Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Notice: I'm stepping back from my SPT mods for now and have added some known community authors in the case that I am out of touch, which is very likely to happen in the next months. These authors are not obligated to anything, just want to make sure that someone can add a maintainer in the future. My SPT projects were started to keep me occupied after a death in my immediate family and I've lost interest in Tarkov for now.
Finally be able to see exactly how close to overweight you are and how much more you could pocket away! Tick marks are at overweight and the point that walking will drain stamina.
Always know your carry weight and how close you are to breakpoints
Updates dynamically with stims and level ups
If you're enjoying the mod or have a suggestion, please leave a comment!
- Drag folder from zip file directly into your SPTinstall folder
- Display Breakpoint Text: If text for each tick mark breakpoint should be displayed
Recommended Other UI Mods
- Tyfon's UI Fixes
- DrakiaXYZ's Equip from Weapon Rack, Quick Move to Containers, Quest Tracker, Task List Fixes
- ChooChoo's Trader Modding and Improved Weapon Building
- CJ's Stash Search, which I have contributed to
- My other mod Quick Weapon Rack Access
Version 1.1.2
- Lacyway
- Updated the mod for 3.10.2 since the original repo was removed
Version 1.1.1
- Dirtbikercj
SPT 3.10.0
Updated by CathieNova, thanks! -
Version 1.1.0
- mpstark
For SPT 3.9.* and after
- Updated for SPT 3.9.*, no other changes
SHA-256: ce028bab1995320dc45807e3cd39764b2aad7048c02957893b5cd78ba546f731
VirusTotal ResultsVery little testing done on this, let me know if you run into issues
Version 1.0.5
- mpstark
For SPT-AKI 3.8.* though it may work with other versions
- Fix potential NRE that might be triggered by Realism
Please report bugs on GitHub, on the SPT-Hub in the comments, or ping me in the SPT Discord.
SHA-256: 39641c81ba9f340a67509bfd17be4433eb90f400a37dd06a4264d05ddf0ce227
VirusTotal Results -
Version 1.0.4
- mpstark
For SPT-AKI 3.8.0 or 3.8.1, though it may work with other versions
- Fix bar not working as intended when playing as scav
Please report bugs on GitHub, on the SPT-Hub in the comments, or ping me in the SPT Discord.
Version 1.0.3
- mpstark
For SPT-AKI 3.8.0 or 3.8.1, though it may now work with other versions
- MISC: An effort has been made to make this mod generic and support as many versions of SPT-AKI as possible
- No support will be given for any version of SPT-AKI other than the current major release
- At the time of this release, that is SPT-AKI 3.8 (both 3.8.0 and 3.8.1
Please report bugs on GitHub, on the SPT-Hub in the comments, or ping me in the SPT Discord.
Version 1.0.2
- mpstark
For SPT-AKI 3.8.0
Hope people are enjoying the mod! Very minor fixes in this one
- FIX: Stims should now properly tween/animate
- FIX: Resolved NRE if entering raid without looking at inventory first. Note: did not effect any functionality
- MISC: Moved to exact match of .net version and C# version
Please report bugs on GitHub, on the SPT-Hub in the comments, or ping me in the SPT Discord. -
Version 1.0.1
- mpstark
For SPT-AKI 3.8.0
- Fix stims/health effects not affecting display
Version 1.0.0
- mpstark
Initial release
Known Issues:
- May not reflect true weight of inventory with stim weight limit increases
Any chance in having a compatibility patch for Mod My Weight Limits? I noticed even after game restart that the weight value is changing, and working fine. but the bar don't update.
This is great. Thank you.
On what screen am I supposed to see this bar in? It is installed correctly but during the raid there isnt a bar added.
Any thoughts on a stamina bar below the weight one in the inventory?
As a proud loot goblin, this mod is great to know exactly how much I can carry without becoming too heavy to regain stamina. Thanks for making this mod!
Thank you for making this mod! I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name
mpstark Author
Go ahead, that's fine.
Thank you again!
hey after updating to the newest version i cant seem to see the bar at all im unsure if its loading or not. theres no exceptions and i cant seem to find it in either log
mpstark Author
Check <spt-folder>\BepInEx\LogOutput.log for the word "PlayerEncumbranceBar", you should see [Info : BepInEx] Loading [PlayerEncumbranceBar 1.0.3] if it is loading.
If it isn't there, it's not loading and you'll need to diagnose why. Make sure that the <spt-folder>\BepInEx\plugins folder has a folder named PlayerEncumbranceBar and make sure that it has two files, a .dll and a .png.
the files are indeed in the correct place and all files are presence but their is no loading of the mod nor mention of it
mpstark Author
Try reverting to 1.0.2 by replacing just the .dll file in place and let me know if that makes it load. If it doesn't, this is some sort of mod loading issue rather than an issue with this mod and you might want to get help in the discord #general-support.
Might want to check simple stuff like if you have multiple SPT installs, making sure that you're installing the mod into the correct place.
found the problem it was my bad when i had switched files the launcher was reading the old files for mod info for some reason some modes still read from the current folder and some didnt. i truly apologize for any time taken for this failure on my end.
life saver honestly for all the rats who try to get out with as much loot as possible, while still recovering stamina when walking. Cheers for the mod!
I'm guessing it's incompatible with Realism's changes to the weight system?
mpstark Author
I don't run with Realism and haven't tested it, so I do not know. I don't see any particular reason that it would be incompatible -- the breakpoints might not be correct I suppose? It should work as well as the default weight indicator, since he doesn't seem to be patching that.
It's not trivial for me to test Realism right now, since it doesn't run in client debug mode, and I don't want to tear apart my actual install that I'm using for my actual SPT playthrough to do it.
If you've seen evidence that it doesn't work with Realism, let me know. I may be able to add a Realism compatibility patch in the future.
it works, nice mod!
Hell yeah, good to know.
work on 3.7.6 ?
mpstark Author
No, 3.8.0 only for now -- will not be supporting backporting to older versions of SPT
mpstark Author
It might now work with 3.7.6 with 1.0.3, but no support will be given.
Mod looks ridicolously needed in Vanilla Tarkov. thx for the mod!
mpstark Author
Please do not use the support thread. Either file an issue on GitHub, leave a comment in the comments section here, or ping me ( @mpstark) in the official SPT Discord.
Just like any other client mod: if you're running into a problem, make sure that you check if an exception has happened, those will most likely show up in the ~-console. If you see one there, be sure to grab both the BepinEx log (located at spt-dir/BepinEx/LogOutput.log) and the client log (located at spt-dir/Logs/log<date><version>/<date>_<version> traces.log). These logs contain much more information that I can use to narrow down the issue.