WTT - Remington Adaptive Combat Rifle 1.1.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A new weapon is entering the battlefield.

  • Version 1.1.3

    This update should fix the issues people are having with bot gen, and all parts will be in the traders again.

    For Reality users, go here for compatibility patches by DevilFlippy.

  • Version 1.1.2

    After life has finally calmed down and I managed to setup my PC for the first time in months, I'm happy to say that the ACR is finally updated!

    Major thanks to Groovey for updating the code to 3.10 and fixing all MongoID issues.

    ***The iron sight alignment issue has been fixed. The gun now shoots straight as it should!***

    For now, the weapon preset is still available in the trader but all parts are only available on the Flea Market. I will fix this as soon as I can to return it to the original intended availability.

    Also, for Realism players- this version does not come accompanied with the compatibility patch until I can get one made.

    NOTE- Bipods should be compatible on most ACR handguards. IF, however, the bipod does not fold down when you press the "unfold" button- your hands will bug out if you try to mount it. Rule of thumb, if the bipod don't fold- don't use it. I'll try to fix this eventually, but we have BSG to thank for this.

  • Version 1.1.1

    3.9 update!

    • Updated customitemservice staticloot method to the new 3.9 system
    • fixed addtobots
    • added addtohalloffame
    • added addtospecialslots

    Updated for Sianyde while he is still on hiatus!

    Sianyde will return..... in the sequel....

  • Version 1.1

    -Added Realism compatibility patch.

    Major thanks to Senara for putting in the time to create this compatibility patch.

    For installation of ACR mod, copy the "user" folder into your SPT directory.
    -If you already have it installed, it is recommended to clear your inventory of any of the weapon's contents to prevent bricking your profile.

    For installation of Realism compatibility, go into the "Realism" folder and copy the "user" folder into your SPT directory.
    -If you have a previous ACR mod version installed, you must update the files w/ the new ACR files in this download.

  • Version 1.0.6

    -Updated magazine to MongoIDs to fix bugs regarding ammo presets.

    -Installation is same as the original, just replace all files if mod already installed.

  • Version 1.0.5

    -Changed caliber of the root gun to just 5.56x45NATO to hopefully prevent errors on raid load. 7.62x39mm capability is still available with barrel swap and custom PMag.
    -Removed modification options that shouldn't be there

  • Version 1.0.4

    Added the ACR stock to both the Mk16 and Mk17. Finding this gets you closer to discovering the little Easter Egg in the 1.0 version. 8)


    Further bug fixes.

  • Version 1.0.3

    -Added compatibility with Painter Mag Tapes.

    -Minor bug fixes.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Fixed the "flying gun" bug.

    Replaced the gross COD Magpul Fixed stock with legit, modelled Magpul stocks.

    Added the Magpul ACR stock in both colours.


    Installation remains the same. You can just overwrite the files, but I'd suggest deleting the old folder and reinstalling the new one.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Removed an attachment in one of the spots that shouldn't have been there.

  • Should I delete the old WTT Remington ACR if I am running this one? does not appear to conflict MongoID's but I am assuming yes?

    • You should be able to just copy+paste over it, but it's good practice to delete old files (and any items in your players inventory so that it doesn't get bricked.)

  • Hey, any idea when the 6.8 ACR cartridge is coming out? Would love to relive the MW3 ACR power trips.

  • Any ideas? guns name is just Blablabla, freezes screen basically must ALT f4 to shut off

    Error processing bot inventories for file: RemingtonACR.json

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\CustomItemService.ts:742:88)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.processInventoryType (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\CustomItemService.ts:714:22)

    at CustomItemService.processBotInventories (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\CustomItemService.ts:664:18)

    at CustomItemService.postDBLoad (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\CustomItemService.ts:102:26)

    at SianydeAndACRiness.postDBLoad (C:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndACRness\src\mod.ts:59:32)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    • What other mods do you have?

    • seeing the same thing,

      modlist + ACR and G3

      Artem version: 2.1.1 by: Crackbone

      3.10.5 Temporary Fixes version: 3.10.5 by: acidphantasm

      RefSPTFriendlyQuests version: 1.2.2 by: acidphantasm

      Additional Clothing BEAR version: 3.1.0 by: Ashley Schaeffer BMW

      Additional Clothing USEC version: 3.0.0 by: Ashley Schaeffer BMW

      AllTheSeasons version: 1.2.2 by: DewardianDev

      Painter - Trader version: 1.1.4 by: MoxoPixel

      LotsOfLoot Redux version: 3.0.2 by: ArchangelWTF

      PityLoot version: 1.0.0 by: Bakahashi

      Black Clothing Pack version: 1.0.2 by: K0pat1ch

      Black Equipment Pack version: 1.0.13 by: K0pat1ch

      Black Multicam Clothing pack version: 1.0.8 by: K0pat1ch

      Bot Callsigns version: 1.4.4 by: Helldiver, harmony

      BRNVG - N-15 Adapter version: 1.0.1 by: Borkel

      RemoveTimeGateFromQuests version: 1.0.3 by: Cj

      SPTQuestingBots version: 0.9.0 by: DanW

      Weapons version: 2.1.2 by: EpicRangeTime

      Expanded Task Text version: 1.6.2 by: Dirtbikercj

      Extended Mags version: 1.0.2 by: Evo

      G36-Mod-0 version: 1.9.1 by: Lyconox

      DeadlyBlades version: 1.0.0 by: Gaylatea

      spt-speedload version: 1.0.1 by: Hooshu

      weightless-ammo-and-nades version: 1.0.0 by: Hooshu

      LegsTheTrader version: 1.4.0 by: House

      LootValueBackend version: 4.0.0 by: IhanaMies

      MergeConsumables version: 1.2.0 by: Lacyway

      M81 Clothing Pack version: 1.0.1 by: K0pat1ch

      M81 Gear Pack version: 1.0.3 by: K0pat1ch

      MoreCheckmarksBackend version: 1.5.15 by: VIP

      Black Core version: 1.1.6 by: MoxoPixel

      SandCore version: 1.0.5 by: MoxoPixel

      Tactical Gear Component (TGC) version: 1.2.1 by: MoxoPixel

      Multicam Clothing Pack version: 1.0.1 by: K0pat1ch

      Multicam Gear Pack version: 1.0.3 by: K0pat1ch

      RealisticThermalScopes version: 1.2.0 by: ODT

      Increase Climb Height version: 1.2.0 by: redlaser42

      NoTransitTasks version: 1.0.2 by: Shibdib

      SianydeAndACRness version: 1.2.0 by: Sianyde

      SianydeAndG3iness version: 1.2.0 by: Sianyde

      sig_mcx_virtus version: 1.4.1 by: saintdeer

      SWAG + DONUTS version: 3.5.3 by: nooky and props

      TarkovHDRework version: 0.1.0 by: PulledP0rk

      weapon-customizer version: 1.2.0 by: Tyfon

      Virtuals Custom Quest Loader version: 2.0.3 by: Virtual

      VSSM version: 1.0.2 by: Lyconox

      WTT-HeadVoiceSelector version: 1.0.5 by: GrooveypenguinX

      WTT-PackNStrap version: 1.0.9 by: GrooveypenguinX

      WTTArmoryAN94 version: 1.0.1 by: Tron-Fontaine-WTT

      WTTArmoryM249 version: 1.0.3 by: WTT & Choccy

      WTTArmoryProdigy version: 1.0.0 by: Tron

      WTTArmorySVD version: 1.0.7 by: Tron

      WTTArmoryWagesOfSin version: 1.0.1 by: Tron And MoxoPixel

      WTTArmoryWilsonCombat version: 1.0.5 by: Tron

      SAIN version: 3.2.1 by: zSolarint

      Normalised Bots version: 1.2.1 by: JustNU

      SVM version: 1.10.1 by: GhostFenixxArtem version: 2.1.1 by: Crackbone

      3.10.5 Temporary Fixes version: 3.10.5 by: acidphantasm

      RefSPTFriendlyQuests version: 1.2.2 by: acidphantasm

      Additional Clothing BEAR version: 3.1.0 by: Ashley Schaeffer BMW

      Additional Clothing USEC version: 3.0.0 by: Ashley Schaeffer BMW

      AllTheSeasons version: 1.2.2 by: DewardianDev

      Painter - Trader version: 1.1.4 by: MoxoPixel

      LotsOfLoot Redux version: 3.0.2 by: ArchangelWTF

      PityLoot version: 1.0.0 by: Bakahashi

      Black Clothing Pack version: 1.0.2 by: K0pat1ch

      Black Equipment Pack version: 1.0.13 by: K0pat1ch

      Black Multicam Clothing pack version: 1.0.8 by: K0pat1ch

      Bot Callsigns version: 1.4.4 by: Helldiver, harmony

      BRNVG - N-15 Adapter version: 1.0.1 by: Borkel

      RemoveTimeGateFromQuests version: 1.0.3 by: Cj

      SPTQuestingBots version: 0.9.0 by: DanW

      Weapons version: 2.1.2 by: EpicRangeTime

      Expanded Task Text version: 1.6.2 by: Dirtbikercj

      Extended Mags version: 1.0.2 by: Evo

      G36-Mod-0 version: 1.9.1 by: Lyconox

      DeadlyBlades version: 1.0.0 by: Gaylatea

      spt-speedload version: 1.0.1 by: Hooshu

      weightless-ammo-and-nades version: 1.0.0 by: Hooshu

      LegsTheTrader version: 1.4.0 by: House

      LootValueBackend version: 4.0.0 by: IhanaMies

      MergeConsumables version: 1.2.0 by: Lacyway

      M81 Clothing Pack version: 1.0.1 by: K0pat1ch

      M81 Gear Pack version: 1.0.3 by: K0pat1ch

      MoreCheckmarksBackend version: 1.5.15 by: VIP

      Black Core version: 1.1.6 by: MoxoPixel

      SandCore version: 1.0.5 by: MoxoPixel

      Tactical Gear Component (TGC) version: 1.2.1 by: MoxoPixel

      Multicam Clothing Pack version: 1.0.1 by: K0pat1ch

    • I'm going to change some code today and release a new version. Also hoping to fix the trader issue as well.

  • Cheytac Intervention Pleasseee. good work!!

  • Does anyone know how I would add the 6x23ARC ammo from Painter (I think) to the ACR so it can use it?

  • Hello!

    Can I use the ACR model in your MOD? I will draw some new texture for it then add it into my MOD.

  • What happened to WTT :c

  • https://www.acrforum.com/threa…wer-update-finally.20650/

    this guy made a AK styled lower receiver for the ACR I think you should Split the ACR into 2 different guns because it's pretty awkward to look a 556Pmag shot 762

  • What's the weapon ID for this gun? Trying to add it for the modded trader Scorpion's Weapon Proficiency quests

  • Just looted an ACR off a PMC who had 4 mags with no ammo and no other weapon. It was close to the start of a game so they couldn't have used it all either. I don't have any other mods that mess with AI loot so I thought I'd point it out. So far this is the only weapon I've seen this with.

    • I've noticed this as well so you ain't the only one.

  • The front sight is misaligned.


    Thinking 1
  • The fire rate is too slow. I referred to various videos of full-auto firing the ACR on YT and they all fired much faster than 650 rpm, typically more than 800 rpm. The wiki simply has wrong info.

    Happy 1
  • The iron sites are misaligned. It shoots to the left, and they are visibly misaligned. Red dots on it work as intended.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • There is also some issues with presets. I've been trying to locate the correct Node/Item ID to add to "Skills Extended". Through this trial and error, I made extra default presets and saved them as separate names, however, Peacekeeper took those presets and was selling them in his inventory.

  • ALP seems to be having issues handling the multi-caliber nature of the weapon. I just killed a PMC who had a 5.56 ACR with 7.62 barrel and 7.62 PMAGs but no ammo

    • Can second this. just picked up an ACR (Enhanced) off a SCAV . 7.62 barrel/magazines, says it's converted to 556, however, not the case.

      I tried to include an image from imgur bur I can't sign up from my region (Aus)

    • actually I didn't even have ALP installed - so this is a general issue perhaps?

    • Interesting, thanks for the info. I just assumed that because other WTT mod weapons weren't able to spawn on bots, that it wasn't default behavior and was caused by another mod.

  • what is the base ID for the gun? I'm trying to add it to the file for "Skills Extended" so it takes on the USEC Rifles and Carbine Skill buffs. The Parent ID I'm using won't pick it up or should I be looking at the Creator of "Skills Extended" for not accepting weapons from other mods.

  • This gun shoots weird

    it just feels weird

    feel like the bullets come out lower from the barrel than it should

    also I found this


    a pmc had 0 ammo in mags and couldn't shoot

    the gun said 556 but will not accept 556 mags

    only 7.62 ak mag


    Best mod 100000/10 <3

  • Is there going to be a WTT all in one at any point?

  • if there are changes or just compatibility with realism

    • If you have version 1.0.6, you do not need to update the ACR's files. The main focus on this is the Realism compatibility patch.

      If you have any version older than 1.0.6, you must update the files to prevent issues w/ the Realism patch.

  • This mod is great, awesome job. <3 Would love to see the ACR PRS on the MK16/17 as well in the future

  • may be OOTL on something but I wanted to join the discord to keep up with dev and the link is invalid :(

    • The link must've expired. I've now updated it. :)

  • Iron sights don't seem to be properly aligned causing rounds to hit slightly to the left, otherwise this is a beautiful mod

  • All ACRs on the flea market are 1 rouble. Is this intended?

    • what mod are you using.

      are you using any flea market mods .

  • After downloading this mod it won't let me into raid it just stays at 0.00 and if I remove this mod it won't let me into the game it gives me another error any ideas how I can fix this? thanks <3

  • some new bugs i have noticed:
    1. When modded to 7.62x39, after dismantling will show 5.56x39 in the inventory

    2. gun jams way to much. After 30rnd mag dump gun will malfunction (using Realism, loding this mod before or after Realism still same problem)

    3. Custom mag still mess up mag preset loading. Problem solved after selling the custom mag to traders

    Thumbs Up 1
    • 1. There’s nothing I can do about this. The root calibre for it is 5.56x45. I originally went against a veterans advice and added 7.62x39 to the root, but it was causing issues when loading a raid.

      2. To clarify, is this strictly with 7.62x39 or with 5.56 as well?

      3. I’ll think on what could be causing this. Might be because my mag doesn’t have a mongo ID (you can thank BSG for that.)

  • Man I love this mod. That poster with Magpul Masada in the hideout has been teasing me for far too long and now I can use it now! thank you Sianyde and WTT!

    Heart 1
  • is there issues with lots of loot/alltheloot

    • There can be with the 7.62 barrels, I believe. I haven't tested it myself.

  • Using Universal ammo and still cant shoot in ACR gun why?


    like force to use only 762....

    Please allow to use any time of ammo in this guns

    • Have you tried swapping to a 5.56 barrel?

    • Yes. no different

    • I didn't fully understand what you meant when I first read your former comment.

      To clarify, you want me to change the entire mod as it was originally intended to fit your personal desire?

    • I simply want the weapon to allow the use of all types of ammunition and to support mods of course that allow this ( for example the gun only accept one type of ammo no matter what i change)

      If possible, I would be very happy.

      I would like to say thank you very much for the investment and patience in answering the community players <3

  • Thank you for making this mod! I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name

    Heart 1