Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.3.0
- kmyuhkyuk
Compatible SPT-Aki 3.10.0
Version 1.2.2
- kmyuhkyuk
Compatible SPT-Aki 3.9.0
Version 1.2.1
- kmyuhkyuk
Compatible Fika and Fixed or added many things
Version 1.2.0
- kmyuhkyuk
Compatible SPT-Aki 3.8.0 and Fixed or added many things
Version 1.1.8 Fixed
- kmyuhkyuk
Fixed memory leak, Modified based on 1.1.8
Log console has been deleted removed
If you are used old version, you can also simple fix memory leak by delete EFTConfiguration.dll
Sorry, I didn't upload the fix version or provide fix solution in time
Version 1.1.8
- kmyuhkyuk
Add AbstractGameHelper
Add EFTVersion Log
Add MissingException and AccessException Log loop throw filter
Version 1.1.7
- kmyuhkyuk
Fix 3.7.0 error:
Change PlayerHelper.WeaponData.RefUnderbarrelChambers RefHelper.FieldRef to RefHelper.RefBase
And Other things I don’t remember
Version 1.1.6
- kmyuhkyuk
Before EFTApi 1.1.5 version I uploaded the wrong file caused Aki 3.5.7-3.5.8 will generate error, currently working
Add Logger page
Add ModVerify Message (output plugin dll file crc32)
Use ConcurrentDictionary Solve icon async Duplicate loading issue -
Version 1.1.5
- kmyuhkyuk
Fix HookPatch when parameters use inherited class will VirtualMethod
Fix ObjectFieldSetAccess use struct field will generate error
Fix PropertyRef and FieldRef when T is struct will generate error
Add EFTVersion.AkiVersion, Remove Is(AkiVersion)Up bool
Add DamageInfoData
Version 1.1.4
- kmyuhkyuk
Fix Crawler ModDownloads incorrectly
Add EFTUtils.FileExtensions
Experiencing fps drops (around 15 fps loss) with this and Game HUD on latest 3.10
This mod download contains a virus
Be Warned!
why do you need money to be motivated to continue modding? Confused how that logic works... (Edit 1: Holy shit let it go this was in july... Edit 2: You guys are still obsessed. Very cool)
kmyuhkyuk Author
Modding takes time and effort. mod is free, but time is not. you can choose to donate to give modder rewards
"Why would you want to be rewarded for your work in providing people a service that takes time and effort to push out?"
i dont want to let it go. so what? make me
confused how that logic works? maybe you need to mature
this is such an asshole take, shut up
Those who are experiencing broken Game Panel HUD with orange "M" bug due to a conflict between EFT API and the latest FIKA update, there is now a modified EFT API version available on the FIKA discord's mod-development channel that fixes the problem.
More specifically after you install EFT API 1.2.2 go into the Project Fika Discord under #mod-development someone posted a file called "
EFTApi.dll" that needs to be downloaded and placed in the "SPT\BepInEx\plugins\kmyuhkyuk-EFTApi" folder replacing the existing EFTApi.dll file.
Also after you launch SPT Server and SPT Launcher you will NOT see this as an Active Server mod but it will indeed be active.
请问您能否提供一个链接?我没有 Fika 小组。非常感谢!
Much love to you and thank you for this amazing mod
Cosm1c Gam3r
Can I use 1.2.2 on older SPT version like SPT 3.7.6 ?
Description of this mod is confusing. It says for example, compatible with 3.8.0 / 3.9.0 but does not say if it is compatible backwards.
From my basic understanding, the answer is almost certainly no. The mod will be looking for files that don't exist or files that are different to the ones in older versions of SPT I think. If you end up trying and it works, please tell me though haha.
Cosm1c Gam3r
As of now I was making all my mods transfer and in the process I ran SPT server to monitor if there was any error after every file transfer from my moded files and mods and I had no error using 1.2.2 or any for other mods that I had updated for AKI 3.7.6
Cosm1c Gam3r
Well, you were right. I had problems to run the game (SPT 3.7.6) with EFTApi 1.2.2 and GamePanelHUD 3.1.0
I had infinite loading screen bug. After downgrading EFTApi to earlier version that I used with SPT 3.7.1 and left GamePanelHUD 3.1.0 when game loaded I had pop up error in game notyfying me that GamePanelHUD will not work as some dependencies are missing
So I had to use older version of GamePanelHUD and older version of EFTApi.
Thank you for the info.
kmyuhkyuk Author
EFTApi 1.2.2 and HUD 3.1.1 should work on SPT 3.7.6
After the latest Fika update (Fika 0.9.8962) there is a problem when using EFT API and Game Panel HUD. A permanent orange M appears at the bottom of the screen in the middle.
I found this explanation from a code contributor in their Discord who said it was because of a change they made:
"I made a change to airdrops in FIKA that EFT API checks for to make it easiers for modders to not have to do anything with FIKA anymore in regards to airdrops, turns out it breaks EFT API because it specifically checks for a now non-existent class to exist".
Hopefully that helps to pin-point the issue and fix it.
Also experiencing this
I can't download from the site is there an option to take a file somewhere else?
same issue here
I had the same problem trying to download with Firefox, the download never completed and the compressed file was corrupted, until I used an extension called "Multithreaded Download Manager", with just one attempt it was enough to get the download done.
Are you still making it for 3.8.1 or do you plan to skip ahead to 3.8.2 now that its released?
also do you think its possible to randomize videos whenever you load in or get out of raid
such a good mod, I got it to work second try, now gotta figure out how to get rid of the orange "this game is still in beta" banner.
There is actually a mod for that, Hide Beta Rework. I love mods.
small question- does this still cause a very noticeable performance hit to the game? it had memory leak issues before which is the only thing preventing me from using game panel :I
kmyuhkyuk Author
Memory leak already fixed in 1.1.8 Fixed version
After installed EFT API and Game Panel HUD spt literally doesnt load.
Infinite loading
kmyuhkyuk Author
Aki version and FullLogOutput.log?
3.8.0 NVM it works now.
Windows is shutting down the download as virus detected could you look at it
kmyuhkyuk Author
This a false positive, you can check from VirusTotal
@kmyuhkyuk Windows is shutting down the download as "virus detected"
kmyuhkyuk Author
False positive VirusTotal
how do i download the mod ? i found nothing abt it
There is literally a tab called "install" on the mod page.........
Wow, bro...there's a huge download button too. Right there above this forum even.
Your question makes me feel like my mother woke me up in the middle of my sleep and asked me what I was doing.
Game is unplayable with this installed, at least to me. Constant freezes and stuttering
Yep same here, the mod hasn't been updated in a long time and everyone knows there is a bad memory leak but it still hasn't been fixed.
I cant put mine into doorstop config anyone know why?
Nevermind figured it out
Any news on a possible update to 3.7.4 and if planned maybe an ETA?
Yes, as said below, there is a HUGE memory leak somewhere. I love this mod so much though! Thank you for providing this for us its amazing. Will be waiting for fix to this:) Keep up the awesome work!!!
Your mod kills my FPS, usually I have 60-80 FPS, but when you connect your mod, the FPS drops to 15-25, it’s simply unrealistic to play. In the previous version of EFT API 1.1.6 for AKI-3.6.1 there was no such drop in FPS. Now I have AKI-3.7.3, API 1.1.8, GAME PANEL HUD 2.7.8.
The newest for SPT-AKI 3.7.1 has a massive Memory leak issue which during raid it makes the game unplayable, when I uninstalled this mod it relieved the Issue. I also had the Hud mod installed at the same time.
Согласен с утечкой памяти.
Does anyone have a link to this mod that works for 3.6.1? Someone in the Game HUD Panel mod comments was able to link a 3.6.1 version of that mod, but now I need the 3.6.1 version of this mod to go with it. The mod author has all the version links going to the same place so they're all the newest version>
can i use old unity HUD? i dont like the new one
Currently not working in 3.7.1! Does not proceed on the loading screen.
on 3.7.1 it just throws me into a permanent loading screen.
Does it work on SPT 3.7.1?
kmyuhkyuk Author
I test it working in 3.7.1, but if it throw error, please report
Im reinstall the mod (with HUD mod ) 2x, but i only see the Compass, nothing more (and killshots)!
I dont see Exits on Compass, all 2 mods new Downloaded.
on 3.7.0, trying to open the config manager, but it wont work when i hit home. I suspect this is also not allowing the game panel mod to work, but i'm not sure why.
same issue since EARLY 3.6.1 idk why doesnt work im tryna find a fix for it if i do ill keep u updated
This mod works on 3.7.