Posts by Kippa

    I'll jump straight in to the details right from the start:-

    I installed and re-did the entire installation process for SPT, patcher was successful with no errors, started my game, created my character the whole shin-dig. Played a few raids as my PMC on Customs, Woods and Shoreline and got back to the main menu as normal. Tried doing a raid with my Scav on Interchange, managed to get to an extract which annoyingly failed to load back to the main menu screen with the never-ending circle of infinity, I checked my console for any errors and there was an error but nothing in red then I ALT + F4'd out of the game. This wasn't an issue on 2.2.1 even though I did the entire setup right for 2.2.2, is this a known bug/issue and/or is there a fix for this?

    *I have attached a screenshot of my console at the time, I hope this helps.*

    P.s - If I've missed anything or doing something wrong sorry in advance.

    Ah, so basically it was just ported up but not re scripted to actually work. You'd think he'd have tested to see it still works but meh he makes great mods

    True but you have to realise that every mod author does this in their spare time and won't always get it right, is what it is sadly. There are other mods though like the third-person view mod which to me is brilliant!

    your description wasn't all that clear and when i installed the mod i didn't notice anything.

    Does changing the FOV in the game settings still affect your overall fov or does it just change the fov of the weapon? [OR does it do both?]
    When installing the mod is there supposed to be a noticeable difference? i even took screenshots before installing and after installing and there was ZERO increase to the weapons position. evidenced by again taking screenshots and comparting them.
    Then I changed the in game fov settings from 50 to 66 to 75 and still did not notice any difference to the weapon position.
    I'm really confused

    There is zero difference in FOV from what I can see as well. The other day I tried reverting back to 12.11 and then comparing to 12.12 and 12.12 seems to ignore this mod for some reason. This mod works perfectly on 12.11, sadly not with the current version AKI, hopefully the mod author can explain or fix this.

    Okay because you have tried with no mods in your mod list, try my config for Lua's Spawn Rework I'll put it as a spoiler for you in a few parts as only 10,000 words are allowed. Also only have this mod in your list, hopefully it should spawn in Sniper Scavs.

    As far as I'm aware there is no conflict between AlltheBoss and Lua's mod, I have them in my mod list and I haven't had any issues. I do like to put the percentages of bosses spawning to similar as Online Tarkov and have the bosses on their maps, like Tagilla on Factory for example but you can mix and match which is pretty cool.

    Get some rest mate, you know where I am if you need help.

    Hi dude, I would recommend using Lua's CP Spawn Rework Reborn mod and using the Default.json pattern & also use Fins AI Tweaks (FAIT) for the AI gear BUT set "disableAllSpawnChanges" at the top to False so Lua's mod can overwrite the changes. The Default config for Lua's CP mod will have sniper spawns at their usual places but you can tweak the settings to however you'd like, I recommend it to anyone who doesn't use it. If you need any help with it feel free to DM me and I will try and help you.

    I've been using ThatGuyXIV-RandomLootGen's mod for a while now and the marked rooms have good enough loot but it's very RNG and replaying that particular map until you find a Docs case or Money case etc.. well worth a try!

    Brilliant mate I will try that out when I have the next opportunity at my computer. I am working for the next 4 or 5 days and I'll be spending time with my partner and my son so a reply will be slow, however I am interested and keen to try this out. I think it would be easier if I email you or whatever I have never used Dropbox unless its for installing a mod lmao.

    Okay that's good then bud, everyone should make sure that if they intend on updating from a fresh, clean install they should remove everything that way it shouldn't cause any errors in the future. As for your mods, I'd recommend temporarily taking out all of your mods from your user/mods folder and see if that allows you get in to a raid, if it does allow you too just add your mods back in 1-at-a-time and go from there, that way you can find the culprit. Basically process of elimination.

    tiramisu have you double checked to see if you have multiple "copies" or installs of SPT-AKI on your computer? I had a similar issue a while back and I fixed it by making sure I deleted everything related to SPT-AKI and followed the instructions for reinstalling. Also, have you made sure all of your mods are compatible and up to date?