Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
This is a development utility for working with bots, allowing you to see some internal state variables of the bot in real time while in game.
This is a development tool, DO NOT LEAVE IT INSTALLED, it will cause crashes if used for extended periods of time
BotDebug depends on BigBrain to function: BigBrain
1) Open the downloaded zip file in 7-zip
2) Select the folders in the zip file in 7-zip
3) Drag the selected folders from 7-zip into your SPT folder
Demonstration Video (Yes, it's SAIN, but the same concept applies to all of my mods, I'm not making mod-specific extraction example videos):
When enabled in the F12 menu, all bots active on the map will have a box drawn above them. This box will show internal bot information such as what brain and layer are active, whether the bot is friendly, etc.
There are multiple panels that can be switched through using hot keys (Default F9 and F10)
You can specify how close bots have to be for their label to draw in the F12 menu
Special Thanks
Thanks to Props for the original code this mod was based on, this was the kick start I needed to actually write this up
If you enjoy my work, you can feed my caffeine addiction
Version 1.5.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.10.x
- Update for SPT 3.10.0
Version 1.4.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.9.x
- Update for 3.9.0
Version 1.3.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0
- Update for 3.8.0
Version 1.2.2
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1-3.7.6
- Add the ability to change font size
Version 1.2.1
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1
Update for 3.7.1 / 26535
Version 1.2.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.7.0
Update for 3.7.0 / 26282
Version 1.1.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.6.0-3.6.1
Update for 3.6.0 / 25206
Version 1.0.1
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.5.8
- Update for SPT 3.5.8
- Now depends on BigBrain
- Two new panels added to the rotation, BigBrainLayer and BigBrainLogic. Allows for BigBrain mods to generate live debug ouptut
Version 1.0.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.5.7
Question. The mod shows the location of the bots
on the screen?
@DrakiaXYZ, Absolutely a great mod to see what is going on. Question/Suggestion, if as you say "This is a development tool, DO NOT LEAVE IT INSTALLED, it will cause crashes if used for extended periods of time", would it be possible to add assigning a hotkey to the [F12] config to quickly enable/disable it? Would beat having to [F12], expand the mod, click Enabled/Disabled, and then close [F12]. Or is having the mod "installed" and disabled not the the same as having it "not even installed"? Thanks in advance.
DrakiaXYZ Author
It's a development tool , I have no intentions of adding functionality to make it easier to show and hide.
Having it disabled in f12 should be enough to avoid causing crashes
m y b.o.t.s still act the same . . .
its for what version 3 . 9 . 0 . ?
DrakiaXYZ Author
This is a debug tool used to see what bots are doing, it doesn't change how bots behave
Is it possible to configure it only shows bot name、health and distance for the friendly bots? I want to use it with Friendly PMC so I can track them easily.
DrakiaXYZ Author
No, this is a debug utility, it is not meant to be run continually during gameplay
Somehow the mod shows Scavs as PMCS?
Or are those player scav bots?
DrakiaXYZ Author
The name in brackets is the name of the AI Strategy given to the bot, for player scavs (While running SAIN, or Questing Bots, maybe Donuts?) will be "PMC" (The Raider ai strategy)
Drakia, your mods rock, with this legendary mod stack (BigBrain, Waypoints, SAIN, Looting bots) SPT is finally feel more like actual live gameplay. When i join the SPT AKI it was 3.5.0 release, and NOTHING was there to make bots not a braindead zombies that just run in circle and shoot, that is the reason i drop it back then. The only thing was POOP, but its only feels like a rebalance of already dumb bots.
So thanks a lot to you and other talented modders! (sorry for my english level)
Also, i spot two Killa's in the Interchange, is that SAIN shenanigans?
DrakiaXYZ Author
Thank you for your kind words
Most likely, one of those is a "Player Scav" bot, currently I don't believe SAIN handles making sure they don't get injected with a boss brain (This is new behaviour in 3.7.x)
I've run this mod on Streets and it's stop working after all bots generated. No errors in console. Just no info window near bots. Disable/enable did nothing.
DrakiaXYZ Author
Make sure you're running the latest Waypoints, it includes a fix for an error in BSGs code where bots outside a certain area on Streets and Interchange end up braindead
Sorry. My fault. I'm accidently switched mode.
If you reduce the font size by half
DrakiaXYZ Author
No, because this isn't meant to be run while playing the game normally, it's meant to be used by developers to debug bot and AI related things. The text is large so at a glance you can see what the bots are doing.
Any instructions on how to use the Custom panel in the f12 menu?
DrakiaXYZ Author
All panels except the BigBrain panels are base EFT data, BSG just has a panel called "Custom" for some reason (I'm assuming for internal debugging). You can't really utilize it yourself.
Hi Drakia! I'm seeing some bots not detected by BotDebug.
DrakiaXYZ Author
BotDebug uses the games AllPlayers list, if that list is missing bots there's not much I can do about it. You can also check the F12 menu settings to verify that your range for BotDebug isn't lower than the bot distance from you
I just noticed today in Factory that some Sektant are also not being detected. Gave me the fright of my life. Lol!
Is it possible to set it to use CTRL + F* buttons?
DrakiaXYZ Author
I'm just using BepInEx's key handling stuff, so it would be whatever it supports. Ctrl should be supported as a modifier, so I don't see why it wouldn't work.
What is the exact format for setting the keyboard shortcut ? Could you give an example?
DrakiaXYZ Author
You hit F12, expand BotDebug, click the button beside the option you want to rebind, and press the keys you want to use
Create smaller or customizable icons
DrakiaXYZ Author
This is a debug tool, it's meant for developers to get a quick understanding of what a bot is doing, not squint at their screen trying to figure out what a bot is doing. And it's definitely not meant to be run while actually playing the game.
Feel free to fork the mod if you feel that you can do it better, it's open source and MIT licensed
The bots *DO* have impure thoughts about my PMC's provocative clothing! I knew it, but only thanks to (BOTDEBUG jingle here) BOTDEBUG!
(I can barely turn on a computer but this sounds amazing. Thank you for all that you do)
dose dis work with 3.5.0
DrakiaXYZ Author
Fuuuuuuu I forgot to put the big banner, thanks for the reminder
i put in c drive and no work. pls help
Dis compatible with sains waypoint?
No work on live pls fix