Realistic REAP-IR Thermal Scope - 60Hz, 640*320px 1.0.2

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The ingame REAP-IR does not perform like the real thing. Ingame it works at 35Hz and low resolution. This mod makes the REAP-IR behave like it should, at 60Hz, 640*320px of resolution.


Trijicon REAP-IR 60Hz 640*320px thermal scope

A continuation of my previous mod for the FLIR.

Increased refresh rate and resolution, just like in real life.

Installation: drop in user/mods folder.

Compatibility: make sure it loads after other mods that modify thermals if you want the changes to apply.

This mod would not have been possible without the previous work of TEOA where he corrected the range of thermal scopes, so props to him: Clear Thermal Sights.

  • I dont know why but my zoom doesnt work, always stuck on x1.2

    • I think its mostly because I use Realism mod, I dont know how to go about solving this one...

    • Issue solved, was Realism mod side issue.

      Fixed by going to db files and going to scopeTemplates.json and editing IsFixed to True.

    • iirc the reap-ir has no variable zoom ingame

  • any ETAs on the two new thermals?

    • Both mods should work perfectly for 3.6.1. I don't have 3.6.1 yet so if you try the mods and they work you can tell me and I'll upload updated versions just to remove the version warnings of the server startup. Otherwise I'll just wait for the next big patch from the new wipe to update all my mods.

    • no, im talking about to two new thermal sights from the most recent patch on live. There are 2 new ones that were added to the game. They have been included with some of the new patch preview mods. Wasn't sure if you were able to work on them or not yet

    • Oh I did not know. When the official SPT patch comes out I'll look into it.

    • sounds good

  • How do you update your SPT?

  • works great for me on 3.6

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Does this work in 3.5.7 version?

    • When I created this mod I was in 3.5.7 so it should. If not, open the package file of this mod and change the version to 3.5.7 and save it but I doubt that would be the cause of any issues.

    • Sounds good thank you

  • Thank you Borkel, I've been playing with some of the thermal scopes out in my raids this is definitely going to help :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • hell yeah motherfucker! this is just what I wanted after seeing the FLIR one. :love:

    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
    • there's one more mod being cooked, you'll see in a few minutes

      Thumbs Up 2