Posts by Kippa


    I updated to 3.2.2 a few hours ago, installed some mods and created a new profile. Whilst installing mods I made sure nothing was conflicting and nothing was showing red in the console. I pressed the play button and loaded the game successfully, I noticed when I pressed the '`' tilde key there was a constant flow of error exceptions every second which I found odd but continued to examine all trader items and clean up my stash. I bought a couple of things from Fence successfully but the third item gave me the constant buffering circle and the TypeError message in the console so I closed down the game back to the desktop. I've tried removing and starting the game with no mods but I still have the error messages constantly appearing so I'm left to create this thread.

    go to the \spt310\Aki_Data\Server\database\locations file path and then from there you will have a list of maps. Open the folder of the map whose boss spawns you want to edit (the folders should all be the same name as the map that they correspond to except for the folder "bigmap" corresponding to customs) and then go into the base.json file. Search for "bosschance" using ctrl+f and from there you can find a percentage value of that specific boss

    I prefer doing this method for editing percentage values for the AI and use other mods for gear and weapons. This way it's much easier to keep track of things and it doesn't require mods to edit spawn percentages you just need mods for gear and alike. Sadly I stopped using FAIT for the meantime because of conflictions and errors, also other people have reported the same issue(s) I have/had so I didn't want to clog up this thread even more.

    I have a question about this mod - I've looked in to the config/messages.json file and I wanted to see if I could add my own messages but I wanted to ask first before I change anything so can we add our own quotes or will it break the mod?

    That's probably a better way of doing it as this way you can physically edit the AI's inventory but if you use a mod that changes inventories there is a chance for errors just to make you aware.

    Hi, one more question: it is possible to somehow force Boss things (like golden TT or Sturman Key to spawn 100% times? run into problem that everytime i kill boss, no this "special" item on them. Thanks for awesome work and help.

    You can go in to the json files for loot Aki_Data/server/database/loot/staticLoot and you will see a huge list of item with their ID's but unfortunately I don't know which one is for Golden TT, Schturman key or anything high tier you will have to dig in to this yourself. I believe if you raise the "relativeProbabilty" value you will have a better percentage chance for that to spawn in raids but I haven't tested this myself.

    GhostSignals - I took note of the Bots not sprinting in FAIT v.1-24-2a but didn't realise it was a bigger issue. With regards to the bots item generation it's totally bwarked, especially the PMC bots who have ridiculous weapon builds and it doesn't seem to change anything when editing the config file. The bots behaviour is so bipolar, one raid they can be stuck in the mud the next they could be aim bot gods, something definitely isn't linked up correctly somewhere. I believe in Fin to fix these issues! <3

    I believe the Certificate Validation Errors occur when there is a confliction between mods. What I would suggest and I know it sucks arse to do but make a new folder on your desktop called "mods for 3.1.1" or what ever, highlight all of your installed mods and cut and paste them in to folder and see if the error still exists. If it doesn't, add 1 or 2 mods at a time and see which one is causing the Certification errors. This is my method in finding a troublesome mod or error solving in general.

    Hope this helps!

    I had this issue as well couple days ago, when ever I got to the insurance screen I would get this error message in the console it would still allow me to go in to a raid but would hard crash at a random point. I believe it has something to do with missing or removed gear that is no longer available like you said but I'm just as confused as you bud. I made a new profile and installed my mods one at a time but haven't had any issues yet, still half expecting something to break at any point.

    Are you using the latest version of FAIT with 3.1.1?

    Hi Fin thank you for updating FAIT and I know it is late for you right now lol.

    Below is the Debug Hash related to this:

    Code: Debug Hash

    I updated to 1.24.0, installed the mod and then changed some gear values and nothing else. I get in to raid and immediately my console flags up an issue with the AI spawning (see screenshot 2) midway through a raid my game completely freezes and becomes unresponsive (see screenshot 1) leaving me to ALT + F4 back to my desktop. Screenshots 3 & 4 are still unclear to me as I haven't seen these messages in the console before.

    1) = (game becoming unresponsive)

    2) = (Red TypeError text in console)



    5) = (console checking at start)

    Hi Fin mate hope you are keeping well. I'm trying to customise the advanced spawn config but I'm a little confused as to how it works properly. So far I have tried editing the Interchange section because the performance on that map is really bad, the amount and the spawn placements for the AI is all over the place. Please could you explain how I can edit it in such a way were every AI spawns in the their respective places and times?

    JRivs I don't want to offend you but you could of easily been given this information on the Discord or on another thread/forum page. Threads as supposed to be for actual issues and not for things unrelated to mods. You could easily find the information you need or some advice on other peoples threads or pages if you looked hard enough and like I said I'm not having a dig I'm just saying before you bite my head off :)

    I am only level 6 with my new profile and since installing the new version of the mod I haven't had any issues with weapons missing components however AI spawns are still an issue. What I mean by this is Scavs don't seem to be spawning that much or at all, I fight PMC's, Bosses and Raiders & Rogues but hardly any Scavs. On some mods that I have worked on in the past the gear and spawn placements and/or timings for the AI always seem to have problems working properly whether something is conflicting somewhere or something isn't setup correctly or it could just be an AKI thing not the mod authors fault. This is your mod and you work on it so you know more about it than I do I could be talking out of my arse lmao but I just want to help.

    Can you try redownloading the mod? What version of AKI and EFT are you using as a base? What map is this happening on? With what bot types? What tier are of bot are they (1, 2 or 3)? Is it all bots all the time with all weapons or just specific weapons?

    On what map are you having only rogues and bosses spawn?

    I just downloaded the hotfix you released 10 minutes ago, I will do a fresh installation and update again soon. I am playing on the latest AKI version 3.0.0 with Patcher to As for the maps I have only played on Customs, Woods & Shoreline at the moment and it happens with every bot type as far as I know.

    I've not seen any missing handguards/barrels etc. at all in my testing. Are you talking about missing scopes or muzzle devices? That's an issue I am aware of and trying to fix ATM, if barrels etc. are missing it's a different issue.

    I don't understand why either man and apart from missing scopes and muzzle devices weapons are missing hand guards, pistol grips, receivers and barrels. On some weapons I can literally see just the bullet sticking out because the barrel isn't there. I tried playing the game with no mods installed and everything goes back to normal, AI have the default gear inventories and spawns are back to default, it's baffling the hell out of me.

    Missing weapon parts like barrels etc., and invisible bots is nothing to do with me, it's a conflict with one of the mods you have installed. Not much I can do about that unfortunately. FAIL was compatible with the last AKI version so it should still be compatible now. Anything that touches bot loadout files would not be

    Fontaine I can confirm it is a problem with this mod, I left a comment on the mod page yesterday about AI spawns and AI gear having missing parts/attachments. For whatever reason I can't pinpoint the issue, I had no other mods installed and played with a new profile as other people were commenting/complaining of mod conflicts. I will try and get some screenshots to better describe or to provide you with more info.

    I did some testing and it was a mod issue which has since been solved, however I am getting a new TypeError message(s) in the console without any mods and a fresh installation here's 1 for an example -

    I believe this is it's connected to insurance and pricing of insurance from what I can see but I could be wrong. Is this issue under investigation or being looked in too or would I need to provide more information?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    Oh I'm sorry yeah I just read your previous comment and noticed you said the installer, I personally haven't used the launcher as I prefer doing the installation method the way I have done since I started using SPT a long time ago, I just find it easier to do. If you prefer to use the installer rather than manually like I do I'm sure the mod author or someone else can help you more than I can.