because I was using EFT version 0.14
This is the answer. You need to downgrade EFT before installing SPT since they are not compatible with one another
The flea market issues you are describing are most likely from the realism mod as it has a tiered flea market by default. I will look into the raid time issue. Honestly hoping I figure out what that is from because I'd personally rather have realtime instead of raid time xD
so i can just play live tarkov while single player tarkov is on my pc?
Yes you can, if you wanted to be over 100% sure you won't get banned or anything (which you wouldn't regardless) just don't run anything SPT while Live is running. Otherwise you can update Live and play to your hearts content.
As long as you don't update SPT until there is an official version for the newest Tarkov wipe it doesn't matter. They are separate.