Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
Version 1.1.8
- Choccy Milk
-Fixed Missing audio during chamber check
-Fixed hammer moving during 30 rounder mag animation
Version 1.1.7
- Choccy Milk
-Added 30 rounder mag compatibility
Version 1.1.6
- Choccy Milk
Updated to SPT 3.11
Version 1.1.5
- Choccy Milk
Updated to 3.10.0
~Updated Id to be MongoID to avoid future Headache
The files for this version has been updated to 3.10
There were no significant changes, as a result please redownload this if you're playing on 3.10 -
Version 1.1.4
- Choccy Milk
~Fix bug on discarding backpack
Version 1.1.3
- Choccy Milk
Updated to AKI 3.8.0
Version 1.1.2
- Choccy Milk
~Punisher 2 Quest fix on not counting kills with the suppressor
Version 1.1.1
- Choccy Milk
+Added the ability for PMC bots to spawn with the raffica
This is a small % chance of spawning so, be on the look out.
Version 1.1.0
- Choccy Milk
Updated for Aki 3.7.0
+Added New animation for certain state with the angled grip
~Modified the values so the burst can be tighter when using angled grip and stock
~Tweaked the patrol animation so the character left hand doesn't stretch when using the angled grip
The angled foregrip is animated. However, due to how Game Object hierarchy worked, if you insert the foregrip in-raid (especially if you are still holding it) the grip won't be animated. Just switch to another and then switch back, it will be back to normal.
Version 1.0.0
- Choccy Milk
can you add compatibility with the 30 round mags that were added for the M9?

edit: bro added them the same day, i love you
Excellent mod. Fun to use and I like the attachments that are included. The only wish I'd have is for the extended magazines we see the 93 used with IRL to make an appearance. That would really complete the whole package, imo.
Thanks for the update to 3.10.0. By doing it this way we lose access to the last 3.9.x version? Also it is still showing the old/last date and does not refresh "and show" on the [Recent Updates] so users don't know there was an update. I had to go search for it. Just letting you know. Thanks
Choccy Milk Author
There wasn't a big and significant changes that affect the stuff i used. Because of that i didn't do a new version upload, I was also a bit tight on time so i kinda cut corner
Any1 have a realism patch for this?
Hey there just reaching out as i am unable to get my game to load the main menu with the raffica mod installed on 3.9.8. Ive run your mods since their conception, and have been building large mod lists for SPT for a few years now, and have never had an issue with any of your mods. All the other ones work fine but i get the endless loading screen circle once i add the raffica in. Ive tried loading at the top, middle, and bottom of this mod list im running. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Choccy Milk Author
The latest version of the mod now uses MongoID. If you've played on a previous version and bought the item chances are the old ID is causing the issue. You would need to delete the item from your inventory and buy them back
Strange part is this a completely new install. When 3.9.8 came out i deleted my 3.9.1 installed entirely. Brand new level 1 profile aswell.
Choccy Milk Author
if that's the case then one of the mods conflict with it, make sure you uninstall all the mods and slowly install it one by one to see which one conflict.
Thanks for the insight, ive been slowly installing the mods in small batches but havent quite narrowed down where the conflict is. im going to make a secondary install and repeat the process. Ill post the conflict here once i find it for anyone else who may have an issue!
I know I am on an outdated version, But I was having issues getting 1.1.2 to load on 3.7.6 and I changed this and it seems to work now, Was this the correct course of action?
adding the _props allows the server to load now
The Raffica can basically do full auto since the burst delay is basically zero. Is there a way to fix this manually?
i'm getting a bug with realism mod with this one, something to do with "DoubleActionAccuracy"
Choccy Milk Author
Double action accuracy is for revolver, so its odd the pistol is causing it. The mod itself isn't technically supported by Realism as its not registered within realism with stats from it.
Weird! I removed the M93 mod and stopped getting the bug, but the revolver doesn't seem to bother realism. Either way, I have most things from realism turned off, I just like to use the stances
(specifically though the error said "double action accuracy")
while I'm here, I love the striker that's my favorite 3rd slot weapon
Just confirming that this error also happens with me as well whenever I have this mod on.
wait...opra telling me the file have virus ???
Choccy Milk Author
It's probably flagged as false positive. The base SPT-AKI also got flagged on random occasion
can you please itty bitty please add some revolvers?
there a base for it thanks to the .357 chiappa
Choccy Milk Author
I will think about it, currently my time is a bit tight with other real life stuff.
Alright, i know its a faint hope and i wont blame you if you never end up doing some. i already appreciate your current uzi so much i cant really ask for more.
I just do think its sad that theres a real lack of normal revolvers like nagant, or colt python for example.
I second this I would love to see either something like a Colt Python/Anaconda or a old school revolver with a cartridge conversion, Like a colt navy or colt patterson would be awesome. Shame they haven't added any revolver updates in the base game or with mods
this would be very awesome
What... have... you... done.
Choccy Milk Author
Great mod, love to use it.
Is there a way to add extended mags? like the standard 20 round magazine or even the 32 round magazine in use by italian police
I second this, something a bit deeper than the m9 mags at hand would be very nice.
is there a guide anywhere on how to make/ port custom weapons or animations to eft.
Thanks for the mod!
I've recently become interested in creating custom weapons myself, could we discuss a couple of details? I use your guide, and sometimes I don't understand exactly how to make animations.
Now I have transferred the fss hurricane model from COD, completely with textures and divisions into parts. Handle, butt, and so on.
Can't I take ready-made animations of the same P90? To avoid doing animations manually. I know that KMC used ready-made animations, I just don't understand how it can be done.
Since I took it from COD, there are already animations ready, can't I just use them?
If I can contact you somehow, I will be very grateful. Since I will be able to make a video guide where I will tell people how to transfer weapons, this will greatly help the community.
Choccy Milk Author
you can use ready made animation from CoD and EFT. You would probably still need to animate some motion, mostly non complex one, given the FSS hurricane is a mix of P90 and AR15. You can contact me by pinging me in the SPT Pub server especially in mods-development.
sick, hope to see some more weapon mods soon. would love to see some CZ weapons like the Scorpion EVO, the Bren and some others
there was some scorpion EVO being developed a while back by Mc Witch Doctor but it never ended up coming out, probably because it was gonna to drop with KMC modpack.
thats so sad
now dont have kmc weapon even ... i miss that mod so fuckjing much ..
Nice. Recognised this from when I was a kid playing cod
incredible timing, literally just this morning i was thinking about how an M93 would fit inside tarkov.
thank you for this mod