Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 2.1.1
- Crackbone
ARTEM 2.1.1
- +Fixed existing Top - "Gray Hoodie"
- +Fixed existing Top - "Red Hoodie"
- +Fixed existing Top - "Green Hoodie"
- +Fixed existing Top - "Business Casual (Green)"
- +Fixed existing Top - "Business Casual (White)"
- +Fixed existing Top - "Business Casual (Black)"
- +Tops that had a blacked out watch on their wrists are now fixed
- +Reworked ALL Helmet Covers (I didn't like the old model so I decided to change them)
- +Made some Price changes to items (Specifically the Customizable Helmets)
- +Reworked the OD and Black variation of the Customizable Helmets (They now look better)
- +Hopefully I fixed the RAC headsets (They didn't work)
- +Denis' Collar and other collectibles now appear properly in loot containers! (I'd appreciate a feedback on the spawn rates)
Please keep me updated on bugs you find.
I'd like to thank everyone who has been a part of Artem and the community!
We've reached 140K Downloads Together and I couldn't have done it without you!
Thank you and hope you enjoy!
Version 2.1
- Crackbone
- +Added new Top - "Patagonia Level 9 Combat Shirt 'Patagucci' (Alpine)"
- +Added new Top - "Patagonia Level 9 Combat Shirt 'Patagucci' (Multicam Black)"
- +Added new Top - "Bomber Jacket"
- +Added new Pants - "Woodland Infiltrator Lower (Alpine)"
- +Fixed WTT Tracksuit pants white and yellow from not working (Thanks to Volcano for pointing it out <3)
- +Added new Weapon Container - "Colt M4A1 5.56x45 assault rifle (Cultist Marks)" - Thank you Tron
- +Added new Helmet - "Ops-Core SF Warrior Helmet (Black)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Augmento™ Helmet Ghillie Cover Gen II (Ranger Green)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Augmento™ Helmet Ghillie Cover Gen II (Alpine)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Augmento™ Helmet Ghillie Cover Gen II (Multicam Black)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Augmento™ Helmet Ghillie Cover Gen II (Multicam)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "V-lites (Red)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "V-lites (Blue)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "V-lites (Green)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "V-lites (IR)" (Only visible under NVGs) - Thank you Epic
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Ferro Concepts NVG Battery Pack(Tan)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Ferro Concepts NVG Battery Pack(Ranger Green)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Ferro Concepts NVG Battery Pack(Black)"
- +Added new Helmet Modification - "Ferro Concepts NVG Battery Pack(Alpine)"
- +Added new Vest - "JPC 2.0 maritime"
- +Added new Mask - "Gas Mask"
- +Added new Patch - "Germany Patch"
- +Added new Patch - "Scotland Patch"
- +Added new Patch - "Skeleton Patch"
- +Added new Patch - "UK Patch"
- +Added new Patch - "Rangers Patch"
- +Added new Patch - " 'Fren' Patch"
- +Added new Patch - "Notepad++ Patch"
- +Added new Patch - "Circular Patch"
Please keep me updated on bugs you find, hope you enjoy!
Much love
Version 2.0.3
- Crackbone
ARTEM 2.0.3
- +Removed unused ID's that caused other mods to break
- +Quest - 'Grab n' Tag' is now working properly
- +Quest - 'Spooky Season' is now working properly
- +Quest - 'Uncovered Businesses' is now working properly
- +Added '6.8x51mm SIG Hybrid' to the shop - LL4
- +Added '6.8x51mm SIG FMJ' to the shop - LL3
Thanks for keeping me updated on bugs you find, hope you enjoy!
Version 2.0.2
- Crackbone
ARTEM 2.0.2
- +Quests that required killing and didn't count, now do count. (thanks to wretched_kae)
- +Fixed a bunch of quests that didn't register the correct item / handover / finditem
- +Fixed Snacky-z (Can now be opened, and be placed in the secure containers as intended)
- +Added a New Top - "Ranger Green Hoodie"
- +Added a New Top - "Red Hoodie"
- +Added a New Top - "Checkmark Hoodie"
Thanks for reporting all those bugs! Keep them coming
Version 2.0.1
- Crackbone
ARTEM 2.0.1
- +Fixed Skull mask, Zryachiy mask (Green) and couple other masks (you couldn't wear them)
- +Fixed an issue with Linked researching Helmets, Helmet covers and nvg battery packs giving you "0" error (Thanks to Qwertalex)
- +VCQL is now back to use
- +Artem quests should work with another Trader Quests(Thanks Acid)
- +Sweden Patch is now working
- +Added PVS-31 / PVS - 31 (Wide)
- +Added Korean Localization for Artem Quests (thanks to rising_star)
- +Vests are now showing up properly with no missing soft armor (Thanks to Qwertalex)
- +Fixed blackrock rigs sell prices (They were way low)
- +Fixed "expanding wardrobe" handover tasks
- +Fixed Notch Lapel Suit not letting the player load into the game
- +Fixed Quests killing locations (now registers + thanks cathienova)
- +Github link is up
It is recommended to Uninstall AAAArtem-WTT folder completely if you had one before this versionAr.
Please keep me informed, updated! My dms are always open and I'll try to reply asap
Version 2.0
- Crackbone
Special Thanks to: Tron, GrooveyPenguin, QwertyAlex, CJ, Reaper and Cathienova
- +Added New Top "Gray Hoodie"
- +Added New Top "Slipknot T-Shirt"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "NVG Battery Pack (Alpine)"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "NVG Battery Pack (Multicam)"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "NVG Battery Pack (Black)"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "NVG Battery Pack (Ranger Green)"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "Helmet Cover (Black)"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "Helmet Cover (Multicam Black)"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "Helmet Cover (Ranger Green)"
- +Added New Helmet Attachment "Helmet Cover (Alpine)"
- +Poland Patch is now equippable on the custom helmets (helmet covers and nvg battery pack included)
- +Some quests localization has been fixed
Since I rewrote the entire questline, some Quests might be buggy, If you find any please report them to me
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for standing by me, sharing your thoughts and opinions, sending your prayers, and keeping me in your thoughts. Your support has truly meant so much to me.
Version 1.8.3
- Crackbone
ARTEM 1.8.3
- +Added a New Item "ACH High Cut Tactical Helmet (Alpine)"
- +Added a New Item "ACH High Cut Tactical Helmet (Black)"
- +Added a New Item "Wolf Cowl (White)"
- +Added a New Item "Wolf Cowl (Brown)"
- +Updated Server code of Artem (It is recommended to COMPELTELY Delete AAAArtemTrader folder and place the new one)
- +Fixed an issue with the "G4 COMBAT SHIRT (Olive)" where snow would appear on the hands (Thanks Rhedd)
- +Fixed an issue with the "STRIKER XT GEN.3 COMBAT PANTS" where snow would appear on the hands (Thanks Rhedd AGAIN)
- +Fixed Probability rates for Denis' Collar once again
With 1.8.3 being released, I'd like to mention that I'll be going offline for the next couple of weeks.
Hoping to come back with a bigger update next time, till then. Enjoy
Version 1.8.2
- Crackbone
ARTEM 1.8.2
+Added a New Top "Berserk T-Shirt"
+Added a New Backpack "6Sh118 raid backpack (Alpine)"
+Fixed 'Denis' Collar' Probability - It has been lowered tremendously (thanks for reporting)
+Fixed DevTac Ronin Helmet(B-MC) being sold for way more than it should've+Fixed WTT T-Shirt Hands missing the tattoos
Version 1.8.1
- Crackbone
ARTEM 1.8.1
- +Fixed Flea market bug (now properly pushes items with soft armor + armor included)
- +upd error is gone
- +Updated prices cause u could duplicate money with artem(and its a nono!!)
- +Fixed probability for artem items to show up properly (AS INTENDED)
For a safe and 100% working installation.
Delete previous Artem related folders and Re-Install
Version 1.8
- Crackbone
Make sure to Install - Trader Service Fix To be able to buy clothes
- Clothing -
- +Added New Pants - "Fjällräven Barents Pro Trousers (Alpine)"
- +Added New Pants - "Fjällräven Barents Pro Trousers (Multicam)"
- +Added New Top - "Troubleshooter (Tattooed)"
- +Added New Top - "Softshell Alpine"
- +Added a New Item - "Tactical Bump Helmet (Alpine)"
- +Added a New Item - "Zryachiy's balaclava (Green)"
- +Added a New Item - "Zryachiy's balaclava (White)"
- +Added a New Item - "DevTac Ronin ballistic helmet (Black)"
- +Added a New Item - "DevTac Ronin ballistic helmet (Alpine)"
- +Added a New Item - "Cold Fear Balaclava(Cultist + Skull)"
- +Added a New Item - "Cold Fear Balaclava(Alpine)"
- +Added a New Item - "Crye Precision CPC plate carrier (Multicam)"
- +Added a New Item - "Crye Precision CPC plate carrier (Alpine)"
- +Added a New Item - "Crye Precision CPC plate carrier (Black Multicam)"
- +Added a New Item - "BlackRock Chest Rig (Alpine)"
- +Added a New Item - "BlackRock Chest Rig (Black Multicam)"
- +Added a New Item - "BlackRock Chest Rig (Multicam)"
- General Fixes -
- +ARTT_3 is now named PROPERLY (this is for you REYSON!)
- +Updated code frame to support ONLY 3.9
- +New clothing code frame (Thanks to Mighty_Condor)
- +Most likely fixed an issue with VCQL where u couldn't re-plant an item upon registering a visited location
- +New loot distribution code (Thanks to SSH + Mighty_Condor)
- +Limited MOST of the items to a buy limit count.
- +Adjusted prices of items in the shop
Is it intended that all storage containers added by Artem can't be placed inside Item case/T H I C C Item case?
Asking because we can place similar vanilla ones inside but can't do so with these added ones
Is there a way to install Artem for custom quests and none of the extra stuff?
Hi,I wonder how many missions do U set in Artem,I done 23,seems to the end
When I equipped Ops Core Fast SF the game stuck in infinite loading if I try to go to hideout. Anyone have the same issue?
On latest Artem version (2.1.1, SPT 3.10.5) and latest VQCL, The Task "Communication is Key" has some typos with what is said you need to hand in vs. what you actually need to hand in.
Hey, ive been having some issues when someone tryies to join me even if they have Artem isnstalled too it gets stuck loading. is there any fix to it?
I have same trouble. Did you solve it?
You mean like loading bundles?
Echo Congo
Is there specific containers or locations that the Denis' Collar spawns?
safes, filing cabinets I think.
sometimes I could find it in pmcs'bag
No L4G24 nvg mount included in the mod?
If someone has problems when installing this mod on a Linux distro, remove all files with .js and extension
Hey, not sure if others already told you or you're already aware, but the quest "Communication is Key" has a typo, it says "Hand-over 4 Signal Jammers" but it requires 3. Have a good one
Added your guy in my furry pictures mod
Apathy Knight
Having an issue some people mentioned here: the model of S10 gasmask with red lenses won't load and is replaced with doge cube. In asset bundle log it says it can't load the artemgasmask1 bundle, even though it's present in mod folder. Tried redownloading and reinstalling the mod, clearing cache, but doesn't seem to help(kinda).
Why "kinda": it seems like that rarely clearing cache makes it so the bundle actually loads, but then the MCU-2/P gasmask from tactical gear component mod won't load instead. Could it be they're conflicting somehow? But this mask bundle named just gasmask1, so iduno how they'd conflict, but the fact is that I just can't make them to work together at the same time (I've been clearing cache a lot already)
Hey, so the PMCs seem to be spawning with the headsets that are supposed to mount to helmets in their ear slots even though you can't equip them yourself.
Hey man, minor issue with a quest Rearming,Preparing. Not major, two of the ammos you have to hand in are the wrong way around.
So for the 7.62x39mm US it takes the 5.56x45mm FMJ ammo instead and for the 5.56x45mm FMJ it takes the 7.62x39mm US ammo
hello , were playn coop with my friend , after this mod instal he cant start the game properly , he start the game and when hes loading he get stuck on downloading 6127/6327. any idea what that can cause ?
You must copy that mod in Cache directory to skip this dowload
Hey, Im currently level 36 and I cant find Denis's collar anywhere, I've checked shelves, safe's, scav bodies etc and I cant find it, I can buy a collar from the flea market but it dosen't spawn for me.
Could you list the items that artem adds?
Hello. This is my first time so... I downloaded and installed Artem. It's working but I don't see any quests. How am I going to increase his standing?
make sure you have this installed as well Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
For the last couple versions, I've been unable to update because of the following error:
For some reason, most of the customization are not working for new helmets. Especially such things, as V-lights or ghillie covers too. Also, after completing quest for patches, they didn't showed up anywhere. What could be a problem?

Can you make "Headcrab Trophy" be placeable in the Hall of Fame?
Crackbone Author
Its not?
Unless it is some sorta weird bug happening with my game, but everything else on Artem seems fine and there are 0 errors generated on server or game end.
Crackbone Author
Thanks for reporting, I'll look into it
Crackbone Author
This has been fixed, Will be pushed in the next update
That is Awesome!
Thank you!
Any plans to make the COMTACs and RAC headsets work with the FAST SFs rather than just be cosmetic?
Crackbone Author
They only work with the Customizable helmets I made. Not planning to make them work on vanilla helmets.
In 50 minutes of the raid, I found 7 Denis collars. 3 of them in one file cabinet)
Crackbone Author
Thanks for reporting, pushing a hotfix.
first safe i opened on factory had 2 collars in it
might need a hotfix
second safe i opened also had one lol
Crackbone Author
Thanks for reporting, pushing a hotfix
On v2.1.1 got 4 collars in one safe wtf
Crackbone Author
Pushed a hotfix, No new version just new download link
Hello, I am quite new to the modding community, I installed Artem this morning and I loved the concept of a new trader with quest and stuff
But I see you posted an update like one hour ago
I ve heard that removing a trader mod will break my profile is it true? If so, how I am supposed to use this update? Just drag/drop/replace the mod file? And that's it?
Sorry for the noob question and thanks a lot for the hardwork !
Crackbone Author
To update you simply drag and drop, yes
Incase you want to remove the mod, just make sure that your character doesn't wear / have any custom items that Artem have, and you can Delete Artem.
Thanks for the answer ! Worked nicely ! And I will surely not delete it

is there a version for 3.9.8 ?
Killed 4 cultist warriors and the priest, but it shows only 3 killed out of 4? why?
Crackbone Author
Because Priests count only as Priests.
Warriors count only as Warriors.
i killed all 4 sektants first and left the priest alive hoping more sektants would respawn but i got bored so i killed him as well, but why wouldn't all 4 sektants count for the fetch it quest?
I killed at least 15 of them on customs and it only ever counted three. I gave up and manually marked the tast for completion in my profile.
Also on the Sanitar task, it says to kill him on shoreline but doesn't count kills there, he has to be killed on another map for it to count.
bruh fr? that is cooked bro what happened to this mod
Crackbone Author
I just ran two different tests, on FiKA and normal SPT.
Both worked just fine, Are you sure you are killing Sektants and Priests in the correct times?
Hello, where can i find these ?
Crackbone Author
Artem Version 2.1
i downloaded that version, where can i find the items? throught ragman or ?
Crackbone Author
through Artem