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Put the ID of your profile in const profileID.
Run the server, then close the server.
Copy the assort.JSON and setup.JSON files that have been created in the output folder, and paste them into the res folder of your trader mod.
In your trader mod you will require the following to be pasted into its mod.ts.postDBLoad (you can find chomps example here to build off)
//Bring in your assorts
const newAssort = require("../res/assort.json")
const newSetup = require("../res/setup.json")
//Add your assorts
for(let item in newAssort)
//add assort to trader
//would have to handle differnt currency / barters seperately
.addMoneyCost(Money.ROUBLES, newSetup[item].addMoneyCost)
//add assort name to locales
for(let local in
let thisLocal =[local]
thisLocal[newAssort[item]._id] = newAssort[item]._name
//add to globals presets
tables.globals.ItemPresets[newAssort[item]._id] = newAssort[item]
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You can then set your prices and requirements in setup.JSON.
This works with roubles only currently, you can repeat with different sets of presets with additional currencies / barters if required. (Or you could add a prefix to your builds names to determine type of currency and strip it at import, go wild)
Version 1.0.0
- kikirio
Marisa Yokai Magician
Good mod!