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Version 1.0.1
- alex
updated to 3.10
Version 1.0.0
- alex
GaGiG iZiaeV
установил всё как положено, торговца нет
Hello. nice mod!
But i have a problem. When i buy certain items, the loading circle of the item i bought keeps loading and loading and loading. Then when i eventually restart SPT my account has an error and i have to wipe the whole account and start over.
the message in my screen says: Critial error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum In respronse to An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 86894613772d4dd374f7e5f5
This is the third time i have to wipe my account.
Do you have a sollution?
Is there a way you can update this trader to sell more than one of every item?
Hey Trying to test some armours out but all the armours, helmets etc come as unfunctional, it takes out all the built in armour components, as such the armours don't work as need anyway to change this either by an update or by ourselves?
alex Author
Ah yes, choose your item. How long did this take you?
alex Author
i took 5 mins to change my Questor mod
Finally, the flea market CEO making an appearance. Discounting everything, too! How kind.