
  • Member since Nov 8th 2020
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  • Ignore or delete this comment, I made a post about your latest patcher giving errors when it was actually me that f'd up, I was downgrading my version of EFT by mistake :sleeping:

  • Добрый день, не сталкивались ли вы с проблемой, что на карте «Резерв» спавнятся только дикие ? Я удалял моды, но проблема всё равно сохраняется. Раньше её не было только в версии 3.10. Может, в обновлении какая-то ошибка?

  • I can't download the latest spt patcher because the file is not located at the download link, maybe it was deleted? can you update the link?

  • I keep getting really bad artifacting on Ground Zero. is there something I'm doing wrong? I downloading and installing from the auto installer. I've deleted everything and reinstalled it three times.

  • merci. merci du fond du cœur pour ton travail, ton temp et ce que tu as fais . tu es génial !

  • when new version?

  • Every time I try to install the mod, I get "a patch failed to apply." It stays on patch 16 then tells me that. Anyone know how to fix this?

  • Hi. There is a bug from 3.7.1 to> 3.7.6 , some keys are not spawning. For example customs 214, 114 ; shoreline spawn only 216 on administration side. Can you fix this in next patch . Also some loot are not spawning Thank you.

  • Hello, such a problem, when launching the patch, writes that it was not possible to access EFT, can you help? anti virus is turned off, running on behalf of the administration tried

  • the file spt aki server 3.7.0. is shown as a Trojan in doctor web and virus total, how do you comment on this?

    • It's a false positive.

      All our projects are open-source. If you don't trust us, you can build everything yourself from the source code or don't use the software.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • is sthere not gonna be any update for spt

  • hi Waffle,

    maybe im missing something but wil sptarkov have the upgrades that the live game has?

    ie,traders on same page at top and weapon rack etc?

  • Hey Waffle, was just wondering if there was any ETA on the update for

    Crying 1
  • aki patcher says it cannot decode delta files and i have used 7zip and windows 11 extraction tool and it continues to say the same thing i would love a response even if it is a typical regular andy mistake pleaseee.

    • hard to say. I would recommend using the installer and seeing if you get the same result.

  • 1st I would like to say thank you so much for all the effort and constant upragdes that you do for this community, really thank you so much. I wanted to know if you more or less have a ball park figure for when the latest version of single-player Tarkov will be uploaded? With the new patch?

    • I just handle patching and as far as that is concerned, we are up-to-date.

      We can't provide any ETA for releases as the process is pretty involved. You can check out the development progress in our discord

    • Thank you for the feedback and the as stance :)

  • Hi Waffle,

    Firstly thanks for all the hardwork you do.

    Is there an update due for version

    Many thanks

  • My apologies if this is not the correct way to inquire information.

    I'm trying to use your patcher but i am unable to downgrade from version might this be a recent release not yet covered?

    • latest patch is now available

    • Thanks for the super fast update. After a year of not playing tarkov i'm looking forward to this. Thanks for making it possible!

  • one question when will you haven the update of the pacth

  • is there any type of way I can go back to 12.11 from 0.13? I miss that patch man so many memories.

  • brother can you help me how to down grade to verison 12,11? thanks

  • I also keep getting the failed to decode error or it says its being used by another program around 77 percent completion

  • I keep getting the failed to decode error im on the lastest version of tarkov

    • Nevermind i fixed the issue sorry lol

    • How did you fix this? I'm having the same issue

    • Fiddy, Were you able to fix it?

      If not, I had the same issue and tried using 7zip to get it to successfully unzip.

  • Hate to bother you, but is there any other way I can get the files from this website? Im on a public network and believe the websites the files are on dont like it, and are keeping my computer from connecting

  • Hey Everyone! Everything works for great for me I think. I just had one question, I'm just wondering what does it take to get the streets map on the SPT-AKI working? Or is streets supposed to be working with the lasted patcher? IDK Im kinda lost but then again I'm new to this here site so i dont know how it all works.

    PS: THANK YOU TO: ADMIN, MODERS, and everyone who's part of this wonderful thing we got going on.

    • It's not in the currently spt release. You just have to wait. There is no eta

      Thumbs Up 2
    • Understood thanks for the response my guy.

  • On the latest version it says me failed to decode globalmanagers.assets

  • i updated tarkov then aki then the patcher made sure its the proper versions of each but the aki launcher won't detect I have a legit copy of eft. Any guesses on any fixes

    • Was all working fine until I updated your patcher. Aki was running fine with your old patcher version for I do believe two aki updates

  • .19420 just dropped

  • I keep receiving an error when I try to extract the patcher.exe file in the Patcher_12.12.31.19340_to_12.12.30.19078 download. There's also a couple more that throw errors right after that one. Any suggestions?

  • hi plz work on that file Escape From Tarkov of

    AKI Patcher for us

    i kwn you are busy with that :):):):):):*:*:*:*:*:love::love::love::love::love::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint:<3<3<3<3<3

  • Sorry to bother, I keep getting issues with the patcher failing to decode Level13's stuff, I've snooped around for answers but couldn't find any. Seems like other people are having a similar issue too. I'm not sure if anything else will fail to decode after Level13.