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Pretty simple and straightforward this mod is an image replacement for The Broker, Goblin King (Queen), Keymaster, Priscilu, and Svetlana. You can use some or whatever you choose by merely deleting the ones you don't want.
- Delete the ones you don't want or need first.
- Drop the folder labeled user into your SPT AKI main folder, which will place it into your individual mods res folder. Overwrite everything.
- Drop the folder labeled Local into your AppData folder on your main Windows hard drive. Which should be "C:\Users\*yourusername*\AppData". Overwrite everything.
- (OPTIONAL) If you are using Svetlana make sure Aki_Data goes in your SPT AKI main folder as well. Overwrite.
You can get to your AppData folder by typing %appdata% into the folder bar YOU WILL BE IN THE ROAMING FOLDER GO UP ONE DIRECTORY BEFORE PASTING:
AppData file install alternatives:
You can follow this guide:…older-in-windows-4771752#
You can also just delete your temp files by doing the following:
- In Launcher, click on Settings.
- In Settings, click on 'Clear Temp Files
- You should now only have to use the user folder from step one above as well as the Aki_Data folder if you are using Svetlana.
You can change the name of the traders by going into the source files don't change the name of the mod change the name of the character.
These are the replacement images:
I'm hoping to add more images over time for the same characters so you will have the option to choose the one you want. So if you don't like it at the moment check back later. I'm only supporting at the moment the newest traders that support 3.5.5 (or higher when new versions come out) but it should technically work with any version of the mods as this is just an image replacer. So check back later. I also only add women so if that's not your thing then this might not be for you.
Version 1.0.4
- Helldiver
Added more Goblin images:
Version 1.0.3
- Helldiver
Added support for Katarina Black example images attached.
Version 1.0.2
- Helldiver
Added optional files for more alternative images. Also support for Anastasia.
Version 1.0.1
- Helldiver
Forgot Svetlana uses an image location in Aki_Data just drop Aki_Data into your main SPTAKI folder and overwrite.
Version 1.0.0
- Helldiver
Love this! I use this on Pricilu trader and a cute redhead gal suits my taste very well. Also changed the name myself so it would be feminine. For the Broker, well I just love the original pic
Why saying the drop box is too many downloads today, trying tomorrow. WHAT?
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Helldiver Author
Guess I'm never using dropbox any more I will have this file moved to google drive. Should be back up now.
ok waiting your response, because need to download this awsome pictures trader.
Helldiver Author
Let me know if it's still not working. Should be up.
Thanks master. Working!
I feel the image for Goblin looks more Brazilian than Mexican American.
If I was gonna make Goblin a woman, I'd imagine her having more a Michelle Rodriguez look compared to the Morena Baccarin vibe.
Just the same. Makes me feel good people enjoy Goblin enough to include him in stuff like this.
Muchos Gracias, amigo.
Helldiver Author
Gotcha I'll see what I can do.
Totally cringe, especially Svetlana
okay bro