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This mod originally released in:
You can buy the GrenadeTrajectoryPredictionLine from Prapor,Can only be equipped with undermounted grenade launchers,open by hitting T,ctrl+T can change color
Place the 'AT.PredictionLine.dll' in \BepInEx\plugins folder
Place the 'zAT-GrenadeTrajectoryPredictionLine' in server mods folder(user\mods)In case the fittings don't fit,It is recommended to load this mod in a later order
Note: Make sure the muzzle velocity is unchanged. This accessory may cause the weapon thumbnail to disappear when enabled
Version 1.0.0
- AT233
Thanks to Pettan for the translation
Will this work in 3.7.1?
Enabling this for hand thrown grenades would be useful too IMO - ie. as a decent offset for using screen / mouse etc. instead of real world judgement. In fact - on a tangent - the current hand grenade system is all wrong - you should be able to double click G to just pull and throw a grenade (with pin pulling animation etc. for realistic timing) - and for normal use, after equiping a grenade with G we should be able to hold down fire then release to throw - ie. for "cooking" grenades.
I 100% agree with this. This is not the modders fault but BSG's. Yeah I get that it would seem unrealistic to see a trajectory as to where you're throwing a grenade, but with hand/eye coordination and muscle memory, all of those calculations are actually done in your own head when throwing anything. You have an exact idea where you want the object to be thrown to go, its just practice that makes the object land exactly where you want it. Personally I think they could implement this into the live game, maybe as a very translucent line that kind of seems like the predator cloak if you know what I mean. That way it wouldn't be intrusive but you still have an idea where the grenade will go. Only with the hand grenades not 40mm.
TLDR: BSG need to implement a similar feature in live, but IMO only on hand grenades
Rant complete
is it working with 3.5.7 ? or will it updated ?
is this compatible with 3.5.5.?
AT233 Author
OMG, I barely use grenades but with this mod now, I will use GLs a lot more!
AT233 Author
It can only be used on undermounted grenade launchers (M203 and GP)
What sorcery is this, it adds an item slot to existing weapons and it works with some custom GLs too.
AT233 Author
The principle is that there is a gameobject named"fireport"at the muzzle of the Grenade launcher in bundle file,Just add an accessory named "fireport" in the Slots section of the weapons items(.json) file