The Broker 1.3.2

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This guy sells your items where they can be sold with the most profit(different traders or flea market). Also provides currency services.

Quick Description

I got tired of clicking everywhere and switching between different lagging menus and so here we go. This guy should reduce the amount of clicks and button presses needed to sell stuff.

Adds a new trader - the Broker. He should sell your items to the most profitable option - trader or flea, while following the game logic. Also sells and buys foreign currencies based on PK's and Skier's pricing. Currency purchases are redirected to PK and Skier so you also level them up. The cash equivalent number is also changed, check out the screenshots to see how it looks, it's the number on top of the "DEAL!" button. For every other trader changes only the number format(adds spaces between thousands).


Before installing the mod, make sure to make a backup of your profile at SPTARKOV/user/profiles/

Just copy the contents of the archive into the directory where your SP Tarkov is located. Don't forget to delete the old version if you are updating.


  • Should be incompatible with mods that override server's "TradeController".
  • If you have any mods that affect trader/flea pricing - load this mod after them.
  • If you have any mods that completely remove player offers from flea and the ability to create yours - set useRagfair to false in the config. Otherwise Broker will still show you fallback flea prices and will still trade items to flea market.
  • If you installed any mods that affect Flea Market prices after launching the server with my mod at least once, and you have caching enabled(useCache: true) - clear the mod cache.


If you notice inconsistencies in prices, unexpected behaviour, encounter crashes/errors - inform me about that in the comments.




  • Version 1.3.2

    Target: SPT-AKI 3.7.1

    Hotfix 23/10/23: Fixed an initialization issue. Could appear when using mods which get/show item prices.

    Updated for the newest version of SPT.

    Changed the flea price calculation to get the lowest price from an item offer with best possible condition by default, can be changed to old behaviour in the config with the ragfairUseLowestPrice entry.

    Also fixed 'bulk' flea offers impacting the flea price calculation.

    Client plugin is built for the client version of SPT-AKI 3.7.1 but may be compatible with some older versions, although no support for them will be provided.

    In case there is a newer SPT version - you can try it out, it may still work.

  • Version 1.3.1

    Target: SPT-AKI 3.5.5

    Hotfix 24/04/23: Fixed "type initializer" errors when using the mod along-side some other client plugins/libraries. Redownload the mod if you have this issue.

    Custom traders support, option to ignore traders "Unlocked" status, cross-version compatibility for the client plugin and some fixes.

    Client plugin is built for Client version of SPT-AKI 3.5.5, but should be cross-version compatible.

    (Within reason)

    If you encounter issues always mention your SPT-AKI version.

  • Version 1.3.0

    Target: SPT-AKI 3.5.5

    Hotfix 12/04/23: Fixed notification showing up when selling only foreign currencies. Redownload the mod if you have this issue.

    Added notifications, fixed/improved some stuff.

    If you want to use the mod on SPT-AKI older than 3.5.5 - replace the client plugin(BrokerTraderPlugin.dll) with the appropriate build.

    Client plugin builds for older versions:

  • Version 1.2.0

    Added currency exchange, it's config properties and several other improvements.

    Tested on SPT-AKI 3.5.4


  • Version 1.1.1

    Added profitCommissionPercentage config property to determine how much Broker will take from your profits.


  • Version 1.1.0

    Fixed some stuff and added a config option which decides whether the Broker will use Flea market.


  • Version 1.0.0

    First release.

  • Updated for 3.7.1 with minor changes.

    Hotfix 23/10/23: Fixed an initialization issue. Could appear when using mods which get/show item prices. Redownload if you have this issue.

    Heart 8 Thumbs Up 1

      This is what comes up when you look at weapons boss in the latest update

    • What do you mean by "weapons boss"?

    • I always call people boss..

      basically soon as i click a weapon to attach or detach something in the character menu.. that error throws up in bottom right and the console is the second comment i made

      ^ all i see when click the weapon and then the brokertraderplugin error in bottom right of screen

      Then can not click off the screen have to altf4

    • Sorry, thought you were talking about a mod or something.

      Apparently it's because you are using the Item Sell Price mod and there is a compatibility issue. I'll fix it a bit later.

      Heart 3
  • Any chance for fork?

  • Please i beg to god update to 3.9.4

  • rip

  • are their any plans to update this mod to to 3.8.3?

    Crying 1
  • How's everything going any plans?

  • any update for 3.8.0 ? @


    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey bro. Any plans on updating this for 3.8? It was pretty darn useful to have

    Thumbs Up 2
  • anyone waiting for an update on this mod;

    the developer was last active almost 4 months ago, and doesn't seem to be coming back any time soon. so you can use LootValue, it has an auto sell with a single click option. plus it shows the prices on items. not as practical as this one but does the job.

    Heart 2 Crying 2
  • Hey Nightingale, do you plan to update this mod? I miss it a lot in 3.8.0. 🙃

  • i wonder, if it is possible to update to 3.8.0, please..

    the mod is quite handy and save a LOT of time! I'd say MUST HAVE mod.

  • I broke something. Im getting this error. Anyone know how to fix? This happened after I downloaded some custom trader mods.

  • I love it. Where can I buy you a beer :)

  • "ragfairIgnorePlayerLevel": true, doesn't work. Setting flea req level to, for example, 100, and setting said option to true, Broker won't sell to flea with flag set to true

    getting this error when trying to sell? nothing in console


    any idea why this is happening i haven't changed prices anywhere

  • If anyone is having issues with Broker selling to custom traders instead of base game traders even with useCutomTraders on false, I've left a temp solution down in the comments under ChiefPanda's thread. It's a bit tedious (as you'll be editing every custom trader that's buying higher than the base game trader as well as their loyalty levels) but it's the only workaround that I've thought of for now.

  • bug: weapon prices aren't the true worth of the weapon. I was about to sell an HK 416A5 till I saw its only worth 50k although it's modded. I looked at the price of the individual parts and I could easily sell all the parts individually for ~250k

    Edit: After selling the receiver for 70k to the broker, my Fleamarket rep changed, so I guess it didn't sell to mechanic but to Fleamarket (?)

    • It's not a bug it's a feature that can be changed in the config.

      In the overview tab you can go under the "configuration" drop down to see -

      ragfairIgnoreAttachments - by default true. When set to false - accounts for every single attachment on the item when calculating flea market price. If you changed this option - clear mod cache at SP TARKOV/user/mods/Nightingale-brokertrader-[version]. More about it at "Found in raid item attachments, weapons etc." section in "Details".

      You can look under the "Details" area as for the reason why it's set to true.

    • oh yeah, mb i found that out after too forgot to edit the comment. But is there a way to blacklist traders?

  • I just updated my game to version 3.7.6. For some reason, The Broker is unable to buy any item that I want to sell such as a rifle or bitcoin.

  • Hi. Could you make your mod compatible with SIT COOP (or tell me how I can do it myself)? More and more people are switching to the co-op mod and it is a pity that the broker does not work there. Thanks

  • Did you clumsily add a bunch of custom traders and FUCKED yourself from accessing them all?

    Then maybe you should use the Trader Scrolling Mod


  • I don't plan to uninstall the mod any time soon, however I do only install mods that won't have permament effects on the profile or corrupt the profile, etc... If ever I do uninstall the mod, is it possible to uninstall it and remove every trace of it from my profile? If so, how?

  • currently the mod doesnt work for version 3.7.3

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I get this specific error when starting up the server

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'base')

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'base')

      at BrokerPriceManager.getTradersMetaData (C:\Users\vinye\Desktop\SPT Single Player\user\mods\nightingale-broker_trader-1.3.2\src\broker_price_manager.ts:303:57)

      at BrokerPriceManager.initializeLookUpTables (C:\Users\vinye\Desktop\SPT Single Player\user\mods\nightingale-broker_trader-1.3.2\src\broker_price_manager.ts:160:38)

      at BrokerTrader.postAkiLoad (C:\Users\vinye\Desktop\SPT Single Player\user\mods\nightingale-broker_trader-1.3.2\src\mod.ts:161:51)

      at PostAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:72:46)

      at PostAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:35:24)

      at ModCallbacks.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.ts:34:41)

      at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:56:26)

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'base')

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'base')

      at BrokerPriceManager.getTradersMetaData (C:\Users\vinye\Desktop\SPT Single Player\user\mods\nightingale-broker_trader-1.3.2\src\broker_price_manager.ts:303:57)

      at BrokerPriceManager.initializeLookUpTables (C:\Users\vinye\Desktop\SPT Single Player\user\mods\nightingale-broker_trader-1.3.2\src\broker_price_manager.ts:160:38)

      at BrokerTrader.postAkiLoad (C:\Users\vinye\Desktop\SPT Single Player\user\mods\nightingale-broker_trader-1.3.2\src\mod.ts:161:51)

      at PostAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:72:46)

      at PostAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:35:24)

      at ModCallbacks.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.ts:34:41)

      at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:56:26)

    • does anyone know on how to fix this issue or we just have to wait for a update

  • Would there be anyway to make the Broker be able to insure items? I'm playing with the traveler mod and would love the broker to be available at the major extracts to sell to and insure items.

  • Alright I've been using the most updated version for the past 3 days and It's worked perfectly. I wanted the flea to have matched prices with online so I downloaded that mod. After doing so I changed the code to (useCache: true) in the config and now I get a error breaking the broker. It still loads up but after selling to him it just constantly pending.

    I changed config back to what it was before I changed it. Now it's still broke with the same error.

    Making the broker unusable and that makes me sad. :(

  • u guys also have a client error with SPT 3.7.2 ?

  • Me, selling shit on flea market 2 at a time because this mod hadnt been updated:

    "Fuck, this sucks so much ass. Fuck you Nikita. I wish Nightingale updated his mod he hasnt been around for ages..."

    *on a whim, checks spt hub*

    ... Version 3.7.1

    *MWA* :love:

  • Is there a way to do the opposite?

    With my collection I have it set up where you need to travel to all the traders. So my train of though is this: If you want the best prices for selling, then you need to travel directly to the traders you need to sell to. If you need money fast, don't want to travel, etc then you can sell directly to Broker but since he takes a fee for transporting the goods, negotiating a price, etc you get considerably less.

    • I got the second part, but what exactly is the "opposite" that you want to do?

    • What I explained in the second part lol

    • I guess you meant "the following" as in what you describe below, but whatever.

      If you just want to add a fee - look into the Configuration section of mod's description, there you should find the profitCommissionPercentage entry. If I'm not mistaken that mod with location based traders is simply locking them so you probably want to set tradersIgnoreUnlockedStatus to true, so that Broker actually sells to traders on other locations.

      That should cover what you described, if I got it right at least. Also I should probably note that currently Broker sells to every trader by default and the whitelist in the config doesn't really work.

  • Hi Nightingale, seeing an issue in the current release where useCutomTraders appears to be being ignored with custom traders. Not seeing any errors, but I have the option set to false in the config file and it's still selling to Bluehead's AIO Trader when I fence to Broker. Not sure if the issue is localized just to Bluehead, but I assume it's the highest grossing trader out of the custom ones I have installed. I pulled some info from my game, but let me know if you want me to do anything in particular to test.

    • Same issue as well, with several other traders and I don't use Bluehead.

    • I'll fix it in the next update.

    • Very cool. Thank you for your awesome work!

    • Don't mean to necro an old post but as a temp solution for this issue if you wanted the broker to sell to the base game traders you can set the custom trader's "buy_price_coef" to about 60. This basically makes custom trader's buy price worse than base game traders allowing Broker to select the best price amongst base traders instead. The only downside is that Broker won't sell to custom traders anymore...although for this instance it's probably an upside.

      Also side note you'd have to do this for every trader and every "loyaltyLevels" in case the trader level's up in Loyalty.


  • Error with various items maybe an issue with Live Flea Prices ?


    • Maybe is pretty vague. Try removing/adding mods one by one to know for sure if it's because of a certain mod.

      Either way, upload your BepInEx/LogOutput.log after triggering the error to a pastebin or somewhere else and give me the link.

    • Here is this LogOutput.log.

      I'll experiment with the various mods. So if I turn,

      "useRagfair": false,

      in the config file, it works again. If I turn it to true it causes the error again.

    • Doesn't seem like an issue with another mod. Which game localization are you using? Also did you change the reputation rate for selling on flea in SVM or somewhere else?

    • Oh, also what does the server console say in green when you sell it with an error? I'm specifically interested in the flea rep row.

    • Okay, I did change the flea rep gain in SVM.

      So going off of what you said I fixed the reputation turned ragfair back on and it works fine. I guess just the reputation gain threw the exception. I had no idea that would cause a problem.

      So then I reverted it to before I started to get a problem. High rep gain with all previous mods readded such as the Live Flea mod and am no longer able to trigger the error. So I'm clueless as to what the problem was or how to retrigger the problem even.

      All I can think now is there was some sort of mod load order issue? No idea.