Posts by Kippa

    Best thing I can say is do the installation right from the beginning but use the Patcher first then delete the Patcher, after it has completed patching the game then add the SPT and it should work from there.

    DM if you still need help with installation, I hope this helps.

    we are aware of it happening sometimes, is this happening constantly? and the bug has been in SPT for a long ass time now because its an offline EFT BSG issue

    Oh I'm sorry I just saw that you are a moderator I need a new monitor lol. It doesn't happen all the time but it seems to happen sporadically and at random times. Also the raid times are very inconsistent I made a thread earlier today talking about this, sometimes my raids have 30-35 minutes left with or without extracts available so I have to ALT+F4.

    sometimes this does happen, its a Offline EFT bug, it will involve you alt-f4'ing the game, it will reset to the point as if that raid never happened

    Are the SPT devs aware of this bug? I tried with no mods installed and it still happened, never had this problem in 2.3.1.


    As the title says I have constant red messages spamming in the console, my raid times are between 30-35 minutes and I have no extracts available on any map I play on. I downloaded and installed NeverLoseEquipment because of these issues and I have to wait until for my insurance returns. The red messages were happening before I installed any mods and I haven't tampered with any files so I'm very confused why this is happening. The raids times and extracts may be caused by FAIT but I'm still unsure on this.

    Is anyone else experiencing this issues and is there a fix for these? In the mean time I will be doing some testing to see if I can narrow things down, hopefully someone can explain things better.

    Hi Fin, I am getting this error on Interchange playing as PMC the message doesn't appear on other maps, what could be causing this? =

    I accidently closed the server and then realised I need the debug hash to give you more detail but I will try and replicate the error with the debug hash to hand sorry for that.

    My last couple of raids I have had no extracts, the raid times were 30-35 minutes instead of 45 minutes and when I press the tilde key to show the console it spams red messages constantly every second =

    I have no idea what it causing this to happen, I never had this problem in version 2.3.1.

    I love this mod I was just wondering could you maybe add or port some other British weapons in to Tarkov like the L115A3 Long range 'sniper' rifle, L129A1 sharpshooter rifle and any others that are even possible to add to Tarkov? I wish BSG added more "Britishness" to the game in terms of weapons and characters, if you have watched the Raid full length film there are British special forces or units of some kind so you would expect more of a British impact but there isn't.

    Thanks for your work bud!

    Could anyone share their advanced inventory config for healing items? I just can't seem to have that ai's only have one healing item type in their inventories.

    Second to this! The AI's inventories always have at least 2 blue gunpowder's, 2 or 3 melee weapons and 4+ medical items and not the best quality items either things like AI2's, Bandage, standard splints etc.. not enough variety with meds.

    I just did a raid on Factory with the latest version of FAIT and no AI spawned and I got this reference error message in my local server -

    My Debug Hash below -


    are snipers spawning for you? I think there might be an issue with LUA's rework, because they sure did spawn with FAIT. I've played several raids in customs and none spawn.

    edit: was just a long string of bad luck I guess... next ride after this on spawned lol

    How do you get them to spawn? I haven't been able to get any to spawn for some reason :/


    I don't think it's a big issue as I have the same pop up message when going in to my hideout after restarting SPT, it doesn't happen all the time it's just on the odd occasion but the hideout is perfectly fine. As for Live Tarkov, it happens on there too so I'm going to assume it's a bug with the game itself but I could be wrong I'm not sure. I wouldn't worry about it unless someone with more information than I have says otherwise.

    Update! The latest patch 1-21-6a has fixed this issue.

    If you are referring to the PMC's being levelled 0-2 is fixed in 1-21-6a, that isn't true sadly. Every PMC I kill is always levelled 0-2 for whatever reason is unknown to me, not sure if Fin is aware of this but it needs looking in to.

    Not sure if anyone is experiencing this on the latest version for 2.3.0. All pmcs regardless of USEC or BEAR were assigned as raiders (pmcbot). Their dog tag names are from raider's name list and their level can only be 0 or 1. I have narrow down to only run with this mod and removing the mod the role assignment was fine again.

    Yeah I am having this issue too. Did a few raids and found that the majority of the dog-tags and the names of PMC's were Raider names and were levelled between 0-2. It's not a big issue but it just means more RNG to find higher levelled PMC's.

    Hi, I seem to be having an issue with Scavs and my Player Scav not having any weapons or gear. In the config I only changed the Overall Difficulty multipliers, Silly Changes at the bottom of the file and a few other values but nothing that would drastically change the gear for the AI.

    The screenshots I have attached are all from consecutive raids and not from the same one, I wanted to make sure that it didn't just happen in a single raid.

    Update: I messed around with some of the settings for the last 12+ hours and I have found that 1 in 5 or 6 Player Scav raids there is no gear for my Player Scav and in my PMC raids about 30-35% of the Scavs (of all total AI spawned) in the raid stand still frozen/won't aggro with no gear or weapons. It could be user error or there's just something not working together, still unsure but hopefully I can figure it out.