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Version 1.0.2
- gaylatea
Includes a little patch I made for overriding how bots are loaded from the server, which should be more efficient?
Version 1.0.1
- gaylatea
Compiled for 3.5.5
Version 1.0.0
- gaylatea
Anyone able to port this to 7.5.x? it dont seem to work
Not sure if working with 3.5.8. Notification pops up with red exclamation mark, but no bots seem to be spawning. Spammed the = button on Factory, and crickets... Any ideas?
For those wondering, this still works PERFECtLY with SPT-AKI 3.5.7
Is there a maximum of scavs that can be spawned? If there is then how can I increase the max amount?
Does not appear to be. By continually pressing [=] to spawn an AI (random Scav, USEC, or Bear), I was able to accumulate over a hundred and fifty bodies. It does not appear to have a limit.
How do i get it to work im new
Can I keep both framesaver and spawn in the plugin folder, or do I need to delete framesaver when installing this?
I tried in on SPT-AKI 3.5.5 and it appears to work, pressing the default spawn key "=". Question, does it spawn ONLY Scav's, or does it also spawn Bear and USEC? Thanks in advance.
gaylatea Author
It is supposed to just spawn in a Scav, but sometimes the server will overwrite that to be a PMC bot since that's how bot generation works in this game.
Up to you, but you might want to add spawn in the title to make it easier to find, something like S.P.A.W.N. - Spawn People And Watch Nutty (Hijinx)
Whats the button to use it?
Maddog Matt
F12 will bring up the Bepinex menu. Any mods with options that can be changed will show up here. Click on the mod to expand it to show options. make changes then click on your screen anywhere off the menu to go back to the game
This mod is god tier...but is there anyway to customize which bots spawn?
does it work with 3.5.5?
Edit: it is not compatible with 3.5.5.
Edit2: works with 3.5.5 now.
there is an update for 3.5.5
i can imagine this working with the noClip mod,might try