Reflex Sights Rework - Updated 1.0.4

Hate that tubular red dots obscure too much visibility? This BepInEx mod will change how some of the red dots appear in ADS, giving you a much bigger FOV and a nice looking picture.

An updated version of SamSWAT's Reflex Sights Rework.

Original mod page: Reflex Sights Rework

Original author: SamSWAT

To install: Extract to your SPT folder.

No additional changes made. Only updated to work for this SPT version.


  • Having two of the same guns equipped, with either one not having a reflex sight affected by this mod will result in the reflex sight displaying its vanilla mesh instead of the modified one.
  • A temporary solution is by not equipping two of the same guns on your person or installing a modified reflex sight on both guns.
  • I really like this, however I wish it also applied to the LPVO's. I used FOV fix but then I had to move my guys head closer to my gun but then it caused there to be a black ring around the scope ring, just like the one that mod removes. Anyone know how to fix or other FOV mods that take care of this?

    • Optic Rework reuploaded by fontaine makes the eye relief a bit farther on optics, u can get ur camera a bit closer but its not as much as id like

  • I'm still using the depreciated one from SamSwat, and it works fine o.o

  • Hi, for some reason, after installing the mod, it issues a message box with an exception:

    "A patch in AkiCustomPligin FAILED. Field
    'Aki.Custom.Utils.BundleManager.Bundles' not found.

    The LogOutput.log file:

    [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Custom 3.8.0]

    [Info :AKI.Custom] Loading: Aki.Custom

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 6613f22e00054dbf45bcc198:

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful


    [Error :AKI.Custom] AkiCustomPlugin: System.MissingFieldException: Field 'Aki.Custom.Utils.BundleManager.Bundles' not found.

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) Aki.Custom.Utils.BundleManager.DMD<Aki.Custom.Utils.BundleManager::GetBundles>()

    at Aki.Custom.AkiCustomPlugin.Awake () [0x00010] in <bdbfb7e75f6a4aea84c43e5fe7df76e5>:0

    The exception appears at startup even without other mods/plugins. Each of the other more than 20 plugins and mods works perfectly
    Please help


    • 3.8.0

    • Exact same issue here

    • To other people getting this error, please update your SPT to the latest version.

    • Even running on the latest version of SPT the issue is still caused. did a clean install, no mods except this one, still caused the same error. After removing it to make the game vanilla again, it loaded fine.

      Heart 1
  • Modders and their speed never cease to amaze me, thank you!

  • Just when I had convinced myself I didn't need SamSWAT, you go and do this. Thanks!

  • Hey there, you should probably change the mod type from Server mod to client mod, since it's a BepInEx mod. Lol


    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you!

    Heart 1
  • Thank you so much for doing this :thumbup:

    Heart 2
  • finally someone did it

  • thanks for updating it

    Heart 1
  • Does anyone know if this would conflict with the Acog4lyf Optics rework?

    • The one by Geff Hannigan

    • Best way is to test it yourself and report if it works or not.

    • There doesn't seem to be any conflict, I just tried it

    • it works, but it does replace the modded red dot textures with the vanilla ones

  • finally a mod on this site that is actually good

    Thumbs Up 1 Thinking 3 ? 5 Crying 1
    • 90% of them are very good, wdym?

    • have fun playing with one single mod installed :D

      Thumbs Up 1 Happy 1
    • I mean if you'd rather have 90 mods that SVM already does and endless amounts of OST mods then u do u.

      ? 1
    • you know you can see how many mods there are for each version of the game right? not anyone elses fault you havent figured it out lol

    • Ah, another one of those folks. Did nobody ever tell you to appreciate that you have any of these mods at all?

      Thumbs Up 5
  • Bro, ain't no way someone actually did that. On behalf of every non modder I thank you for this.

    Heart 2