Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.2.4a
- nooky
FIXED: console errors (reading 'customs')
this fixes a bug introduced in 1.2.4 - sorry about the issues! -
Version 1.2.4
- nooky
Oh yeah, that's right - we now have custom bosses in SPT!
SSH's USEC Commander:
USEC-Commanderadd them as SWAG waves:
or add them as custom bosses with their own spawn chance on any map!
I've included a short guide on how to add custom bosses to your patterns so please give it a read. Just make sure custom boss mods load BEFORE SWAG.
Special thanks to SSH for the new boss mod!
Version 1.2.3
- nooky
New Features and Improvements
friendly reminder to delete the SWAG/config/patterns folder before installing! (if you have your own patterns and SWAG settings please back those up!)
NEW: Cultists
Cultists have been added to Customs, Woods and Shoreline night raids in their usual live locations but they also respawn every 20 mins. They have their own spawn chance that is configurable in the SWAG config, default is 10% chance except for Factory Night (100% spawn rate).
NEW: 5-man PMC groups
Previously, the largest PMC group you could see was a 4-man - this has been improved so that now there is a rare chance (~3%, default) a 5-man PMC group will spawn in your raid. This can be adjusted with the `pmcGroupChance` option in the SWAG config.
NEW: scavWaves option
Tired of dealing with SCAVs? Want a raid full of giga chad PMCs? PMC battle royale? Set this to false and 0 SCAVs will spawn.
NEW: Rogue & Raider spawn chance, per map
Similar to bosses you can now set map-specific spawn chances for Rogues and Raiders. Additionally, if you add Rogues and/or Raiders spawns to a new map you can add it to the SWAG config as well (same as bosses, see README for details).
Other Changes
- SWAG config.json is little more organized and easier to read
- Lots of minor balance tweaks
- Removed Killa's Rogue buddies on Interchange
- Backend improvements
Special thanks to TINYTEETH for testing, you're a LEGEND!
Version 1.2.2b
- nooky
- Customs boss chances were not being set properly (Reshala, Goons) - this has been fixed
Other Changes
- Factory and Labs improvements - they should be a bit more lively now especially near the start of raids
thanks to notAlig for reporting the issue!
Version 1.2.2a
- nooky
When pmcGroupChance is set to "asonline" (default) there were more groups than intended. This has been fixed, sorry about the trouble!
Thanks to emze for reporting this! -
Version 1.2.2
- nooky
More new stuff!
NEW: pmcGroupChance
pmcGroupChance is a new option (found in SWAG config.json) that represents a certain range of probabilities that the START-OF-RAID PMCs will spawn solo or in a group.
"none" - no groups, all solo
"low" - mostly solo, rare duos, even more rare trios, no quads
"asonline" (default) - ~70% solo, ~20% duos, rare trios, rare quads
"high" - lower chances of solo, mostly duos and trios, some quads
"max" - no solos, no duos, 50/50 chance of trios and quads
The probabilities for all PMCs will re-roll every raid - that means group chance will fluctuate each raid (within the range of your chosen "pmcGroupChance") so that start-of-raid PMCs will have some added randomness in that regard, just like live. you may end up in a quiet raid with a bunch of solo Timmys or a packed raid with lots of groups and everywhere in-between - the choice is yours.
Please keep in mind that increasing group chance will spawn more PMCs in your raids at the start (obviously) so you may want to adjust other settings as well so that things stay somewhat balanced (like bot caps, "pmcChance", etc...)
example Customs raid, 40 max bot cap
pmcChance: 100
pmcGroupChance: "max"
welcome to PMC hell
NEW: BossChance per boss, per map
I've added the ability to set different spawn chances for named bosses that spawn in multiple maps:
Code: SWAG/config/config.json
Display More"BossChance": { "glukhar": { "reserve": 25, "streets": 15 }, "killa": { "interchange": 25, "streets": 15 }, "tagilla": { "factory": 25 }, "zryachiy": { "lighthouse": 100 }, "sanitar": { "shoreline": 25 }, "reshala": { "customs": 25 }, "shturman": { "woods": 25 }, "goons": { "customs": 25, "woods": 22, "shoreline": 22, "lighthouse": 25 } },
(OPTIONAL): if you decide to add bosses to other maps in the SWAG patterns you can add that map to the above config and set the boss chance for that map.
Example - I want Killa (no guards) to 100% spawn in Factory
Code: SWAG/config/patterns/factory_boss.json{ "Name": "Killa", "BossName": "bosskilla", "BossEscortType": "exusec", "BossEscortAmount": "0", "Time": -1, "Supports": null, "RandomTimeSpawn": false, "OnlySpawnOnce": true, "BossZone": ["BotZone"]
now add it to the config:
Code: SWAG/config/config.json"killa": { "interchange": 25, "streets": 15, "factory": 100 }
thanks to those who suggested the idea!
FIXED: Rogue chance, Raider chance
There may have been times when rogue/raider chances weren't being set properly - this has been fixed.
Other Changes:
None! No tuning this time - HOWEVER... please backup all of your configs before updating! Just in case you've made your own changes, don't lose them!
Version 1.2.1
- nooky
New stuff!
NEW: Realism Compatibility
If you use Realism's "Bot Changes" option (tiered bot loadouts) and SWAG (or perhaps other spawn mods), you may have noticed more PMCs than you had been expecting in your raids. SWAG will now properly disable any bot conversion each raid so that Realism PMCs will abide by only SWAG spawns. just be sure you have SWAG load AFTER Realism (it should by default unless you rename your mod folders)
NEW: Night Raid Max Bot Caps
You can now set a separate set of max bot caps for night time raids. This is useful for those who enjoy the normal chaos of higher bot caps but prefer a quieter time at night for a more immersive "live" experience. Defaults are the same as day time caps so feel free to adjust as you see fit.
NEW:: pmcChance
Added a new option "pmcChance" to config.json. Similar to "BossChance", this affects the spawn chance of all START-OF-RAID PMCs.
Default is 60. To compensate for this I've added additional start-of-raid PMC spawns throughout some parts of each map. So, if you want a lot of starting PMCs then crank this up to 100, if you don't want any PMCs in your raid set this to 0, etc...
Keep in mind that this is currently balanced around "pmcWaves: true", so feel free to play around with this setting.
Huge thanks to the legend Realism's creator Fontaine for dealing with my annoying questions!
Version 1.2.0
- nooky
New features and Improvements
NEW: Individual BossChance
Now you can define a "BossChance" for each individual named boss:
"BossChance": {
"gluhar": 20,
"killa": 20,
"tagilla": 20,
"zryachiy": 100,
"sanitar": 20,
"reshala": 20,
"shturman": 20,
"goons": 20
},NEW: RogueChance, RaiderChance
Additionally I've added the ability to define chance for Raiders and Rogues. Keep in mind that this applies to ALL Raider and Rogue spawns, including triggered spawns (such as D2 or Labs exfils, for example) and waves. Defaults are 80 each.
"RogueChance": 80,
"RaiderChance": 80,NEW: Define your own BossChance for any boss spawn (includes ALL bots)
You can now define your own BossChance, if desired, to any boss spawn. This includes named bosses, PMCs, Raiders and Rogues.
Example: add "BossChance": 50 to this PMC spawn in customs_pmc.json
"Name": "sptusec",
"BossName": "sptusec",
"BossZone": ["ZoneBlockPost"],
"BossEscortType": "sptusec",
"BossEscortAmount": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1",
"BossChance": 50,
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true
}Useful for anyone who wants some more randomness and experimentation.
Map Changes & Tuning
Friendly reminder: pmcWaves is set to true by default, so if you want more SCAVs and fewer PMCs then you probably want pmcWaves set to false
All Maps
- increased MaxBotPerZone: 6 > 8
- decreased default pmcSpawnWeight: 25 > 20
- increased default scavSpawnWeight: 75 > 80
- initial SCAV waves should now spawn a little earlier (<2 mins)
- initial SCAV waves will now spawn in ALL zones (previously random zones), so maps will fill a little faster early on
- increased max bot cap: 24 > 25
- increased spawns at Dorms and Customs (Big Red, Trailer Park area)
- shortened wave intervals
- added additional waves in certain larger zones (Goshan, IDEA, etc.)
- all Raider spawns now use RaiderChance (in config.json)
- all Rogue spawns now use RogueChance (in config.json)
- added SCAV waves to Water Treatment zones
- PMC waves now spawn earlier at Water Treatment zones
- all Raider spawns now use RogueChance (in config.json)
- increased max bot cap: 26 > 28
- added SCAV waves to larger zones
- increased max bot cap: 24 > 25
- increased max bot cap: 26 > 27
- added SCAV waves in larger zones
Special thanks to Statue, PattyPN and others from the SPT Discord who have been a great help testing and providing great feedback!
Version 1.1.11a
- nooky
HOTFIX: BossZone "null" was causing errors, should be fixed now (sorry!)
Version 1.1.11
- nooky
New stuff, Fixes and Tuning
NEW: How-To Guide on Modifying SWAG Spawns
I've added a short guide on how to modify or add your own spawns to any SWAG pattern. If there is anything I should add please let me know!
NEW: SWAG triggered waves
Since default waves are now disabled I've manually re-added them as SWAG spawns (Labs extracts, Reserve D2, Hermetic Door, etc.) and kept them to their original vanilla SPT values.
FIXED: Streets zone typo
Streets zone "ZoneCarShowroom" was spelled incorrectly for some spawns, this has been fixed. So, Lexos (car dealearship) in particular should be a bit more lively now.
Map Changes & Tuning
All Maps
- slight increase to scavSpawnWeight: 70 > 75
- added SCAV wave at Customs and Factory zones
- shortened PMC/SCAV wave intervals
- added additional SCAV wave
- shortened PMC wave interval
- added triggered Raiders
- added triggered Raiders
- increased max bot cap: 26 > 28
- shortened PMC/SCAV wave intervals
- added SCAV wave in 5 zones
Other Changes
Spawn Definitions
- "BossZone" can now be set to null (SWAG will just pick a random zone)
nooky Author
how do I make it so less bots spawn and the bot cap is less I changed the cap in config but over 25 spawn when I have it capped at 18
nooky Author
I don't support this mod anymore. unless you meant to post this for SWAG + Donuts then use that page instead (link is above)
Hey Nooky,
I tried adding the useccommander to the underground bunker using a raider spawn point...added usec commander to the reserve_boss.json like this
'Glukhar stuff here'
"Name": "useccommander",
"BossName": "useccommander",
"BossEscortType": "exusec",
"BossEscortAmount": "4",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": ["ZoneSubCommand"]
but it gives me the quest state error and I can't load the map. I did the changes in config.json too.
Can you support me with that?
if i disable bosses through the in game menu does this mod override that or no?
nooky Author
it should but I haven't tested that myself
also for some reason i have set sniper scavs to 100% but they dont seem to be spawning im not sure why they arent
nooky Author
sniper scavs might be due to PMCs spawning instead, since they're all set to spawn at time -1, sometimes snipers won't spawn. in the next update this behavior should be much better since PMCs will start spawning at 5s instead of -1, allowing other bot types (such as snipers) to spawn first.
Hi!I have encountered some issues,I want to generate bots continuously. To achieve this, I have made some changes to the parameters.I adjusted "BossChance" to 100, and set "RandomWaveCount" to 2000.
I entered the factory for testing. At the beginning of the raid, Tagilla was correctly generated, and then about ten bots were generated within one or two minutes. However, after these bots were eliminated, only a few bots were spawn instead of a continuous wave of bots. After more than ten minutes passed, no bots were spawn.
My SPT-AKI version is 3.55.Here is a list of my sever mod list.
Simple Wave AI Generator (SWAG)
Molot Vepr-12
Comprehensive Ammunition Tweaker
A-TACS FG - Clothing
AdditionalGear - DigitalFlora
AdditionalGear - Tan Module, Armored Vests
AdditionalGear - Tan Module, Headwear
AdditionalGear - Tan Module, Misc
AdditionalGear - Tan Module, Rigs
AdditionalGear - Vanilla Extended
MM14 clothing bundle
MultiCam Black Bundle
GuestGear - DigitalFlora
I would like to know whether it's a problem with my parameters causing the bot to be unable to spawn continuously, or if it's due to a conflict with the mod that is preventing it from functioning properly.
nooky Author
have you tried increasing your spawn weights?
try setting both to 100
also 2000 waves is probably unnecessary, that's well beyond 24 hours in most cases I think. if you want several hours of waves you could do 100 waves instead
I will try, thank you very much for your reply
I changed "pmcSpawnWeight" and "scavSpawnWeight" in config.json to 100, but the situation seems to be unchanged.At the beginning of the raid, tagilla was generated, followed by about 10 bots, and after I eliminated those bots, only two bots were generated.Instead of the constant stream of bots I was expecting to be spawned.
I changed the number of immediately generated pmc's in pattern/factory_pmc.json to 2. Only two pmc's were indeed generated after entering the raid, indicating that the mod was indeed working properly during the initial generation phase.But after that there was still no bot generation, even though I changed "RandomWaveCount" to 200 and lowered the values of "Time_min" and "Time_max" in factory_pmc.json.
Does the client-side mod affect AI generation, and do SWAG and AIlimit conflict?
My server shows that SWAG has been successfully loaded and shows:
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: all_scav
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: customs_boss
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: customs_cultist
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: customs_pmc
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: customs_scav
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: customs_snipers
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: factory_boss
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: factory_night_boss
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: factory_night_cultists
SWAG: Loaded Pattern: factory_night_pmc
This question confuses me!
I think I found the problem...when I uninstalled the AI limit mod in the client mod, SWAG worked fine and started generating AI as I expected. this made me very confused, the AI limit mod doesn't mention that he will limit AI generation, and since both mods belong to the same author, I think I should ask him about this.
Anyway, thank you!
nooky Author
it's possible your AI limit was set to 20m (used to be default) in Factory which may have been causing you issues.
Overall great preset, but Labs feels way broken right now, You barely ever get a chance to loot because the map is always full of bots, but if you have SAIN installed, its borderline impossible to get a full raid where you have more than a minute or two to loot before you're sniped at from all the way across labs from 100+ meters away. Been looking around in the files for a way to turn down Lab spawns, but the config is kind of difficult to understand, even with the explanation file included. 5 Labs raids in a row now and the moment I kill one team, another spawns and instantly targets me across the map and the cycle repeats.
nooky Author
hey, thanks for the feedback! admittedly I don't spend a lot of time in Labs personally so this is quite helpful - I've made some minor adjustments to the labs patterns, can you try these for me please?
I also recommend decreasing your "MaxBotCap" for Labs if it's still a bit too chaotic. let me know how it goes! if it feels better I can include these changes in my next update.
nooky Author
another thing - what version of my mod are using?
Thanks for the response! I always use the latest version of any mods when giving feedback, so it would be the latest version on the SPT workshop at the time of the original post.
nooky Author
hey just curious have you had a chance to give these a shot?
I'll try them out today and give you some feedback. I've been busy. I will DM you with my findings.
Hey, apologies if this is answered somewhere already, wondering if it is possible to have pmcs/scavs spawn instantly, seems like there is a 30 second to 1 minute delay before most things spawn, but i notice that bosses like Tagilla will spawn instantly, unsure which setting im missing. cheers and thanks for the mod.
side note, i already tried to edit the patterns to set the time to -1, but it doesnt seem to fix it.
nooky Author
unfortunately this is a consequence of how BSG's codes the game. Named bosses always have priority in the spawn queue, so you will almost always see them spawn first. Additionally, spawn timings aren't exact - although the server will generate bots at the exact time (you should see bot generate logs in your server console immediately at time -1) they won't actually show up in your raids until shortly after. as far as I know there isn't really a way to circumvent this, perhaps spawning bots with a client mod may help but that's a whole different beast.
tl;dr Time -1 spawns aren't exactly immediate, the game does its best job but is still kind of slow
no worries, I assumed it was something like that. Loving the mod either way, and I appreciate the response, thanks.
Hi , everything works just fine execpt in factory where no bots spawn , only tagilla ?
i did not modify the waves nulber so that's why i don't understand
nooky Author
first let's make sure there aren't any mod conflicts - what's your mod list?
i'm not able to send screen here so i've taken the liberty to contact you on discord. sorry to bother
I am getting PMC Conversion is OFF (This is good...) Although I cannot get into raids
nooky Author
if you cannot load into a raid it may be a mod conflict, what's your mod list?
"Virtual\u0027s Custom Quest Loader",
To add, it says during loading: an attempt was made to transition a task to a final state when it had already completed
nooky Author
what version of SPT are you on? first thing I'd try is deleting the contents of your cache: user/cache/
if that doesn't work, try a full SWAG re-install:
1. delete the entire SWAG folder
2. delete everything in your cache folder: user/cache/
3. install base SWAG as instructed
4. delete SWAG/config/patterns folder
5. install my mod - step by step:
- unzip
- copy "src", "config" folders and paste in your SWAG folder: user/mods/SWAG/
- play the game
if this still doesn't work lmk we can try something else
Im on 3.5.4, but Ill try these steps, thanks!
spt 3.5.7 even when removing all the scav files from the pattern folder no pmc spawn on interchange and scavs are still spawning
nooky Author
if you're not getting any PMCs then sounds like something is wrong. my first suggestion is trying a full re-install:
1. delete the entire SWAG folder
2. delete everything in your cache folder: user/cache/
3. install base SWAG as instructed
4. delete SWAG/config/patterns folder
5. install my mod - step by step:
- unzip
- copy "src", "config" folders and paste in your SWAG folder: user/mods/SWAG/
- play the game
try an interchange raid and see if it's any different. if not come back and let me know!
Hey Nooky, not sure why. could be cause im new to this whole SPT modding but after i download SWAG and delete the patterns folder and then copy this mode into the swag folder. i get this error in my server, and the game is just stuck on the "loading profile date" screen. The only mods i have currently are:
Maid Traders
KMC Server Value Modifier - (have not made any changes to the bots with this mod)
Any idea what im doing wrong? Thanks
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')
at C:\SPT-AKI\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:182:57
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Function.ConfigureMaps (C:\SPT-AKI\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:178:14)
at Object.action (C:\SPT-AKI\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:63:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)
at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)
at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)
at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:527:28)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')
at C:\SPT-AKI\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:182:57
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Function.ConfigureMaps (C:\SPT-AKI\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:178:14)
at Object.action (C:\SPT-AKI\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:63:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)
at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)
at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)
at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:527:28)
nooky Author
lets start with a full re-install of SWAG. do this for me please:
1. delete the entire SWAG folder
2. delete everything in your cache folder: user/cache/
3. install base SWAG as instructed
4. delete SWAG/config/patterns folder
5. install my mod - step by step:
- unzip
- copy "src", "config" folders and paste in your SWAG folder: user/mods/SWAG/
- play the game
try these steps and let me know how it goes, thanks!
this worked as far as i can tell
I had the same problem and tried this to fix the problem and it was still stuck on loading screen.
what i was doing wrong was copying the entire nooky folder into the user/mods/swag folder. instead after you download swag and delete the swag/config/patters folder - only copy the the src and config folder from the nooky mod into the user/mods/swag folder. thats how i fixed it
Hey Nooky, I see that the ts source code for this mode is pretty different to the Vanilla SWAG code. It looks like basically a branched but different mod to SWAG. So my question is why do we need to install SWAG first? Is it just the package.json?
nooky Author
good question - indeed I've made quite a few changes to SWAG over time that it has kind of become its own mod at this point, however, the scope and spirit of this mod is to enhance SWAG, not replace it, I'd like to keep it that way. unless props decides to abandon SWAG for whatever reason.
so, short answer is no, you don't need to install base SWAG first, but that was always the intention anyway.
I found spawning of rogues in WTP are weird. It is not like the online game, because there are too many rouges on the ground. In the online game, most of rouges are on the roof and guard the WTP with their heavy machine gun, rather than wandering on the ground.
What's more, in the online game, there always are two rogues guard the main entrance of the WTP. But the rouges are usually missing once your presets are used.
nooky Author
thanks for the feedback! I'll work on including some WTP Rogue adjustments in the next update
I love this preset! I get a variety of enemies including snipers, and evenly placed enemies across the map. I'm also using SAIN 2.0 and this preset doesn't cause much lag in the lighthouse or customs even without AI Limit.
Hi, thanks for the brillant mod so far!
I am wondering if there is any possibility of making any AI spawn earlier in the raid? Specifically in Streets. Most of them don't spawn until around 40 min mark. Got any ideas?
nooky Author
"Most of them don't spawn until around 40 min mark"
that doesn't sound right... you should be seeing a good number of spawns within the first ~2 mins, are you not?
It does state the game "generates" bots in the console, but I do not really see anyone until much later on. I have not touched any setting of the config or the .json files
Just tested with Reserve, and something familiar is happening aswell.
Just tested on Factory now, and over there they seem to spawn around 2 minute mark. Does the spawn wave change based on the max time around the different maps?
Huh... just tried a fresh reinstall of SPT without SVM... that seemed to have fixed the issue. Haven't done any BOTS adjustment in that mod, so it can't possibly be related with the mod loading order?
nooky Author
that's odd, glad it's fixed now though. it could've been a conflict, maybe some crap left in your cache files from the past, hard to say. debugging modded SPT can be tricky.
Hey nooky!
I absolutely love your preset, it is really live like and I always try to mod the game towards live.
I only have one problem which is that all AI spawn on the usual spots but I saw you mentioned that you also use Lua's Custom Spawn Points which I always used to fill the whole map with AI.
Could you please elaborate how you set that up?
I added the mod to the mods folder and I activated it but it doesn't seem to work.
Thank you!
nooky Author
thank you for the kind words.
indeed I used to use Lua's mods but I haven't since pre-3.5.0. though some parts of that mod still work now it can be quite buggy these days.
if you're looking to have your bots roam around the map freely I strongly recommend the following AI mods (only on 3.5.7):
- waypoints SAIN 2.0 looting bots will greatly enhance bot AI behavior and help with the "live-like" experience.
Awesome, I'm gonna look into these, thank you!
Hey Nooky, just wanted to say, I installed these mods and holy shit, the game is on another level now!
Everything works, this is by far the easiest version I modded but the game feels so much better, it's insane!
Thank you for your suggestions!
I don't know if I am doing something wrong but my bosses only spawn with one or two guards.
nooky Author
I'll assume you're referring to bosses who specifically should spawn with more than that, so, is it possible that you're hitting your max bot cap? something i'm not 100% certain about is what bot types take priority in the spawn order, so it's possible that PMC spawns may be taking priority over guards, though I'm not sure.
I have increased the max bot cap and the max bot amount per zone and they still only have 1 or 2 guards
nooky Author
what bosses specifically on what maps? I'll try to reproduce the issue and troubleshoot
glukhar on reserve and reshala on customs
nooky Author
you're right, somethings up with their guards. I'll troubleshoot this and try to fix, thanks for reporting!
I have been trying to get all bosses to have a 100% spawn chance so I went into User>Mods>SWAG>Config>Config.json and changed all values to 100 besides the bosses on streets and I also have goons and cultists set to 35
but since I have changed this I have yet to see any bosses, I have only encountered the goons
"aiDifficulty": "normal",
"aiAmount": "asonline",
"RandomWaveCount": 7,
"BossWaveCount": 1,
"SkipOtherBossWavesIfBossWaveSelected": false,
"GlobalRandomWaveTimer": {
"WaveTimerMinSec": 60,
"WaveTimerMaxSec": 120
"BossChance": {
"glukhar": {
"reserve": 100,
"streets": 25
"killa": {
"interchange": 100,
"streets": 25
"tagilla": {
"factory": 100
"zryachiy": {
"lighthouse": 100
"sanitar": {
"shoreline": 100
"reshala": {
"customs": 100
"shturman": {
"woods": 100
"goons": {
"customs": 35,
"woods": 35,
"shoreline": 35,
"lighthouse": 35
"cultists": {
"customs": 35,
"woods": 35,
"shoreline": 35,
"factory_night": 100
"PMCs": {
"pmcWaves": true,
"pmcSpawnWeight": 30,
"pmcChance": 65,
"pmcGroupChance": "high"
"Others": {
"scavWaves": true,
"scavSpawnWeight": 80,
"sniperChance": 50,
"scavInLabs": false,
"rogueChance": {
"lighthouse": 75
"raiderChance": {
"laboratory": 85,
"reserve": 65
"MaxBotCap": {
"factory": 14,
"customs": 24,
"woods": 27,
"shoreline": 28,
"lighthouse": 30,
"reserve": 23,
"interchange": 24,
"laboratory": 14,
"streets": 24
"NightMaxBotCap": {
"factory_night": 14,
"customs": 24,
"woods": 27,
"shoreline": 28,
"lighthouse": 30,
"reserve": 23,
"interchange": 24,
"laboratory": 14,
"streets": 24
"MaxBotPerZone": 7,
"UseDefaultSpawns": {
"Waves": false,
"Bosses": false,
"TriggeredWaves": false
"DebugOutput": false
nooky Author
I've tested your config on my end, I can get bosses to spawn as they should - maybe a mod conflict or similar - what's your mod list?
Priscilu: The trader
Never Lose Equipments
Nooky Custom Presets for SWAG
All are 3.5.6
Last night I did play 1 factory raid and tagilla did spawn for that
nooky Author
hmm ok do this for me please:
- show me your SWAG/config/patterns folder
- enable debug logs (SWAG/config/config.json - change this to true: "DebugOutput": false)
when you start your game look at your server console. SWAG will spit out a ton of logs, these are your spawns. pay attention to the yellow text - these are your boss spawns (this includes named bosses, PMCs, and other bot types). check those logs and make sure it matches what you have in your config and patterns.
I was playing earlier and the bosses were spawning every time
Here are the pictures of the files you asked for:
Ok so when I play before changing DebugOutput to True There is no yellow text in the server boss spawns are consistent without any yellow showing up in the server
when adding usec commander to boss pattern it makes map unplayable giving error "an attempt was made to transition a task to a final state when it had already completed" when deleting him from pattern everything works fine again
nooky Author
how did you add it to your patterns? I'd like to try to reproduce this error on my end
for example i added it to factory first so i made factory_boss pattern look like this
"MapName": "factory4_day",
"MapGroups": [],
"MapBosses": [
"Name": "Tagilla",
"BossName": "bosstagilla",
"BossEscortType": "followerbully",
"BossEscortAmount": "0",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": ["BotZone"]
"Name": "Commander",
"BossName": "useccommander",
"BossEscortType": "null",
"BossEscortAmount": "0",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": ["BotZone"]
and to config i added after cultists so i looked like this
"cultists": {
"customs": 10,
"woods": 10,
"shoreline": 10,
"factory_night": 100
"useccommander": {
"factory": 100,
nooky Author
Hmm it may not be your issue but I’m not sure if “null” would work for escort type, I would just make it “exusec” and keep the amount 0, try that and see if it fixes the error.
edit: also keep in mind if tagilla spawns then the other boss won’t since Factory is only a single zone
okay that works thanks for help
I'm positive that I'm doing something wrong, but I usually don't have any trouble running new mods.
Tried firing up SPT for the first time since downloading SWAG and Nooky's Preset on 3.5.7 and I'm getting the following error: "TypeError: group.BotZone.split is not a function" followed by a dozen different file directories within the SWAG mod file itself. Fix my idiocy so I can enjoy this beautiful mod please!
For context, I am running SVM but the "bots" tab is disabled and I am running the Realism mod but I followed the instructions Nooky left for avoiding conflict with this mod. Thanks in advance y'all.
nooky Author
Hey sorry about the trouble! Let’s start with a few questions:
Realism - what options do you have enabled on the Bots tab?
Other mods - can I see your full mod list?
Can I see a screenshot of your SWAG/config/patterns folder?
Also, apparently I'm too inexperienced with this site to know how to properly embed an image in the comment section. But that's another problem for a different day lol, thanks so much for the quick response.
nooky Author
Try turning off “openzones fix” it may be conflicting with SWAG since the fix is already included, so there’s no need to have it enabled in realism
No dice! Same exact error pattern, I'll link it as well.
Hey, I have an error after the update
nooky Author
hey sorry about this, download the latest version I just updated it, v1.2.4a, thanks!
So fast omg thanks !
Everything is good man, but wow 8 minutes to fixe this, you are a legend
So, this mod causes a memory leak? After end of Raid, my Memory is 98% full and then it falls back to ~35%.
I have 32GB RAM.
nooky Author
not that I'm aware of, however, SPT does have a history of memory leaks and overall high memory usage. do you use a botmonitor by any chance?
Sorry, but what do you mean by "botmonitor"? The only thing that i can describe as such is the Tyrian-Radar standalone mod i use.
nooky Author
nvm, it’s a debugging tool mod. do you experience crashes?
Not yet. And for the Memory usage: It is in the Raid like ~55%, then after the Raid (Before landing on the main menu) it spikes to ~98% and thereafter in the main menu it is again by ~40%.
Without this Mod (and SWAG obviously) my memory is at constant ~40%.
nooky Author
Increased memory when using my mod vs vanilla is expected and inevitable, consider that my mod both increases max bot caps for each map and increases spawns, which will both add load to your PC.
If you haven’t yet I highly recommend trying a mod like AI limit, it may help with your issue.
Otherwise try reducing bot caps down to the default vanilla values and see if your performance is any better.
For the record, if it’s any consolation, my personal RAM usage rarely gets above 60% and I run tons of mods (SAIN beta, realism, my mod, clothing mods)
Hi! Remember me? lol. Were you able to make it so that you can spawn every boss on every map?
nooky Author
hey! yeah I remember, ha sorry... thank you for the idea, and yes you can do this now!
using boss spawns with guards:
or waves:
if using the former you'll need to add them to the SWAG config.json and define a spawn chance, otherwise they'll always spawn 100%. use the above templates for all maps if you'd like.
Ha! Thank you! Also i've been having a little problem with pmc spawns, Basically Usecs simply dont spawn only Bear the only thing i've changed was bosses and pmcs spawn chances and max bot counts in the map. Do you know what could be causing the issue?
nooky Author
hmm... could be a mod conflict or similar, whats your full mod list? my mod by default picks a faction randomly for each PMC, so you may have raids with lots of USEC or BEAR, but it should almost never by all one or the other
The only mods that interact with AI that i have are the following: SWAG (of course) Drakia Waypoints,No bush & No Grenade ESP and thats it. I will now install this BotDebug mod to see in a more accurate way what bots spawn and such.
Also if you could send me the code to make all the bosses + their guards to spawn in every map at the very start i would be greatful since i dont understand coding really.
nooky Author
nooky Author
nooky Author
If you bet on true, does it mean that standard waves will be generated along with your waves? Or can it break spawn?
nooky Author
correct - I wouldn't say it would "break" anything but you'll likely see some unexpected results with your spawns (i.e. more SCAVs than usual, possible multiple bosses, etc.) since my mod is designed around keeping all default spawns disabled.
I've managed to have all bosses spawn in customs, but reshala doesn't have any guards with him in dorms. This is my config:
"MapName": "bigmap",
"MapGroups": [],
"MapBosses": [
"Name": "Goon Squad Trio",
"BossName": "bossknight",
"BossEscortType": "exusec",
"BossEscortAmount": "2",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": [
"BossEscortType": "followerbigpipe",
"BossEscortAmount": "1"
"BossEscortType": "followerbirdeye",
"BossEscortAmount": "1"
"BossEscortType": "followergluharscout",
"BossEscortAmount": "0"
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": ["ZoneScavBase"]
"Name": "Reshala",
"BossName": "bossbully",
"BossEscortType": "followerbully",
"BossEscortAmount": "4",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": ["ZoneDormitory"]
"Name": "Killa",
"BossName": "bosskilla",
"BossEscortType": "exusec",
"BossEscortAmount": "0",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": ["ZoneGasStation"]
"Name": "Gluhar",
"BossName": "bossgluhar",
"BossEscortType": "followergluharassault",
"BossEscortAmount": "0",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": [
"BossEscortType": "followergluharassault",
"BossEscortAmount": "2"
"BossEscortType": "followergluharsecurity",
"BossEscortAmount": "2"
"BossEscortType": "followergluharscout",
"BossEscortAmount": "2"
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": ["ZoneFactoryCenter"]
"Name": "Sanitar",
"BossName": "bosssanitar",
"BossEscortType": "followersanitar",
"BossEscortAmount": "2",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": null
"Name": "Shturman",
"BossName": "bosskojaniy",
"BossEscortType": "followerKojaniy",
"BossEscortAmount": "2",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": null
"Name": "Tagilla",
"BossName": "bosstagilla",
"BossEscortType": "followerbully",
"BossEscortAmount": "0",
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true,
"BossZone": null
nooky Author
the config looks right, i'm assuming you don't see any issues with other spawns? are you hitting your max bot cap maybe? i'll try to reproduce the issue
Other spawns don't have issues, only Reshala.
I also increased bot cap to 40 and max bots per zone to 17. He either spawns 1-2 guards or he's alone now, but never 4. Should I play around with the bot cap and max bots per zone? Lmk, and thanks for your help.
nooky Author
try only spawning Reshala and his guards and see if you get all 5 bots at Dorms. i'm wondering if there is some sort of limitation with spawning large groups in certain zones (like Dorms) since Dorms zone is quite small.
Yeah, just experimented with 3 raids, he still only spawns 0-2 guards or he's alone after setting other bosses to 0%. I do see normal scavs with him though, maybe that's causing the issue?
nooky Author
hey, circling back to this, i noticed this was an issue for me as well and narrowed it down to DRIP mod, do you use that mod by any chance?
does version 1.2.3 work for spt Aki 3.5.6??
nooky Author
yes it should be compatible for all AKI 3.5.x
I even tried running on 3.4.1. It’s fun at the factory and in the laboratory, but there are clearly some problems at large locations, I run around the location almost alone. Bots are either not found, or there are very few of them. Although in the server console it says that bots are being generated.
nooky Author
this is mostly true but a couple of things to keep in mind...
by default my mod aims for a "live-like" experience with a minor increase in action (thus, the increased bot caps). but what does that mean exactly? well, like live, some raids are hoppin, some raids are just dead, and everywhere in between. so, I'd say it's normal and expected to have some raids that seem "dead", but then your next raid may have 20 PMCs, you just never know.
the 2nd thing is consider the limitations of the game - bots will only travel so far due to limited navmesh on each map (though mods such as Waypoints, Looting Bots, etc. help alleviate this problem) - so it's naturally difficult to achieve a consistent feel of a full raid, on every map. the exception being you could just increase your bot caps, but it's not a realistic solution and further deviates from the "live-like" experience.
tl;dr - it's "normal" for larger maps to feel empty sometimes either due to spawn randomness (my 1st point) or simply limitations of the game (2nd point)
does this work with DrakiaXYZ - Waypoints??
nooky Author
Yes it’s 100% compatible
Hello, I have some kind of mod conflict somewhere because Big Pipe has a 100% spawn rate with bosses enabled. Can someone help me figure out what's causing this? Think it may be SWAG or Nooky's
nooky Author
sounds like you may have installed my mod incorrectly, try this:
- delete your SWAG folder: user/mods/SWAG
- re-install SWAG
- delete patterns folder: SWAG/config/patterns
- install my mod
Will try and let you know
I get this error in the console:
PMC conversion is OFF (this is good - be sure this load AFTER Realism/SVM)
I don't use any mods at all other than this. Can something be done about it?
nooky Author
that's not an error, just a friendly log letting you know that SWAG is doing what it's supposed to, no need to be concerned.
That's just I don't have PMCS spawn) and only 1-2 scavs, although on the contrary I put them more in the config:( The default settings of the mod also initiate this message to the console and spawn bots does not occur.
nooky Author
you only use SWAG and no other mods? what do you see in your console when you load into a raid? can you copy and paste that for me please?
Yes, only SWAG.
[Запрос Клиента] /client/raid/configuration
SWAG: PMC conversion is OFF (this is good - be sure this loads AFTER Realism/SVM)
SWAG: Max Bot Caps set
[Запрос Клиента] /launcher/profile/info
[Запрос Клиента] /launcher/server/version
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/core/core
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/marksman/easy
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/marksman/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/marksman/hard
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/marksman/impossible
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/easy
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/hard
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/impossible
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBully/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerKojaniy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/pmcBot/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/pmcBot/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/pmcBot/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/pmcBot/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/cursedAssault/easy
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/cursedAssault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/cursedAssault/hard
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/cursedAssault/impossible
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossGluhar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossGluhar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossGluhar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossGluhar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharAssault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharAssault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharAssault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharAssault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSecurity/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSecurity/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSecurity/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSecurity/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharScout/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharScout/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharScout/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharScout/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSnipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSnipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSnipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerGluharSnipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossSanitar/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/test/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/test/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/test/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/test/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/assault/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantWarrior/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantWarrior/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantWarrior/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantWarrior/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantPriest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantPriest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantPriest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sectantPriest/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerTagilla/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/exUsec/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/exUsec/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/exUsec/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/exUsec/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/gifter/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/gifter/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/gifter/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/gifter/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKnight/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKnight/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKnight/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossKnight/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBigPipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBigPipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBigPipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBigPipe/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBirdEye/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBirdEye/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBirdEye/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerBirdEye/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/bossZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/followerZryachiy/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/arenaFighterEvent/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/arenaFighterEvent/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/arenaFighterEvent/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/arenaFighterEvent/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptUsec/easy
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptUsec/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptUsec/hard
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptUsec/impossible
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptBear/easy
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptBear/normal
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptBear/hard
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty/sptBear/impossible
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/maxCap
Изменения в профиле сохранены
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/limit/assault
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/limit/marksman
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/limit/sptUsec
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/settings/bot/limit/sptBear
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /singleplayer/airdrop/config
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
Изменения в профиле сохранены
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
Изменения в профиле сохранены
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
[Запрос Клиента] /client/game/bot/generate
Here, at the end, presumably a lot of bots are generated. But shooting is not heard in the initial stages (hence there is no PMCs, only scav), and I saw only 3 scav in an 8-minute raid.
nooky Author
it looks like it's working
do this for me please:
in SWAG/config/config.json: change "pmcChance: 100"
try Customs and run to Dorms, or Streets and check out Lexos. regardless you should have PMCs everywhere.
if you're still not sure, try this mod: CWX DEBUGGINGTOOL
it will tell you exactly what bots are in your raid