Posts by Kippa

    Does the message appear in the console/server in red, yellow, grey or any other colour? If it's red it needs to be fixed but if it's yellow it usually means it's a warning. It could potentially be the Armalite trader trying to formulate the presets as well as all of the trader items and it's throwing the error that you see, that's my gut instinct on it.

    staystizzy hi there, you say you only started having issues when you removed Reno Cosmo trader. Have you tried reinstalling that mod and see if your game works or not?

    I had a brief look at one of your logs and the below screenshot should show that Armalite might be the culprit but I could be wrong. I'll carry on looking in to it for you.

    ChungusBeefMan hey man, I had this issue last week and I believe it was QuestingBots, LootingBots and SAIN.

    What I would recommend you to do is completely remove these mods from your SPT and reinstall them as it says on SAIN's mod page. If this doesn't work feel free to reply back to me and we will go from there. BigBrain and Waypoints may need to be removed and reinstalled again if removing the others first doesn't work.

    Joizz hello, you have quite a lot of mods installed and your logs say that quite a lot of them are incompatible with your current version of AKI which is most likely the cause of your error message and inability to play.

    Please update the mods that are displayed in the screenshot below and update when you have.

    Take as much time as you need bud I'll keep the thread open until you can update again.

    With regards to the Nvidia drivers I would suggest updating to the latest version but also do a complete reinstall of Tarkov just to be sure. In the last week or so I've helped quite a few players on here and on Reddit with SPT and it seems reinstalling Tarkov and then setting up SPT again fixed their issues with the game, maybe it's worth a shot?

    So I've had a look at your logs and nothing seems out of the ordinary or sticks out to me, it all looks to be working as intended. Have you installed any mods at some point and then removed them? Or had any AI spawn mods or anything like that?

    Before 0.14 wipe/patch there were a lot of reports and Reddit threads of players who had 16GB RAM complaining about having memory leaks because of BSG's shoddy implementation of new content and overall maintenance for the game which was eventually (and apparently) rectified/fixed when 0.14 was released in December but I don't fully believe it had fixed it.

    I'll give you some time to reply and see what we can do.

    KryffeX Hallo guten tag! Sorry I don't speak German I only know a few words lol.

    okay so after looking at the logs you have provided it seems that you have mods that are outdated which will cause issues, this could be a possible reason for your game becoming stuck.

    What I would suggest you do is make sure that the mods above are updated and see if that erases getting stuck on loading. Sometimes what can happen on a playthrough on SPT with mods is that issues won't appear until you get to a certain point in the game and it can all go head over arse and your profile is kaput. Armour and clothing mods are known for causing people to get stuck on loading, I had the same issue just the other day in fact.

    Ok understood.

    What I would like you to do is follow this step by step and I will explain more after the steps:

    1) download the 3.7.6 AKI release Here (make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom and look for

    2) next download the downgrade patcher >> Here <<

    3) copy and paste all of your Tarkov files in to a brand new folder away from where your Tarkov is located, you can call it SPT 3.7.6 as an example

    4) once that's done, copy and paste the downgrade patcher into your SPT and start the patcher, when the patcher has finished delete the patcher.exe

    5) after this, copy and paste over the 3.7.6 AKI release and start with the Server.exe and then the launcher

    Doing it this way you have more control over everything in my opinion, it's how I've always done it after 3.7.1. The downgrade patcher as of late has been causing some issues with installation with not transferring all of the necessary files in order for it to work or maybe it's just some people not following the instructions correctly it's hard to tell most of the time but it's understandable given if they have never modded or setup something like SPT before.

    Please let me know what happens and I will help as best as I can, thanks.

    Hey RyanMcGiggle, I'm gonna need more information about your download and about what it happening.

    1) are you installing the correct downgrade patcher for which ever version of SPT you are using? Can you tell me which version you are trying to use?

    2) are you installing manually or using the auto installer?

    I will try and help as best as I can but please provide as much information as you can so we can get you fixed up and ready to go.


    Copy that my friend and they definitely do you're not wrong. If you need any more assistance feel free to open a new thread and someone or myself will help you.

    Happy gaming!

    mattas007 please can you give a description of what you did to fix the issue? Other people have reported having the same problem and I'm sure they would be appreciative for the fix and if the same problem exits in the future they could come back to this thread.


    Glad to be of some help to you bud.

    Just as a friendly note or two going forward, issues like this do happen from time to time but you won't always have to do what you've just had to do; uninstalling and reinstalling. Downgrade patchers can also be the main cause of problems too but it doesn't happen that often, not to mention BSG and Nikita with their inconsistent, random updates can muddle the waters as well. :nikitathinking:

    If it's ok with you can we mark this thread as resolved?

    BOThawkins hi, so from what I can see from your logs you have outdated/incompatible trader and clothing mods and mods you removed without discarding all items relative to them.

    what I would suggest you do is double-check that all of your trader and clothing mods are updated and compatible with 3.7.6 and check the comments of these mods to see if other people are having issues as this can sometimes help identify any problems you and other players are having. Also keep an eye on your server.exe at the very top you may encounter some error messages regarding any mods you have installed, if any of the text say for example "this mod is incompatible and needs to be updated, no support will be given" then it needs to be updated or fixed immediately as to not cause more problems.

    I've spent the last hour or so looking at older threads and the common thing to do is to delete and reinstall Tarkov and then retry SPT again. I think this is a last resort kind of thing but I'm unsure on what to suggest going forward. I personally haven't had any issues with installing SPT since 3.7.1 which was a long time ago.

    Sometimes when Tarkov gets a recent update it can effect downgrade patchers and/or files for transferring for SPT, some get moved around or removed entirely. It's par for the course unfortunately.

    I found a thread from last year with a similar problem it could be of use for you: [thread] SPT-INSTALLER: A PATCH FAILED TO APPLY