Posts by GhostFenixx

    I'm using SPT-AKI 2.3.0. with BepInEx and I have SamSWAT.TimeWeatherChanger.dll inside SPT-AKI\BepInEx\plugins but I can't find setting options in F12 and pressing the Home key does nothing, any idea how to fix this?

    Most likely you're missing `ConfigurationManager` from bepinex plugins, that wasn't imported in first iterations of 2.3.1.
    Redownload and paste-replace in game folder and you'll likely have one.

    Certain value related to ragfair was set as 'null'
    Solution would be to find it via Ctrl-F 'Null' or looking at position it refers to - 509348 - and set it to some number, 0 will most likely do.
    profile located in user/profiles.
    It won't fix the issue that caused it though, it could be removal of a mod, or just a wrong write caused by something.

    Profile Editor by Skitles (It's published in mod section by Ereshgikal here) for money, level, character skills, quests and hideout progression and some little doodads like double size pockets
    And SVM - to adjust some internal values, like stamina, multipliers, raid settings and other things
    Both has UI and easy to use.

    Speaking of acquiring game files - can't help you there, "Download any EFT version outside of its official way can get you banned." is listed on every page, so that should be your answer.

    First of all - you have too much grids in code you gave, you can actually notice you have 2 really small boxes on the right, it has nothing to do with your issue but they may cause other problems later on.
    Second of all - be sure your mod load after those 2.

    It's all in the filters, try to copy same filter as you have in first grid to others you have, They are the same, checked, therefore the issue is those filters lacking "Common container" ID, 5795f317245977243854e041
    Making me surprised how did you even put it on first slot, but ok.

    You can insert exact IDs of modded items so it will defo work.
    And you had modded IDs there too, hmm, i'm out of ideas.
    Maybe related how did you inherit the item layout itself. I suggest to clone gamma case as an item and build a new item on its base, like for example how MICC does.

    You can ask your friend to create one using preset, if preset also doesn't get created - might just guide him through what you want to set.
    Also, reread your first message - it's not meant to create one when you just run it but when you hit `apply` button.
    This is quite lethal issue for SVM - making values easy to adjust at any point is the core idea of the mod, I highly encourage to fix the issue itself, maybe running it via admin, really no clue what would cause this.

    If you have no one to help ya with it - hmu in EmuRC Discord (you can access the link inside launcher or find it in Rules>Team section here on website)

    Known issue, this being caused by Items price modifier of `Items` Section, yet i'm unaware what exactly causes it.
    I may presume some items doesn't have items price set in a handbook and only has trade offer, i'm thinking of possible solution right now, for now, setting proper mod load order will do the trick, set SVM below Item/Gear/Gun mods if possible/applicable.

    i need to put the jackets on 0 with 0 and 0 chance to work but i dont want that, i want at least 1 chance to get keys

    I wish i knew, most likely it affects one of the jackets that has hardcoded item inside.
    Either way it's not SVM issue but locations/bigmap/loot.json issue.
    Any other map works fine.
    Lazy mode will not count Jackets, it's mentioned in tooltip.

    Well, i also realised i was wrong in multiple aspects, here you go, more detailed guide:
    1) Prepare a setup, Install SPT on PC1 (That means install EFT with AKI on it)
    2) Install AKI on PC2, you don't need game files for that.
    3) On PC2 - Change IP and Port, IP is your internal one, you can check it via Win-x > System>Network>Adapter>Settings>Status, something like that, i have a different default language so i can't tell you exact names.
    And any port, there is no firewall really in LAN, just don't go above limits, take a simple one, like 3456 or 7777, you may leave it as it is
    4) Launch server in PC2, take generated certs from PC2 and put it in PC1 into user/certs, or maybe any folder you'll use next step on. (that's where i was wrong on previous post)
    5) Use certutil as guided above
    6) Run Launcher on PC1, get in settings, set up your URL, launch the game.
    If it's that perfect it'll work, maybe it's not, it's all my assumptions, i don't have 2nd pc as of now to try, sorry.
    Maybe someone will give you more detailed instructions on back-end side.

    If it is possible:
    You'd set your internal (not local) IP and any port in AkiConfig(If it worked) or in aki_data/database/server.json
    I really don't know what you suppose to do with certificate, but i guess you need to make a folder in PC2, put a same certificate as server on PC1 has (it's in user/certs) and use windows utility to add it on PC2.

    Open Command Prompt (Windows key + R)

    inside of it enter : certutil.exe -f -addstore Root <yourgamepath>\user\certs\cert.pem
    Here's an example if you feel you need one:
    certutil.exe -f -addstore Root D:\Games\Tarkov\user\certs\cert.pem
    In our case you can use any folder..i guess? no one is really informative sadly.
    Start the server on PC1 and try to connect via PC2.

    Here's for Eresh(I bet she'll see this eventually):
    You don't need those checks - (X !== Y) [if it's same - don't override it]
    Because nothing would change, so why won't just not override in any case? [X = Y]
    Except you want to add fancy Logger.log(); outs in server, not the case in your code, but i'll give you a tip, use 'try -catch'

    Here, you know what to do with this.

    DatabaseServer.tables.server.ip = Config.Server.ip
    DatabaseServer.tables.server.port = Config.Server.port

    You're welcome.
    Turns out, server already writes the same thing into itself like this
    Inside src/server/HttpServer.js.
    It won't work neither if you try to change value into HttpConfig or in DatabaseServer.tables.server.

    So i bet it's impossible to write that value onto launched server(Because loading queue), and should be written manually beforehand.