Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
All deafualt values are +1 size larger then Deafualt game values, if you use the "Plus1.Preset"
To install simply open up SVM, Load your preset. Go to the "stash & Item" category, and copy and paste either the plus1.preset or your own custom preset. Profit.
very simple install just make sure to NOT leave a comma on the very last entry or you will have an error.
to change a backpack, edit the value after, cellsH: or cellsV:
//EX- for the "6Sh118 raid backpack" \/
Horziontal value = "5df8a4d786f77412672a1e3b:Grids:0:_props:cellsH:6",
Vertical value = "5df8a4d786f77412672a1e3b:Grids:0:_props:cellsV:12",
All item ID's will be listed already in this format you just have to edit the values, copy, paste, profit.
Also huge y'all give a huge thanks to The_Katto for creating the ever so great Server Value Modifier mod.
Version 1.0.0
- jbirdplayz
How could one go about doing this but with Tac-rigs?