WTT- Heckler & Koch G3 1.1.5

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The battle rifle that we all know and love.

  • Version 1.1.5

    -Cleared out some unneeded files

    -Added the Spuhr Stock Assembly to go with the handguard.

    -Stock is split into two parts; buffer tube and the stock itself. This makes it compatible with Tyfon's Weapon Customizer mod.


  • Version 1.1.4

    -Fixed the existing B&T stock, pointed-out thanks to WRV129.

    -Added 3 new handguards for the 17.7" barrel

    -Added new 30-round mag


    -Added new 20" PSG-1 barrel for a full conversion into the PSG-1 (although full-auto is still available)

    -Updated existing PSG-1 handguard and stock to new HD textures



    For Realism users, please keep your eye out on DevilFlippy's mod here for compatibility on the new parts.

    Credit for the 3D assets goes to EpicRangeTime.

  • Version 1.1.3

    This update should fix the issues people are having with bot gen, and all parts will be in the traders again.

    For Reality users, go here for compatibility patches by DevilFlippy.

  • Version 1.1.2

    After life has finally calmed down and I managed to setup my PC for the first time in months, I'm happy to say that the G3 is finally updated!

    Major thanks to Groovey for updating the code to 3.10 and fixing all MongoID issues.

    Along with the update, there are two new parts added for the gun. A B&T MBT stock designed for the G3, and the MCS Swordfish G3 barrel system. The latter is fictional, but looked too cool to not add as a late-game part for the weapon!


    For now, the weapon preset is still available in the trader but all parts are only available on the Flea Market. I will fix this as soon as I can to return it to the original intended availability.

    Also, for Realism players- this version does not come accompanied with the compatibility patch until I can get one made.

    NOTE- Bipods should be compatible on most G3 railed handguards. IF, however, the bipod does not fold down when you press the "unfold" button- your hands will bug out if you try to mount it. Rule of thumb, if the bipod don't fold- don't use it. I'll try to fix this eventually, but we have BSG to thank for this.

    *HOTFIX* Removed the bipod option on the HK11E to prevent the player's hand from clipping through the drum magazine.

  • Version 1.1.1

    3.9 update!

    • Updated customitemservice staticloot method to the new 3.9 system
    • fixed addtobots
    • added addtohalloffame
    • added addtospecialslots

    Updated for Sianyde while he is still on hiatus!

    Sianyde will return..... in the sequel....

  • Version 1.1

    -Added Realism compatibility patch.

    Major thanks to Senara for putting in the time to create this compatibility patch.

    For installation of G3 mod, copy the "user" folder into your SPT directory.

    -There is no new weapon content in this version, if you already have it installed- you do not need to redownload/reinstall this version.

    For installation of Realism compatibility, go into the "Realism" folder and copy the "user" folder into your SPT directory.

  • Version 1.0.0

    -Hotfixed chamberload being enabled.

  • Please add bipod support for the SPUHR handguard. I want my AK4D to be competed

  • is anybody else having an issue where you double click on the g3 to open the inspection menu then you try to close it the gun in the inspection menu disappears and breaks the UI and cant close it or click on other tabs

    • Are you running Realism? If so, do you have a compatibility patch installed?

  • I'm new to your mods, will you add 50 rounds of drums in the future?

    • For now, no. Someone in the WTT Discord did model one out but I'd have to add custom animations for it (hence the latest 30-round mag). Plus, who's gonna realistically carry around multiple 50-round drum mags? ?(

    • I would :D

      But honestly I do think it would be a great addition, i'd rather have 50 rounders than 100 rounders

  • Question, has an HK 33 been considered, or possibly the G3A3 collapsing stock?

    • I have been asked numerous amounts of times for the HK33/53, etc. While I'm definitely considering it in the future, it's not on my priority list right now- sorry to say.

      Since it's a different lower receiver, it'd essentially be a new weapon container which is the 10/10 difficulty mod for essentially the same weapon with 5.56. We have a ton of 5.56 rifles on the market so I'd rather branch out into something else. :)

    • Very understandable, thank you.

  • In the "sights" folder, you have a "backup" folder packaged. I guess this is not needed at all and just slipped into packaging? :)

    • Oops! Oversight on my part after hours of modding. 😆 Indeed not-needed. I’ll get rid of it with the next update today– I have a new stock to add to the repertoire.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • any thoughts on the CETME?

  • May have been asked, but any chance we may also get HK33 parts/conversions? ;)

  • welcome back!!

    Heart 1
    • Thanks buddy! Glad to see you're alive and doing well.

  • The B&T MBT stock is positioned a little lower and across the model.

  • Love the new barrel! It'd be cooler if it suppressed it!

  • Lovely

  • Love the gun! It would be amazing if you or someone kind, and knowledgeable could add Compatibility for SPT Realism for this weapon!

    • Being worked on as we speak

  • good to see you mod updated, great.

  • Error processing bot inventories for file: HKG3.json

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:742:88)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (E:\SPT\user\mods\SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:743:50)

    Can somebody help?

    • What other mods do you have installed?

    • [SVM] Server Value Modifier















      Virtual's Custom Quest Loader


      Those and some plugins.

    • It should be fixed with the latest version of the mod.

    • Yes, it is, tank you!

  • anyone have an idea why the gun is not customizable in modding or edit build? The gun when loading in causes it to be in a straight down position basically freezes game. Have to alt out of the game to close.

    • Same

    • What other mods do you have installed?

    • Same issue on my side (version 1.1.3). It seems like the weapon parts somehow falls under the magazine and rear sight edit dropdown in the edit build page. However it only shows the option to remove the existing part of the gun.

      I also tried adding a sight to the sold built with a mount. When buying the sight then dragging it to the G3 gun, which was near the bottom of my stash, the sight would glitch out and disappear when released as soon as the G3 gun become visible.
      I am running a lot of mods, including Realism, the patch for it made by devilflippy and basically all other item mods that are listed under devilflippy realism compatibility patch page.

      My guess would be that something messes up the logic that decides which part is compatible with which area of the gun. The most likely culprit to me would be realism and the patch, but I'm not a modder, so I don't know.

      Sorry for wide mod list, I currently don't have the time to go through the mods one by one to check which one conflicts and causes the bug.

    • I'll also add that the other WTT gun mods that I've tested so for do not have any issues. So whatever the issue is it seems to only apply to this mod.

    • Oh, and also this applies to all versions of the gun.

  • i hope there will be realism patch for G3 :(

  • As a former soldier in the Portuguese Army, running this gun everyday at guard duty, brings me enjoy using it in this game that i love so much! Thank you!

    Heart 1
  • awesome gun, all I need now is a x91 drum! is it planned?

  • i missed this sm

    Heart 1

    Heart 1
  • Welcome back! I hope things are alright!

    (also thank you for updating too)

    Heart 1
  • waiting for this mod to update before i play 3.10, i do love a g3

    Heart 2
  • nice mod,its possible to make it work on 3.10? :(

    • if you play 3.9, any 3.10 mods work on it with little to no issues.

  • Man this mod is fire! Can you please add 45-60 rounder support for g3 & hk11e? Thank you even if you can't

  • Just found this mod. Always loved the G3, thank you soo much!

  • Hey man! Im having some issues with the mod that im hoping you may be able to help with. It installs abd runs perfectly and i love the mod overall, but ive ran into a conflict with a mod that i had downloaded but was set as inactive. I have "all in weapon" (the mod where tou can put attatchments anywhere you want) for the purpose of editing my own guns and then turning it inactive before entering raids so that it doesnt fuck up my bots. After trying to turn it active with the G3 mod installed however, i got a server conflict and wasnt able to boot the game up with both installed. This brings me to my real issue, ive seen online that others have the same compatibility issue with the G3 mod and I dont expect you to neccisarily be able to fix that aspect, but i was attempting to uninstall the G3 mod so that i could use the "all in weapon" mod and then turn it off and re install the G3 mod, however when I uninstall the G3 mod i get error codes on the firat loading screen that i believe are related to inventory despite the fact that i have already removed all of the G3 parts from my inventory and presets before uninstall. Is there something im doing wrong on the uninstall process or do you think there could be some other issue happening? I'm able to re install the G3 mod and turn Allinweapon inactive and it boots right up with no issues.

  • 差点错过这个经典突击步枪 :love:

  • What's the weapon ID for this gun? Trying to add it for the modded trader Scorpion's Weapon Proficiency quests

  • Installed this and the scorpion on 3.9.8 and got this error when starting up the server. Is there a way for me to fix this, I really would like to have these weapons.


    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:717:88)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:718:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:718:50)

    at CustomItemService.processInventoryType (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:689:22)

    at CustomItemService.processBotInventories (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:637:18)

    at CustomItemService.postDBLoad (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:81:18)

    at SianydeAndG3iness.postDBLoad (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\mod.ts:69:32)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:26)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:717:88)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:718:50)

    at CustomItemService.addModsToItem (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:718:50)

    at CustomItemService.processInventoryType (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:689:22)

    at CustomItemService.processBotInventories (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:637:18)

    at CustomItemService.postDBLoad (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\CustomItemService.ts:81:18)

    at SianydeAndG3iness.postDBLoad (C:\Users\XxMan\Documents\My Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\WTT-SianydeAndG3iness\src\mod.ts:69:32)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:26)

    • Try moving it up in the load order. I had the same issue. Probably some mod incompatibility

      Thumbs Up 1
  • YEEESSSS finally!! Finding this couldn't have been a better surprise! I can't wait to try it! I've been waiting so long for this