Bowen's Voice 1.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A simple PMC Voice mod, Voiced by yours truly.


  • Version 1.0.2

    - Fixed Out of stamina/Faceshield down. Sorry :D

    - Fixed Enemy down calls (used by bots, bot support will be added at a later date.)

  • Version 1.0.1

    -Fixed hurt grunts. They now play when you're hurt. (I.E. Getting shot makes you groan out in pain)

  • Version 1.0.0

  • is there a way that i can make me a custom voice audio? if so please tell me how.

    • I'd reccomend looking in the WTT discord for more information about the voice mod, including their mod chat, so you can read up, and ask how to do it.

  • Had some fun with this haha! I haven't added many mods to my experience but this one was a no brainer! Got me wanting to use my own voice so it feels like I'm playing as myself, can only imagine burning my own head out trying to do it though.

    Heart 1
    • It was significantly more straining to record than i thought it would be.

      My vocal cords just recently got better, the last couple days I've sounded like an 80s rock artist.

      Happy 1
    • For sure, there was plenty of voice lines to cover. Haha the hard work definitely paid off! :thumbup:

      Happy 1
  • Your voice really reminds me of Michael Tsarouhas from most of those sourcemod multiplayer games. I love it, it sounds really good and mostly fitting.

    The mic pop sounds can be heard at times but honestly it doesnt effect it too much. Good mod, great voice. Love how you strayed away from the script at times and did your own versions of the voice lines and some entirely new ones.

    Even got hit with an easter egg when you recited a popular scene from Taken.

    Great mod. Maybe even 10/10.

    Heart 1
    • Yes, unfortunately the popping was tough to remove in post aswell, this is just my microphone sitting on a desk.

      if i had a proper booth with good hardware i think itd go insanely hard.

      thank you so much for the kind words, I'm flattered to be compared to someone i actually look up to in the voice acting community!

    • Aye, np! I feel like hes one of my favorite voices in gaming, generally cool guy and has a great voice. Hope you get to do more professional works out there because your voice sounds good. Only thing holding you back is the mic issues but nothing else.

      Keep going laddie, I'm sure you'll hit it big with something. You already seem to be doing so with this mod so hey, maybe you really will get more popularity. Until then, good luck!

      Heart 1
  • I need to add my voice into the game! XD

    If i wanted to make this my voice all i'd have to do is replace the files right?
    I already have the voices pre recorded for this exact moment in time when a mod like this is released X)
    Also do you know how many alternative voice lines can be randomly played in place?
    I have up to ten different phrases for each mumble phrase whats the cap?

    edit: i just saw you did the same with another mod so most of these questions are answered.

    • Theoretically, there are an unlimited number of voice alternatives, from what ive seen, most i recorded for one is the mumble, with a total of 29 different voices, so i suppose its a large amount.

      Something like swapping the voices is significantly more involved than one would think. you basiclaly have to rip an existing mod apart, and squish it all back together with your own stuff. Drag and drop is not really supported as of yet.

      I'd recommend joining the WTT server for assistance, if you need it. Groovey and Rockahorse are very helpful! I'll also be active in there, if you need any other type of help.

  • I wasn't expecting much in terms of voice acting,

    but I gotta say these voice lines sound like they were pulled right out of the game!

    Good job man.

    Heart 1
    • Thanks so much! I do ametuer voice acting, but this is the most attention ive received for my work, thanks!

  • Cool mod!
    I'd like to ask if there's a way to replace a certain audio file inside a bundle with another audio file?

    • Youd have to basically remake the entire thing.

      If youre asking to swap out one of the files with a different sound made by me, ill be happy to take suggestions on how to improve/enhance it.

  • Cool, the scene needs more of these! Well done!

    Heart 1
  • will there be voice examples?

    • I can post a quick video, for sure!

    • Posted! Check it out, its currently in standard def, High quality will be done in about 30 minutes (Per youtubes online tool)