Posts by MakerMacher

    MakerMacher added a new file:

    MakerMacher added a new version:



    - C4 can now be crafted at a Lvl 2 Workbench. Customize the recipe under "databse/templates/craftingItem.jsonc"


    - Did some code cleanup to reduce load times by a small amount

    MakerMacher added a new file:

    MakerMacher added a new version:



    - C4 not working on doors


    - Doors that are not meant to be opened (i.e. doors that lead to nothing or are placed in front of walls) can't be breached (by C4 or Breaching rounds)

    MakerMacher added a new version:


    Fixed not being able to breach with breaching rounds, melee weapons and grenade launchers.

    Now everything should work like the original BackdoorBandit.

    MakerMacher added a new file: