Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.2.6
- Choccy Milk
~Reduces Item sell price
Version 1.2.5
- Choccy Milk
Update to 3.9.0
~Updated ID to be MongoID to avoid future headache
~Decrease the height of the 25 rounder 45acp mag to be 2 instead of 3
Version 1.2.4
- Choccy Milk
~Minor issue fix with item generation
This should fix an issue with item generation being funky. Hopefully
Version 1.2.3
- Choccy Milk
~Fix bug on discarding backpack
Version 1.2.2
- Choccy Milk
Updated for AKI 3.8.0
Version 1.2.1
- Choccy Milk
~Fixed The Punisher 2 Quest not counting even though you are using the Suppressor on the Uzi
~Fixed the problem of Retention reload not starting from Weapon Master Level 2
Version 1.2.0
- Choccy Milk
+ Added 2 New Handguard, Uzi Plastic Grip and Uzi Tri Rail system. Can be obtained from Mechanic LL1 and LL2 respectively.
~ Reworked some Animation
- Handguard Mod is now required (Unequip Uzi First before installing this update)
P.S Added something special for Uzi mastery level 2 and above. And hopefully this special doesn't break like malfunction.
Version 1.1.3
- Choccy Milk
-Removed Malfunction Mechanic
Malfunction is entirely removed due to the fact open bolt isn't supported code wise. When enabling malfunction there's a chance user will be stuck when drawing the weapon, this is caused by conditions not existing properly.
Version 1.1.2
- Choccy Milk
+Added the ability for PMC Bots to spawn with UZI
They will spawn with attachment and will either spawn with .45ACP kit or 9x19 Kit. The loadout generation is a bit funky with this one, there might be some unintended consequences.
Version 1.1.1
- Choccy Milk
Updated for Aki 3.7.0
+Added Malfunction (disabled by default)
Malfunction is disabled by default because BSG seems to not account for open bolt weapon. The workaround is a bit funky, honestly why would I even do this.
IS everything from 3.10 uzi on this mod or?
Although there's an UZI in the game now, could this return as just a .45 uzi?
Can i mod this weapon? no options show up on workbench
Echo Congo
What's the weapon ID for this gun? Trying to add it for the modded trader Scorpion's Weapon Proficiency quests
Hey sorry to post a fairly unrelated question in your mod comments:

Somebody mentioned elsewhere on the site that you had written a really solid tutorial for porting weapon mods from 3.8 to 3.9.
I'm having a hell of a time finding it though and they didn't link it or say where it was posted.
Any idea what they might be talking about, and can you direct me to what I'm looking for?
Thanks in advance
Choccy Milk Author
its not a porting tutorial from 3.8 to 3.9. Its a tutorial on how to make weapon from scratch
Ah, then maybe I just misinterpreted them and they used your knowledge to understand what needed doing to make that conversion.
Hopefully this will arm me in the same way. Thank you very much for creating and linking such a helpful guide
Buying the Uzi from Mechanic costs ~50,000 rubles, but selling it to him is worth ~90,000. Seems like those 2 values might have been switched.
Choccy Milk Author
Thanks for the info, will try to fix that in the next update
Im sorry, how can I perform that cool retention reload?
Choccy Milk Author
Reach max weapon mastery
omg I never realized weapon mastery is changing reload animation while over 3k hours playing tarkov.....
thanks for reply!
Money exploit on my end with this mod. You can buy the Uzi and it's mags for cheaper than they sell for.
Whenever i reload and try to load mags the same time, it prevents me doing's like a weird delay which forces me to close and open my inventory to then be able to load mags..
its just mildly annoying but i love the gun
Hi just FYI theres a bug in the mod. the ammo caliber is listed as `"Caliber9x19PARA, 1143x234ACP"` which is invalid, so when it tries to generate this on scavs or magazines in loot crates it crashes because it can't find the ammo
Choccy Milk Author
I see, seems like the bot gen on AKI cannot handle multiple caliber. I'll try and do a quick fix for it
spt-realism compatible?
Choccy Milk Author
It should be
I dont see a compatibility patch though
Compatibility isnt just "does it not crash" but also "does it fit the balance of the mod"
is the trirail meant to only have 1 slot for a tactical light?
Choccy Milk Author
the idea was to have 2 or 3, but because of the hand placement it clips into the attachment
I believe I have a weird bug while holding the .45 UZI while looting and dropping my backpack it seems to cause the backpack to start blinking and lock my character from shooting or swapping weapons. Not sure if it is another issue but seems to be only when I'm holding the .45 Uzi also thx for your amazing mods.
Choccy Milk Author
that is odd, i'll check and see if i can replicate the issue
we need a suppressor
are you planning on adding drums?
Appreciate the work you put in, however I experienced some weird bugs on version 1.2.0. When running down the Hideout range with the gun out, it suddenly unequips. Also, I had one raid using a different weapon where my gun randomly started to sway so much that it went off screen. This never happened before, only right after installing this version. I haven't had the issue since removing it.
Choccy Milk Author
Unfortunately I can't accurately replicate the issue. Maybe it's just a one-time thing or a very specific action being inputted that would cause it. But, the mod itself shouldn't really affect other guns unless there's some weird mod conflict going around.
Aight I'll try it again, see if I can replicate and find the cause. Gonna be tough tho, I'm running a lotta mods
Very minor bug, but the suppressor isn't counting towards The Punisher - Part 2: Eliminate 12 scavs with a suppressed weapon on Shoreline.
Also, thank you very much for this mod. The IMI Uzi is one of my favorites.
@Choccy Milk, thanks for the update. Would you be able to tell us what this "Handguard Mod" is and where/how to find it, now that it is a requirement? Thanks in advance
Choccy Milk Author
They should come in the preset that mechanic sells, the other 2 new handguard is also sold by mechanic. Previously the handguard is optional, as in you can use the weapon without it. Now you need to have handguard attached to the weapon to use it.
Thank you so much for the clarification.
Love uzi in mw2019
Now love uzi in tarkov
the gun sometimes bugs out and hands get stuck when my first act is to check mag - what info would you need to troubleshoot this? +
Choccy Milk Author
go to your spt installation and go to logs folder. There should be a log ending in error, copy the content of the error into
next, i want you to replicate the steps and state of the weapon that lead to hand stuck. for example, draw hand arm -> check magazine full, draw hand arm -> check magazine partial, draw hand arm -> check magazine empty.
I couldn't replicate it (no matter how i tried, but it still happens oh so rarely) so it might just be a mod conflict (although i dont have mods that add content other than this and the Punisher boss mod).
Would the malfunction animation/mechanic from the PPSH work? It is open bolt
Choccy Milk Author
sadly I don't think so, BSG probably disabled/removed the PPSH malfunction feature
dang, I wonder why?
For installation do i copy the whole folder into my mods folder?
When you say it can only be bought 6 times, is that total in the entire wipe, or per purchase?
Choccy Milk Author
Per trader refresh, once the trader refresh their assort you can buy it again
MAC 10 please vz. 61 skorpion please.
Tec 9 please sa 23 please
Hi, I think the stats of the .45 ACP and 9mm Para bolts might be switched. It is said in the description that the .45 bolt is heavier (0.654kg) but the weight of the 9mm bolt is way higher (1.020). It might be affected by some of my other mods, so the problem might be on my side. And I do not know how bolts work so it might be intentional but the .45 ACP bolt has the -7% recoil bonus.
Choccy Milk Author
Thanks for pointing it out, seems like I forgot to change the weight or I misremembered the 45 bolt with the 9mm bolt. The thought behind the reduced recoil is because since it's heavier it weights down the force, although it may not work that way IRL.
can bots spawn with it? can it be found in raid via crates? thank you for your time
Choccy Milk Author
Bots won't spawn with it and it won't spawn in-raid. I haven't added it into bots loadout as well as having them spawn in-raid.
i will buy you a hot dog if you do
Have you thought about MAC-10 and vz 61? (classic, idk why this gun is not in the game already tbh)
Good for 3.6.1?
Choccy Milk Author
Yes, mod worked fine on 3.6.1
Thank you so much for the mod. Is it possible to lower the price though? 80k roubles is a bit much for a 9mm smg...
Choccy Milk Author
The gun can use both 9mm and .45 ACP so I thought putting it around that price range should be fine and dandy. I'll try lowering the price to around 40k or 50k once 3.7.0 comes around.
Well with a UMP or MP5 from peacekeeper is only roughly <40k roubles with peacekeeper level 2 and as a barter at level 1. I think 50k roubles would be fair for level 1 mechanic. Make it a more pricey, but easier to obtain SMG for early game.
Thank you for responding.
How install this mod??