Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • I'm seeing a lot of people posting errors here without attaching a debug hash. There are some rare few cases where the debug hash isn't useful to me, most often if the error is occurring before the hash can be generated, but if possible you should always be including your hash.

    The hash saves a ton of time and effort, and since the mod's comment section had to be disabled due to the strain it was creating on user's browsers, a back-and-forth where I have to ask for your information now takes up much, much more real-estate that makes the help thread harder to browse or keep track of. Instructions to post the hash along with any bug reports are also present atop every version of FAIT since its was introduced, as well as in the server, directly above the hash itself.

    Because of this, if I need it and it isn't there, I most likely will not help you.

  • Fin,

    First, thank you for the speedy reply. Just reporting back on the results after inputting the lines of code you asked me too. After deleting the code for the armor, It did work and PMC's were wearing all of the rigs available. However, with the line of code for the PMC's to use better ammo in weapons from my presets did not work. Just wanted to report back and let you know. One other thing that I did notice is that for some reason the dynamic loot is a bit messed up. Seems like every pmc I kill has gunpowder, half masks, and knifes in their rig or backback. This may or may not be your mod but thought I would let you know. Thanks again Fin! Looking forward to the next update!

  • [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 5c07a8770db8340023300450

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 5c07a8770db8340023300450 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25 was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5dfee5b5b000140293d3 had no ammo

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    How can i get rid of this ?

  • I've run the game spamming that for a few of the modded weapons i've downloaded, it doesn't seem to effect much considering it goes to a failsafe and just goes back to default.

    but you could try Blacklisting the weapons from spawning on bots.


    Can be found in the "Gear" section of the config.

    and recommend using the awesome config editor :)

  • Thank you ! I love you.

  • Fin added a new version:

  • Not sure if anyone is experiencing this on the latest version for 2.3.0. All pmcs regardless of USEC or BEAR were assigned as raiders (pmcbot). Their dog tag names are from raider's name list and their level can only be 0 or 1. I have narrow down to only run with this mod and removing the mod the role assignment was fine again.

  • 不确定是否有人在 2.3.0 的最新版本上遇到此问题。无论 USEC 还是 BEAR,所有 pmcs 都被指定为袭击者 (pmcbot)。他们的狗牌名称来自袭击者的名单,他们的等级只能是 0 或 1。我已经缩小到只运行这个 mod 并且删除 mod 角色分配再次很好。


  • Not sure if anyone is experiencing this on the latest version for 2.3.0. All pmcs regardless of USEC or BEAR were assigned as raiders (pmcbot). Their dog tag names are from raider's name list and their level can only be 0 or 1. I have narrow down to only run with this mod and removing the mod the role assignment was fine again.

    Yeah I am having this issue too. Did a few raids and found that the majority of the dog-tags and the names of PMC's were Raider names and were levelled between 0-2. It's not a big issue but it just means more RNG to find higher levelled PMC's.


  • Ii have almost every version of FAIT so I always take mod in and out to test the difference, the problem did exist on 1-21-6 but it seems back to normal on 1-21-6a.

    Couple things you might need to look into to narrow down the issue:

    1. Are the problematic PMC voice match with their faction? any russian speaking USEC or English speaking BEAR?

    2. Were their dog tags single word and in cyrillic script (not english words)?

    If you seeing above symptoms, it might be indication that PMC was being assigned as Raider (pmcBot). Which is the issue i mentioned initially.

    Another suggestion is to turn off spawn change and test in factory to narrow down the issue.

  • Config options are broken like allow bots to talk pmc raider and scavs, scavs dont talk if pmc only set to false. Weapon durability set to 75 min but it's still 65 and lower for scavs. Raiders set to absurd minimum spawnrate but still get spammed by "BOSS" s like scavs, scavs on customs and factory with raider names like hawk or snake with 7.62x54 BTs. Scavs with 5 lvl armor rig. And yeah, weapon loadouts stupidly absurd. Behaviour option doesnt seem to work too. 2.2.3, 2.3.0 were used.

  • Hi,
    i also got some issues with the mod and tested a little, to see what the error causes.

    If you set "Clear vanilla weapon loadouts" and "Clear vanilla armor loadouts" to false, the server throws a "i is not defined". Dont know if i am the only one, but in earlier versions it happened too. Even after config resets and reinstalls of everything it still wont work for me. After the error, the server just starts and skips all the other mods loaded after. And no, i dont even get a debug hash as soon as the error occurs.

    Also for some reason the bots only give Dogtags with Level 0-2 which is kinda problematic if you are doing a "hardcore" run or want to trade anything with the tags with level caps. Like the Lucky Scavbox from Therapist lvl 2.

    That aside, thanks for the awesome mod Fin :D

    Here screenshots of set to false and set to true.


  • Hey guys, hey Fin,

    i digged a little more and looked for a potential fix for the problem with the dogtag levels, since they all are 0 or 1. Aaaaand i found one.

    I dont know what caused this but here is the fix:

    you go in your AKI Folder > user > mods > zFin-AITweaks > src > mod.js. Open it with Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code. Cant guarantee the mod will work if you open it with Notepad or other programs.

    Now you either search for generateRandomLevel or go to line 2791. Here you change the stuff in the brackets. From

    BotController.generateRandomLevel(node.experience.level.min, node.experience.level.max)


    BotController.generateRandomLevel(0, 72).

    It should now look something like this:

    The current max level is as far as i know 72. With the minimum of 0. You can change the numbers however you like, as long as the first MIN is smaller than the second MAX number. (Maybe helpful for quests or hardcore players)

    Now you just have to save the file and you can start playing. I haven't tested it much, but until now i didn't get a single error and the levels are pretty good randomized.

    My guess is, that node.experience.level.min, node.experience.level.max give just 0 or 1. I dont know if it is an index number, true or false in numbers or or or.

    Hope it helps and have fun with SPT-AKI as well as with this mod :D

    PS: special thanks for the fast help from Kiobu-Kouhai conserning some funktions :D

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