Posts by Reyson
Look this problem plz
For some reason, this mod breaks the loading of ammo by presets.
Display MoreFormatException: Could not find any parsable digits. at System.ParseNumbers.StringToInt (System.String value, System.Int32 fromBase, System.Int32 flags, System.Int32* parsePos) [0x00166] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at System.ParseNumbers.StringToInt (System.String value, System.Int32 fromBase, System.Int32 flags) [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at System.Convert.ToUInt32 (System.String value, System.Int32 fromBase) [0x00022] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at EFT.MongoID.ConvertTimeStamp (System.String id) [0x00008] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0 at EFT.MongoID..ctor (System.String id) [0x00000] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0 at EFT.MongoID.op_Implicit (System.String id) [0x00000] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0 at GClass2092.method_2 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] magazines, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] containers, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[EFT.MongoID,System.Int32]& missingItems) [0x00149] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0 at GClass2092.FindMissingItems (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1[T] magazines, EFT.InventoryLogic.Inventory inventory) [0x00007] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0 at EFT.UI.Builds.MagPresetsWindow+Struct1021.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0 Rethrow as AggregateException: One or more errors occurred.
Reyson added a new file:
QuoteITS NOT SAME Inventory Organizing Features
Tnx archmagetony for most of the work!
I just fix the error with the magazines "stacked with ammo in the guns" and posted it for everyone
Using ctrl+click on a loot item will move it into a matching container marked with a @loot tag. For instance, if you mark your Documents case with a @loot tag and put it in your secure container, all keys you loot in raid using ctrl+click will be placed in that documents case automatically. Works only in raid - will not work with your hideout stash!
Copy CactusPie.ContainerQuickLoot.dll to BepInEx\plugins directory
Settings (F12 menu)
- Enable for Ctrl+click - whether or not the items should be automatically transferred to containers when moving them using ctrl+click in the loot menu
- Enable for loose loot - whether or not loose loot you pick up should be automatically palced in a container. This works for all the loot you just find lying around on the ground, shelves, etc.
- Put a container in your inventory. For instance a Documents case:
- Right click the container and select the "tag" option
- Set a @loot tag for the item.
- Ctrl+clicking a compatible loot item (such as a key) in raid or picking up loose loot will now put it in the documents case
Removing the @loot tag will stop the items from being automatically put in it
You can also add numbered suffixes to @loot tags in order to give a certain container a priority. For instance a container with @loot2 tag will take higher priority than a container with @loot3 tag. Not specifying any suffix assumes a "0" suffix/priority. Examples:
- @loot will take higher priority than @loot1
- @loot10 will take higher priorty than @loot20
- In case of two containers with the same @loot tag, the game will automatically assign a higher priority to one
Reyson added a new file:
QuoteAll cheers to the original author, I just fixed it
Faster healing and surgery + dynamic healing time for less damaged body parts
Warning: faster healing worksonly for limbs without bleeding or fractures! Enabling it for bleeding or fractured limbs causes the game to bug out, and at the moment.(I'm not sure for this bug at 3.8.3, could not reproduce, maybe helped my correcting errors in the author's code related to first aid kits and duplicating salewa)Installation
CactusPie.FastHealing_fix_by_Reyson.dll to BepInEx/plugins directory
Configuration (F12 menu)
- Enable surgery time multiplier - whether the surgery time multiplier is enabled
- Surgery time multiplier - the surgery time will be multiplied by this number. For instance
- Setting it to 0.5 will make it two times faster
- Setting it to 0.25 will make it four times faster
- Setting it to 2.0 will make it two times slower
- Enable healing time multiplier - whether the healing time multiplier is enabled
- Healing time multiplier - the healing time will be multiplied by this number. For instance
- Setting it to 0.5 will make it two times faster
- Setting it to 0.25 will make it four times faster
- Setting it to 2.0 will make it two times slower
- Dynamic heal time enabled - enabling this will make less damaged limbs heal faster. For instance, if you lost only 1hp in a specific limb, it will be healed very quickly. The more HP you lose, the longer the healing will take - but it will never go above the vanilla time.
- Dynamic healing time health threshold - the percentage of health required for the dynamic healing to trigger. By default, it is set to 50, which means the limb needs to have more than 50% of health for it to heal faster. For instance, stomach has a maximum of 70 hit points by default, which means that it will need to have at least 36 hit points for it to heal faster.
- Dynamic heal time multiplier - the default value (1.0) is the default multiplier for how much should the healing be sped up. Decreasing it below 1.0 will make the dynamic healing even faster, while increasing it will make it slower.
The final equation for calculating the dynamic healing time, assuming that all options are enabled, is as follows:
If the limb is below the theshold for dynamic healing, only regular multiplier will be applied. Thus, the equation will become:
Reyson added a new file:
NEED Dependency…al-s-custom-quest-loader/
The trade union with Prapor, Therapist, Peacekeeper, Mechanic, Ragman and Jaeger fights
against the SCAVs who work with Fence and Skier.
You play as a double agent and complete quests for both sides until....
The questline consists of 20 parts with a final showdown.
Quest rewards support you a little bit in the early game with quest keys and other stuff.
You know how stupid it is if you can not find the dorms key for the second therapist quest...
Also there are a few major quest rewards at certain points in the questline which include:
- Alpha armband
- Secure container Beta
- Superfors DB 2020 Dead Blow Hammer
- S I C C organizational pouch
- T H I C C item case
- T H I C C Weapon case
- Secure container Gamma
See comment:
Союз Торговцев против Диких, которые работают с Скупщикоми Лыжником.
Вы играете за двойного агента и выполняете квесты за обе стороны, пока....
Линия квестов состоит из 20 частей с финальной схваткой.
- Награды за квесты немного поддержат вас в начале игры ключами квестов и другими вещами.
- Знаешь, как это глупо, если ты не можешь найти ключ от общежития для второго квеста терапевта...
- Также в определенных точках цепочки заданий можно получить несколько основных наград, в том числе:
- Альфа-повязка
- Безопасный контейнер Бета
- Superfors DB 2020 Мертвый ударный молоток
- Органайзер SICC
- Чехол для предметов THICC
- THICC Чехол для оружия
- Безопасный контейнер Гамма