Posts by MiseryMachinery

    MiseryMachinery added a new version:

    MiseryMachinery added a new version:



    Global Changes

    • Price of items: 1.10 (indicating a 10% price increase globally).
    • Items Weight: 0.90 (meaning items weigh 10% less).
    • Fence Pays Lesser: 25% markup (the in-game "Fence" pays 25% less for items).
    • Fence Smaller Assortment: Only the variety of weapons remains the same.
    • More Expensive Repairs: 3.50 (repair costs are 3.5 times more expensive).

    Loot Adjustments (Map-Specific)

    • Adjusted loot values for loose items and containers across various maps.
      • Customs: 1.30 (loose), 0.50 (container)
      • Interchange: 2.50 (loose), 0.50 (container)
      • Woods: 0.95 (loose), 1.50 (container)
      • Shoreline: 1.40 (loose), 0.50 (container)
      • Reserve: 1.90 (loose), 0.50 (container)
      • Lighthouse: 1.90 (loose), 0.50 (container)
      • Streets of Tarkov: 2.20 (loose), 0.50 (container)
      • Ground Zero: 1.30 (loose), 0.90 (container)
      • Ground Zero Hard: 1.30 (loose), 2.00 (container)
      • Day Factory: 1.45 (loose), 0.70 (container)
      • Night Factory: 1.45 (loose), 0.70 (container)
      • Laboratory: 1.75 (loose), 0.50 (container)

    Player and Skills Adjustments

    • Hydration and Energy Loss: 1.45 (players lose hydration and energy 45% faster).
    • Max Stamina: 70 (max stamina is capped at 70).

    Raid Settings

    • Car Extract Prices: 50,000 (car extraction costs 50,000 rubles, to represent the high black market transport costs, forcing players to make tough money decisions).

    Case Space Manager

    • Alpha Container: Now has a 2x4 slot space.

    Scavs and Bosses Adjustments

    • AI Armor and Weapon Durability:
      • SCAVS: 22-100 (armor), 15-100 (weapons)
      • SNIPER: 22-100 (armor), 15-100 (weapons)
      • RAIDERS: 53-100 (armor), 60-100 (weapons)
      • ROUGES: 53-100 (armor), 60-100 (weapons)
      • PMC: 25-100 (armor), 45-100 (weapons)
      • BOSSES: 60-100 (armor), 75-100 (weapons)
      • BOSS GUARDS: 60-100 (armor), 75-100 (weapons)

    MiseryMachinery added a new file:

    MiseryMachinery added a new version:

    MiseryMachinery added a new version:

    MiseryMachinery added a new file:

    MiseryMachinery added a new file:

    MiseryMachinery added a new version:

    MiseryMachinery added a new file: