Synthwave Vibes 1.3.0

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Synthwave Vibes for out-of-raid tunes with the retro 80s feel

Install to your main spt-folder. It has the folder setup to install to your plugins.

If you have existing music, it will just add to the other music mods.

The tunes are more synthy and melodic/chill vs the cyberpunk dark style.

  • Version 1.3.0

    Updated for SPT 3.8.0

    - Added the new version of the CustomMusic Player that plays in the hideout.

  • Version 1.2.0

    I have modified SamSWAT Player to shuffle the list of songs loaded on play.

    I got tired of hearing the same order and song when i launch.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • This is a fantastic music pack, the contrast between synth & game feels good.

  • My music doesn't play after raids with the newest update not sure if its an issue on my end or not

    • The player from my cinematic music pack is more up to date. Just put the songs from this pack into that folder

      Heart 1
    • Thank you

  • Works when I start the game but no music after raids. Definitely installed correctly.

    • the newer player i included with my cinematic music mod has that fixed. you can just copy over the songs into that new folder

    • Sweet thanks for letting me know.

  • Hi! Can you do the same thing but make it play from the gym's jukebox?

  • After raids the music don't play is it normal or I fucked up a setings?